(The author just drank too much!)

If I want to pry open this child's world, it will take me more than two million years to refine it.

The voice of the Moon Emperor resounded.

More than two million years? This is unrealistic. An era only lasts so many years.

Emperor Yuegong shook his head.

It seems…

We have to think of other ways.

In another place in the black world.

Three pillars and ten thousand phases…

They are already fighting hard at the bottom of the well.

Sanqing, Luo Tian, ​​and Wo Yuntian keep attacking!

They are fighting!

Three pillars, you three old immortals have been pestering me!

Wanxiang roared!

Why would you let them beat you?

With just a lift of your palm!


Countless phantom-like crystal lights shot out from the gaps between the five fingers!

The strips of crystal light are thousands of feet long!

Emitting cutting void...

Reversal of the majesty of time!

Around the crystal light, Zen chants appeared one after another!

One world after another seems to be derived from it!

Then many phantoms appeared in the void!

These shadows all look like people!

These are all clones of Wanxiang.

He uses time.

Divide yourself!

His fairy world is made up of clones!

At the same time, a strange spell that vibrated with billions of sounds was emitted.

Buzz... Just this power,

Immediately tear apart the black clouds rolling outside this place!

A natural disaster like the end of the world.

And the divine light of all forms swept across the ten directions,

It transformed into thousands of shapes and wandered around!

He sprayed out a stream of crystal thunder!

Between the mouths…

Big thunderbolts shook one after another!

It shook the heaven and the earth.

Destroy a world…

No matter what master he is,

I feel like I'm on the verge of collapse

Sanqing, Woyuntian and Wanxiang are fighting at this moment!

Nine Nether God-Dividing Sacrifice Technique?

In the void…

Convey the voice of Wo Yuntian.

He seemed slightly surprised!

Wanxiang is actually able to display such powerful means!

His power was dissolved in the blink of an eye.

Among the rumors!

The time clone can create a large formation.

This formation is extremely powerful!

One clone refines one world after another.

The cumulative power of multiple worlds is simply invincible!

And now!

With one hand, Wanxiang performed the legendary Nine Nether Sacrifice Technique!

It can be seen that his magical power is immeasurable!

Measuring his magic power with the number of sun, moon and stars, they are all a little small.

Hmph! Wo Yuntian, you still know the Jiuyou Sacrifice Technique.

This is a wonderful method from the ancient immortal world!

The origin of the avenue!

Among the planets in the ancient world, when the world first opened...

The mythical body has evolved various supreme ancient arts!

Every time you repair a supreme ancient technique, you can condense it into a kind of power.

The Nine Nether Sacrifice Technique is a condensed form of supreme ancient techniques.


Wanxiang has probably not reached this state yet.

So, I'm treating you like a chicken and a duck!

Wanxiang's five fingers flicked continuously,

You three pillars, get out of here!!

Infinite space and time are at his fingertips!

Suddenly at the end of infinite space!

I saw countless time clones.

These clones connect one small world after another!

There are more than one trillion.

Each is a small universe.

Various levels of life...

It’s so weird, everything!

And in the middle of this little world...

Standing in his true form!

Standing upright, eyes like lightning!

Just take a breath and the situation will change!

The slightest movement of his eyes was like thunder and lightning.

He is the true form of all clones!

This is his origin.

Then we will use ancient magic to refine your world!

While speaking, the three pillars struck hard.

Bang bang bang!

The continuous rupture of the endless void!

Thousands of divine powers roared into the void.

These five peak ancestors.

The ceiling of the gods, clinging to the world of the origin of all forms of clones.

Then it was surrounded by people, boom boom boom, crystal thunder shook!

It even sprayed out streams of divine fire to refine this world of clones.

You three pillars are really amazing!

As expected of being my former enemy!

Wanxiang's whole body shook, and his world of clones shrank a thousand times.

Just like a little bit of dust...

Suddenly towards the endless void!

In the blink of an eye, he moved his body to avoid the attack.

Now they.

I don’t even know which black world I have reached.

I don’t know which space it is in.

Anyway, there are layers of emptiness here, so close to the horizon.

Pitch black!

Those who do not understand the mystery of space will die trapped here.

Even if you fly for one era or ten eras, you still can't get out.


What kind of person is he?

The body suddenly swelled up, and the layers of time and space were bursting apart.

At this moment of his expansion!

The void is shaking!

Boom boom!

Countless hours are flowing against the current, in reverse.

He made a loud voice: Three Pillars, I will kill you. The treasure of the Black Domain must be mine. You can't stop me from looking for the Lord of the Black Domain. I have already sensed its breath.


At the end of time and space, it suddenly solidified.

Fortunately, the big world of clones that had just shrunk into a tiny speck of dust suddenly appeared!

Every time the body is showing its power.

Dark Thunder Sacrifice Technique·Thousands of Thunderbolts!

In this Dark Thunder Sacrifice, the three pillars were all shocked.

This Woyuntian suddenly issued a series of spells!

The sound of the beam cuts off the wandering!

He and Wanxiang...

It made the same majestic sound, shocking thousands of spaces.


The imprisoned time actually started moving again!

This Woyuntian is really powerful!

It actually broke Wanxiang’s sacrificial method!


Wanxiang is not surprised at all.

This scene has happened hundreds of thousands of times.

And he...

Then he continued to make a louder voice: Nine Nether Sacrifice Method, Senluo, drink your life, read my name, drink your spirit, drink your soul, drink your life!


in time and space,

Power as vast as the stars and the sea surged down!

Turned into long dark rivers...

An instant surge of energy!

The oppression was directed at Wo Yuntian and the other four people.

End your illusions!

Luo Tian was shocked! !

His body of ten thousand Buddhas was broken everywhere!

There were actually many cracks!

It seems that he can't stand the oppression of the huge power of Wanxiang!

at the same time.

He also seemed to see what kind of Taoist technique Wanxiang was performing!

It has surpassed the power of ancient magic.


He is sacrificing himself!

Sacrifice those bodies of time.

Sacrifice your own clone in exchange for infinite power.

Sanqing finally understood.

The true source of power in all aspects!

To be able to fight them for so long.

It's because I have been using time to create clones for blood sacrifices!

As long as time lasts...

He can keep fighting forever!

Hahaha, so what if you discover it! Even though it is like a reed, it is as if the vast expanse is in a state of confusion, it is like a mighty roar that is riding on the wind without knowing where it is going, and it is fluttering like it is left alone in the world, becoming a feather and ascending to the gods.

Wanxiang didn't pay attention to their voices!


Facing endless time and space, time clones were created one after another.

Every minute of time is at the ancestor level.

Get out one by one!

It can shock all the worlds in the dark realm!

All time and space, past, present and future...

Incredible power.

This is everything.

Master of time control!

The death knell created.

No worse than the time domain!

Although I have gained the time domain, I can improve again.


Everything knows.

The time domain was taken away by the three pillars through conspiracy.

He won't look for it either.


What he didn't know was.

The time domain has been beaten to the ground by Ye Jue, and not even a scum is left.

Become a feather and become a god...

Become a feather and become a god...

Wanxiang's thoughts exploded at this moment!

There is no scene at all in the void of the main film!

You can't even see the fight between Wanxiang and the Three Pillars!

Because the power caused by all aspects is too powerful!

No god can bear it!

Can be seen!

In their ears...

In my mind...

Only one person remains.

That is Wanxiang!

The language of making great sacrifices.

The blood sacrifices shook countless worlds.

The affected world, the gods and countless creatures in it...

Deep in their souls, they all seem to be catering to the voice of the universe.

Be transformed into a god!

The three pillars also seemed to have an impact on Wanxiang's voice.

Luo Tian, ​​in particular, couldn't help but clasp his hands together in worship.

Not only him!

Even San Qing, who was present, was swaying, as if he was affected by the blood sacrifice and wanted to follow suit!

It's amazing. This is the ultimate trick of all things, the world of blood sacrifice! I finally saw the long-lost blood sacrifice method, the most terrifying secret technique in ancient times, the blood sacrifice method! This blood sacrifice is ninety-nine and eighty It is composed of a kind of supreme ancient art. It can be superimposed and combined again to form a large sacrificial array. It can sacrifice various gods, grudges, demons, and cause and effect. If we had not reached the peak of our cultivation, we would probably directly sacrifice our own blood now. Got it!

Wo Yuntian of Three Pillars was not affected by Wanxiang's blood sacrifice.

There are countless divine treasures in his body that suppress this impulse.


When Wo Yuntianmo used his magic power to resist the blood sacrifice technique, he was attacked by the four people next to him.


Sanqing and Luo Tian suddenly woke up.

Fortunately, this blood sacrifice is not directed at us! Otherwise, I might not be able to resist him and would be surrendered by him.

Luo Tian said in shock.

The target of this blood sacrifice is actually Wo Yuntian!

But Wo Yuntian resisted!

That's right, we almost couldn't resist it.

Sanqing nodded.

Wanxiang's blood sacrifice clone technique has reached the level of the ancient gods. If he wants to become stronger again, we will definitely not be able to resist him. Even Wo Yuntian will have to deal with it!

Luo Tian looked at the distance in time and space...

The fairy world of Wo Yuntian is completely wrapped in the power of blood sacrifice, and it seems to be refined.


It just won't move during refining, it's stuck.


Wo Yuntian can also distinguish his spirit.

Help them wake up.

Otherwise, if they surrender to Wo Yuntian, their end will be terrible!

He will definitely make a blood sacrifice to himself and become one of the countless forces of all things.

This is simply a huge shame!

They are the three pillars!

They have seen even the ancient gods.

The ancient gods may not be able to sacrifice their blood.

How dare this Wanxiang do this!

The Tower of Massacre, the Demonic Place!

Luo Tian roared loudly.

Endless Buddha light suddenly spurted out from behind!

The words just fell!


A terrifying big hand appears...

Break through the void and capture it!

I drink too much and can't write anymore. Let's talk about what happened outside the main character.

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