It's useless. I am invincible in the black realm. No force can touch me. Destroy the Six Paths. This ancient main god, Minerva, can use the Mark of the Sky to open the way to hell for me. I It’s already been calculated.”

Ye Jue narrowed his eyes slightly and spent nearly 300 million of his analytical power to calculate the six paths of destruction.

Now this Minerva is just a sliver of power.

The trace of the sky is just a feather on the wings of this ancient god.


He deduced a shocking fact from Mie Liudao.

The Celestial Clan is actually related to Hell!

Hell has always been a mystery.

It is only slightly related to the world of mortals. It does not belong to the black realm or deep space.

Ye Jue has never been clear about the origin of hell.

Why is the ultimate road to hell the peach garden where the mythical body of this world takes refuge?

Now there is finally progress...

It is actually related to the Celestial Clan!

The identity of the man in black robe can also be roughly deduced.


A noble race.


After receiving the order, the Yuhua Mirror flashed and ate Minerva controlled by the Six Paths of Destruction.

If a weapon that surpasses the supreme immortal weapon can't even match this feather, it's really unreasonable.

The reason why Yu Huajing was so scared before was that he thought he was a complete ancient god.

Unexpectedly, Mie Liudao was secretly controlling it.

Ye Jue's conversation with him was just a trace of his thoughts left in Tianzhihen.

Want to resurrect her.

Don't know how much energy is needed.

It's not enough to swallow up the entire black world.

Because the Black World is just a piece of land in the ancient world.

The former Primordial God was traveling across the entire Primordial Continent. The world was no longer a trillion-level world. It had surpassed the trillion-level level and reached the Beijing level.

not to mention.

This is still a powerful existence at the level of a main god.

I will use the Sky Mark to open a hole in the black realm and go to the hell world.

Ye Jue thrust his left hand into the void, and his arm appeared inside the Feathering Mirror, holding Minerva, which was transformed from the Sky Mark, into his hand.

Mie Liu Dao was still howling miserably, suffering from the pain of torture.

In less than a moment, he will be completely refined by the Feathering Mirror and disappear.

Now Ye Jue took action, speeding up his destruction even more.

Finally, after a miserable howl, it was extracted into analytical power and fed back to the system.

However, his value is only 100 million.

Are you going to hell?

The Lord of the Black Domain appears.

He knew that Ye Jue had destroyed the last descendant of the gods in the world.

However, there are still many powerful gods wandering around in the outside world...

Gods will never perish completely.

That's right, I want to open a passage. There is an inexplicable connection between Tianzhihen and hell. Let's open a path here.

Ye Jue controls the Feathering Mirror.

Buzz! !

The mirror surface of the Feathered Mirror flickered and buzzed, as if it was spraying out a path.

Go, go, go and see the truth. Maybe you can get some weapons used by the ancient gods, and your Feather Mirror may be promoted.

The Lord of the Black Realm did not stop him, but instead helped him.

There is plenty of time these days.

The unification of the black world is when Ye Jue breaks out.

Now Ye Jue is going to build up his foundation, which is a good thing for him.

Only when you know the truth about hell can you understand that the new world is the right way.

He has absolute confidence in Ye Jue.

That road is just a new cage.

Only by witnessing it with your own eyes will you become more determined!

Boom boom boom!!

The Feathering Mirror amplifies the power of the Sky Mark, forming a path that rises and falls in the void passage.


Ye Jue took it and turned it into little bits of sunlight and entered it.

Dongli, Jianyou, you are responsible for guarding this place and waiting for his return.

Three Wastes Space, any life here will be wiped out and cannot escape.

The weapon spirit of Feather Mirror is very calm.

Its power can withstand everything.

Between the realms, the three waste spaces used to have such power, but now they are very weak.


Ye Jue's face was expressionless. With his current powerful body, he possessed immortal divinity...

The three waste spaces are already child’s play.

There are three waste fires here, use your ancient energy to resist them.

The weapon spirit of Yuhua Mirror said.

Ye Jue nodded slightly.

I have encountered these nine-color flames before, and I am no longer afraid.

Ancient energy protects the body...

In an instant, these nine-color flames disappeared, and the entire space was filled with divine flames.

Time passes at a different speed here than in the outside world.

Feather Mirror flew in front of him.

Continue to go.

Ye Jue said.

Walking in the nine-color flames, his physical body was obliterated.

However, the outline of the body is growing rapidly, and the immortal power is exerting its power.

The fire of calamity has passed. This is the path Tianzhihen has brought us.

Whether the feathered mirror is flying in hell or not needs to be confirmed.


It turned into a stream of light and moved forward rapidly.

He fell into a gray mist ahead.

The place is desolate, as if no life has existed for a long time.

Ye Jue fell to the ground calmly and grew a new body.

Forcibly crossing between realms can only be accomplished by top gods.

He landed here and looked around. This space was too large and extremely quiet.

Indeed, time passes differently from the outside world.

The weapon spirit of Yuhua Mirror has been confirmed again.

But is it hell?

That is…

Ye Jue suddenly saw divine flames flying all over the sky.

Some nine-colored clouds flew towards them, like an endless star field overturning.

Destroying Storm?

The weapon spirit of Yu Hua Jing was stunned for a moment.

This power…

Ye Jue shook his head slightly and grabbed it with one hand.


The entire Annihilation Storm was caught in his hand and absorbed easily.

It became a cloud in the earthly world.

Looks like we've arrived.

Ye Jue and Yu Huajing flew for a while and suddenly said.

He stared at the bones below...

The number is staggering.

Tai Chi's golden eyes swept around and saw many secrets.

Secrets have corroded…

Ye Jue is like a swimming fish, gliding through the space like lightning.


What he saw seemed to be a ditch lying across it.

Keep going.

There are wisps of immortal aura leaking out ahead, and the energy emitted is unsettling.


Ye Jue rushed towards his destination, where he saw a giant collapsed door, covered with traces of swords, and surrounded by an invisible force.


Ye Jue saw a plaque...

The words on it are blurred.

Yin and Yang have been reversed here!

This is a very scary sight!

There was terrifying energy light everywhere.

Swish, swish, swish! !


A storm blew up, and then a blinding light erupted.

This place is still so weird!

A destructive aura is constantly being emitted.


The storm shows no sign of letting up.

This time, let's confirm it thoroughly.

Ye Jue exuded the power of the Holy Ancestor all over his body, rushing away like the scorching sun.

Boom boom boom! !

For a moment.

He felt severe pain all over his body, his flesh and blood began to be torn apart, and thick smoke curled up.

This is an extremely corrosive storm, and it is almost impossible to survive it with the physical body.

The only explanation is that hell is stronger!


When Ye Jue rushed out to the end!

There are already bones appearing all over the body!

Half of his body was in tatters, like a monster.

Free particles have no effect outside the black zone.

The body of the Holy Ancestor was also destroyed like this!

It can be seen that with the arrival of the world of mortals, hell has completely awakened.

Ye Jue continued walking expressionlessly.

There is a pressure in this area!

He stretched out his hand to take a look at those strange and jagged rocks.

The stone has dried!

Easily broken into pieces...

It fell to the ground and turned into powder.

Dry river!

Blurred font!

And the huge collapsed door…

Everything is pointing somewhere.

Ye Jue continued to walk forward.

Saw a lot of faint firelight…

They are all will-o'-the-wisps, dancing there.

Beneath the abyss, there is an abyss.

The energy there was so violent.

Even if someone from the ancestor level comes, it will not help.

Confirms what I thought.

Ye Jue took a deep breath.

Physical strength is restored and wounds on the site heal quickly!

The breath surged again and continued to penetrate deeper.

The breath of the deeper abyss blows...

Hoo ho ho!

His whole body was ignited in an instant, and thick smoke billowed.

In order to resist this force of death.

Ye Jue's ancient energy exploded with astonishing energy.

But the final result...

But it turned into a skeleton.

Flesh has been corroded.

But even so, he kept going deeper.

Even if it is a fatal injury, as long as the Earth Plant World and Cave Heaven are intact.

It doesn't matter even if the body is torn apart and the bones are white.

Ye Jue's penetration was terrifying...

It simply tore a void line.

This sight is terrifying!

Energy light pours...

It surges in all directions to block the power of death.


Eventually he crashed into a mountain.

The top of the mountain was torn apart and collapsed.

At this time, he could no longer see anything clearly, and his Tai Chi Golden Eyes were corroded.

Shrink the mind, restore flesh and blood, and regenerate the body.


Start shaping, building the contours…

Immediately afterwards the regeneration of vital organs begins.

It's not that Ye Jue doesn't feel anything...

It feels like ten trillion ants are biting me.


White mist surges between the mouth and nose!

The joints all over the body are crackling...

The fascia is starting to appear!

Finally, the Tai Chi Golden Eye also regenerated, emitting the light of the symbol and seeing the surroundings clearly.

Return to Netherworld Mountain!

Ye Jue's expression finally changed a little.

There is nothing left of the road I once walked.

The smell of death is everywhere.

Nothing is left.

Ye Jue let out a long sigh.

The gate of the second purgatory is on the back road of Netherworld.

There is also a terrifying power of death running rampant there.

I think so.

Ye Jue's energy explodes with blazing brilliance.

Blooming like a light in the darkness...

Holding the long light tail, he went deep again.


The power of death strikes again!

There was so much movement!


Big cracks appeared all around!

Spreading tens of thousands of miles away, this scene was a bit scary in the past.

But now, seeing the gods in the black world is nothing.

Especially the fighting skills of top gods...

It's just a small scene in comparison.

The second level of hell, Black Wind Valley.

Ye Jue raised his head.

The once unparalleled web of runes has vanished.

Even the black lotus has turned into ashes...

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