Roughly grab the Tower of Massacre and the Heavenly Demon Su!

Even Sanqing's world began to shrink.

Affected by power, he was suppressed.

Who is this?

They were extremely shocked.

While fighting Wanxiang...

Why are you still taking action?

Could it be Wanxiang?


That terrifying hand also dissipated immediately.


Wanxiang's eyes also shot out spells one after another.

Derived into the void!

Turned into two long ropes!

His voice…

It became louder and louder: Half drunk and half awake day after day, flowers fall and bloom year after year...

The method of blood sacrifice appears again!


Who knows, a void will collapse...

The terrifying big hand just now suddenly appeared again.

All the power of the blood sacrifice has been disintegrated!

This time.

The gods that spread to the black world turned into the power of blood sacrifice on the spot.

Buzz! !

These powers flew out of the void and fell into Wanxiang's hands.

And Wanxiang's face was gloomy.

Look at whoever is coming.

That is, the owner of the big hand!

No one expected it.

The leader of Chaos Zuma actually appears here!

Even Wanxiang didn’t expect it!

This holder of Chaos Qi actually appears here!

Still targeting him!

This made him extremely angry!

The leader of Chaos Zuma appears here.

This shows that the cancer in Chaos Xinghai has not been eliminated at all.

It has not been resolved!

This is difficult!

He wants to trade with the Lord of the Black Realm, and this Chaos Zuma leader will definitely find out!

The cancer has not been eliminated.

That boy didn't do it?

This is the calculus of all things.

Enter the Chaotic Star Sea from Ye Jue.

That’s when I started to speculate.

But after that, it can no longer be calculated.

Because he wants to use Ye Jue.

He knew that Ye Jue needed ancient energy to break the Three Corpse Killing Chess on his body.

Then I will definitely find this Chaos Zuma leader!

By the time.

He captured the ancient spirit.

The cancer will be eliminated.

Kill two birds with one stone.

It doesn't do him any harm.


Wanxiang didn't expect it at all.

The Lord of the Black Territory actually chose Ye Jue and came to him!

His calculations…

There is still a problem!

Something unexpected happened.

Everyone, keep fighting, don't stop!

The leader of Chaos Zuma came slowly,

The body does not move at all, floating in the air!

His walking trajectory is too complicated!

It seemed like he could appear anywhere at any time.

This Chaos Zuma leader has been promoted again.

Wo Yuntian looked at the appearance of the leader of Chaos Zuma.

His face changed!

He is analyzing this person's cultivation!

He has almost reached the stage of understanding the laws of the ancient gods!

There is also a hazy smell, like a ghost.


In his body!

There is a dangerous aura that cannot be explained or understood.

Such a dangerous smell!

Penetrating into every corner of the void!

Even Wanxiang's blood sacrifice technique is slightly weaker.

This breath...

There is a trembling breath.

It is obviously the mysterious power contained in the body of the leader of Chaos Zuma!

Could it be that cancer?

Did this person take advantage of that cancer?

To become stronger?

If that's the case!

Then he is the biggest enemy of their three pillars!

The leader of Chaos Zuma is the most mysterious person, but it's a pity that I can't see through him yet.

At this moment.

Wanxiang squinted his eyes.

Looking at the Chaos Zuma leader.

It’s not like when I first saw it.

He has seen this person before.

In the past era.

In front of him was the aloof and supreme taste of the headmaster.

I couldn't see through it at the time.

But now.

The leader of Chaos Zuma is still very mysterious.

Can't see clearly where it came from.

Everyone, don't stop.

At this moment, Ye Yi actually walked out,

Ye Yi was wearing blue clothes. Standing upright, a domineering aura spread out and spread into the void.

The ancestor of all monsters, Ye Yi.

Chaos Zuma leader looked at the man in blue clothes,

I know this is a zombie that has become a spirit and is very ferocious.


It is famous in the starry sky.

I don’t know how many gods I have killed.


He also travels in the void and plunders everywhere!

A complete demon king!

Ye Yi has been shocked for at least one era, suffering and destruction.

But the leader of Chaos Zuma doesn’t care!

A playful smile appeared on his face,

Wanxiang, Ye Yi, and the three pillars, keep fighting!

Ha ha……

I heard that I will continue to fight...

Wanxiang laughed wildly: You, the leader of Chaos Zuma, are you a troublemaker? Why continue to fight? What does it have to do with you? Are you here to eat melons? If you are, don't interfere!

Between words!

Wanxiang’s palm moved!

One palm separates the air!

He slashed towards the leader of Chaos Zuma.

This is real murderous intent!

He really wants to eradicate the cancer!

In this way, the Lord of the Black Domain will definitely appear in front of him.


A stream of blood sacrificial air is tens of billions of miles long!

Instantly laid in the void!


The target spreads too widely!

It even enveloped Ye Yi.


Ye Yiyi was expressionless.

With a cold wave, a corpse palm appeared. This corpse palm was very huge.

There are countless rune chains on it, rattling and spreading apart from each other, with many runes circulating.

Taichu was so angry!

It exudes an aura that tramples everything under its feet!

This corpse palm collided with the power of Wanxiang...

Boom! !

As powerful as a king!

Deep as the sea, as domineering as a devil!

You can imagine it!

Any expert…

Under this corpse palm's step!

They are all going to die, not even the fans are left!


The surrounding area has been blocked by a world force!

Unless we fight with the same power of the world,

if not!

Not an opponent at all.

Of course, he just blocked his own attack.

Part of it blasted towards the leader of Chaos Zuma.

Wanxiang, yours is indeed extraordinary, but you underestimate me.

While talking!

The leader of Chaos Zuma rotated the sea of ​​chaotic stars in his palm slightly.


There are mighty streams of light above,

It shined out, and a shadow appeared in the light!

This shadow seems to be completely integrated with the light!

Became the weapon spirit of Chaos Xinghai!

Moreover, this weapon spirit is so powerful that it has a destructive aura.

That destructive aura felt slightly familiar to Wanxiang.

But what shocked him even more was...

The weapon spirit of Chaos Xinghai is very powerful.

Move a little!

More powerful power is coming out!

What is this? How could the weapon spirits of Chaotic Star Sea be condensed into a weapon spirit again? The power of this weapon spirit is so tyrannical!

It is much more powerful than the weapon spirits I control. Where did the leader of Chaos Zuma get such a powerful weapon spirit from?

Did he create the Chaos Star Sea into his fairy world?

Deep in Wanxiang's heart, waves of shock arose.



This divine light in the sea of ​​chaotic stars was emitted by the leader of Chaos Zuma.

With just a little tear, Ye Yi's corpse palm was smashed into pieces.

Ye Yi took a few steps back with surprise on his face:

How can this weapon spirit be so powerful!

It's really too tyrannical. How could such a powerful weapon spirit appear?

I have exerted countless powers, but I can't see clearly. Is it that cancer?

Wanxiang also made some small moves at this moment.

The leader of Chaos Zuma is so powerful!

The faces of the three pillars all changed.

Everyone, can't there be peace between us?

The leader of Chaos Zuma smiled lightly!

There is an indescribable grace!

Take control of the whole place!

It has more ability to control the situation than Wanxiang.

Wanxiang, how about I help you kill the three pillars, and help you continue to create the death knell? How about, do you need my help?

Just when Wanxiang is silent,

When letting the leader of Chaos Zuma control the scene.

A thought was passed into his mind.

Hmph, what on earth are you planning?

Wan Xiang snorted coldly.

Wanxiang, you have this ability, I know it.

The leader of Chaos Zuma was very pleased with his message.

You are the only person I know who is still alive! We should cherish each other, survive each other, and become ancient gods.

Chaos Zuma Cult Leader's face flashed with a hint of depth.

Upon hearing this, Wanxiang sent out a message:

What sympathy, Chaos Zuma Leader, don't think that I don't know what you are going to do!

You are a cancer in the dark realm!

The Lord of the Black Domain will not let you go, you are a natural enemy!

Ha ha ha ha!

The leader of Chaos Zuma laughed and said: Wanxiang, let me tell you, I have used the Chaotic Star Technique and already know everything. Ye Jue, he has mastered the black domain treasure!


Wanxiang was suddenly startled!

Shift your gaze to the front————

Ye Jue!

Jin Yulan shouted.

However, Ye Jue, who was completely transparent, was instantly captured by the weapon spirit that was integrated with the heavenly weapon.

No, no, no, things are bad. Even Ye Jue has been caught. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I have to escape. I still have some freedom in me, so I have to run!

Jin Yulan was frightened. When she saw Ye Jue being caught and sucked into the ancient moon, she panicked.

She didn't expect...

The background of the Moon Palace Emperor is actually so terrifying!

Why didn't she see it before?

Now she brought Ye Jue into the fire pit and tricked him.

She was the one who hurt him.

Thinking of this...

Jin Yulan bit her red lips tightly...

If you die, one day I will avenge you!

If you are still alive, I will save you one day!


She got into the special platform of Xinyan and disappeared.

Master, why don't you chase her?

The Nine Heavens Princesses looked at the Moon Palace Emperor and asked curiously.

Don't chase after poor criminals. Catching one Ye Jue is enough.

The Emperor of the Moon Palace smiled slightly and sank into the ancient moon.

This is the world he created. The world is the ancient moon and the heavenly artifact is integrated.

The title of the leader of the Black Realm Emperor is not for nothing.

This Ye Jue seems to have entered a special state. How can we pry open his body to retrieve the treasure?

Quan Wuguo had finished healing his injuries, and his eyes were full of hatred at this moment.

For Ming Yue who injured her...

She vowed to let her experience it for herself.


Ming Yue is in this world created by Ye Jue.

Planted on the spot.

But it's a little difficult to pry open the earth-growing world.

Emperor of the Moon.

The Emperor of the Moon Palace asked aloud, hoping that the ancient moon could give him an answer.

If I want to pry open this child's world, it will take me more than two million years to refine it.

The voice of the Moon Emperor resounded.

More than two million years? This is unrealistic. An era only lasts so many years.

Emperor Yuegong shook his head.

It seems…

We have to think of other ways.

At this time, Ye Jue suddenly opened his eyes!

(The author just drank too much)

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