This lean old man is the Xuanhuang Qi itself, the ancient Qi that will last forever!

He was transformed by great power, and its origin cannot be traced. It has existed since the beginning of recorded history.

In the dark realm…

There are many big forces, such as those of the Three Pillars, Holy Land, and the masters of various worlds want to take it as their own.


This is somewhat unrealistic.


Only the emperor, only the emperor, is qualified to use his power.

These are the rules he set for himself.

And this lover is one of the four emperors of the Black Domain.

There is barely enough use for his identity.

The Qi of Creation and the Qi of Hongmeng are indeed powerful.

But none of them took human form like him.

And has a very high level of self-awareness.


In a true sense, Xuanhuang Qi is more powerful than the two qi that Ye Jue currently masters.

That's right, who is he? How dare he peek into the Xuanhuang Qi.

The hunchbacked old man sneered.

It seems that Ye Jue doesn't know about this yet.

Even if he really captured the Xuanhuang Qi.

The will of Xuanhuang Qi will not recognize him.

Let's go, God of Time. The ruins of the God of Time are ahead. We can't fight that kid now. It's not because we're afraid of him, because it will delay important events.

The lover said to the hunchbacked old man.


The next moment, his speed increased by 100%.

There are dense Dao marks left behind. There is no doubt that this is a secret method to increase speed.


Ye Jue, who was following behind, suddenly frowned.

He found that the speed of the two breaths in front of him had increased incredibly.

With his current flying speed, he will be pulled far away, and it will get further and further away.

This lover has mastered the chapter of Heavenly Punishment. The third chapter of the Divine Wind contains a secret method called the Billion Thunder Kung Fu. I am afraid it is this kind of power that is used.

Ye Jue also turned into a dazzling light, passing by from a distant place.

He arrived at the place where his lover was just now.

Some of their atmosphere remains here.


Ye Jue waved his sleeves, and the sand here formed the three people just now.

An old man with a bent waist, a young man with a graceful manner and hidden domineering power, and a lean old man.


Suddenly, the lean old man turned his attention to Ye Jue.

Good boy, you actually have this method to track us. Your understanding of the power of time is beyond my imagination. It seems that if you want to chase us, we will not be able to escape.

He opened his mouth and said this.

You must be Xuanhuang Qi. I recognize you. I remembered your appearance when we were in Tuxie Immortal Cave.

Ye Jue smiled coldly.

This Xuanhuang aura is extremely conceited at first glance. His eyes are dark and full of calculations.

Hmph, even though you have killed everyone in our world, as long as you get the power of the King of Time and a twist, you can return everything to before the destruction. Don't think we have nothing to do.

The lean old man drank.

King of Time? Are the relics of the God of Time so easy to find? Hahaha, even if they are true, they are mine.

Ye Jue suddenly waved his hand and completely broke up this period of time.

boundary marker!

He turned out his palm.


The boundary monument instantly enveloped itself.

Immediately afterwards.

He chased in the direction of Mr. Qing at a strange and terrifying speed.


This time, it was the lover's turn to be shocked.

They all felt something behind them flying at an unimaginable speed towards them.

Very precise and very clear in purpose.

It was obvious that they had found their location.


Young Master Qing accelerated again, spraying out a cloud of particles behind him.

The world of Endless Sand is vast.

He is like a big roc that covers the sky and the sun. With just one flapping of its wings, it can be farther than a hundred and eighty thousand miles.

We can't leave. This is the world of the gods. The power of the gods. Disciple, you go first to rob the King of Time's sacred treasure. This place is left to me, my master.

The hunchbacked old man was senile, his life was short, his oil was almost exhausted, and he looked at the sea of ​​sand behind him.

His eyes were full of fighting spirit and determination.

Okay, master, I'll leave it to you.

Without saying a word, Mr. Qing flew to a distant place with a black and yellow aura, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Only an old man with a hunchback was left.

He stood there with his hands behind his back.

The corners of his eyes brightened.

Black clothes are windless and automatic!

Shua la la!

The next moment, a set of armor that had been fighting for who knows how many years flew out of the cave.

Click, click, click!

The armor quickly decomposed and covered every part of the hunchbacked old man.

Wow! !

All of a sudden, the hunchbacked old man's waist stood upright.

It was as if the majesty of the past had returned.

However, his face is full of wrinkles and his old eyes are a little cloudy.

This is the pinnacle of an ancestor!


Life span is about to end.

Because he burned his life, the burn was so outrageous.


It didn't take long.

A vortex appeared out of thin air and was frozen in the void.

Approaching a reversal, one foot stepped out.

This is Ye Juesha coming.

Ye Jue?

Suddenly, the hunchbacked old man opened his eyes and watched Ye Jue walking out of the void!

What he saw was not a person.

But a group of gods!

The leaders of this group of immortals include the strange Buried Immortal King, the dharma body Xi Chuangyue, Ming Yue who is also the Nine Heavens Princess, and the three evil immortal ancestors. The aura exuding from each of them is like the abyss.


Only Ye Jue came to him.

Don't talk nonsense. I know you are here to delay. It depends on whether you have the ability.

Ye Jue looked like a hunchbacked old man when he saw this.

Immediately, he understood what was going on!


How could I not know what my lover was planning.

He must let this old man who is a candle in the wind take the bullet.


He's not a bullet.

He is a cannonball!

It's a nuclear weapon!


As he spoke, Hongmeng Good Fortune Fist appeared.

This is Ye Jue's most powerful power, a boxing technique that combines all energies and abilities.


The hunchbacked old man opposite was immediately knocked into the sea of ​​sand.

Wow, you are so powerful that you can easily defeat even the ancestor at his peak?

Ming Yue was shocked.

Beat? Stop making international jokes.

Ye Jue took advantage of this time to activate the boundary monument again and flew into the distance to pursue the lover.


Just when he escaped.


Power that reached the sky erupted under the sand sea.

Suddenly Ye Jue was pulled, as if being sucked, and he sank down.

This is the peak of the ancestor. If you use your strength, the world will move, the situation will change, and your vitality will surge.


Ye Jue looked down.


Under the sea of ​​sand, the hunchbacked old man was safe and sound. It seemed that the attack just scratched an itch for him.


It's not completely useless.

This blow, the Hongmeng Fortune Fist, at least knocked away nearly three thousand years of his lifespan.

If Ye Jue feels right.

This hunchbacked old man probably has about ten thousand years left to live.

Boy, if you want to chase my disciple, you must first pass me.

The hunchbacked old man snorted coldly, and the peak power of his ancestors burst out from his body, and in an instant, the whole world was densely filled with voids.


Ye Jue's whole body seemed to be bound by invisible power.

Just like that scene back then, he almost died after being looked at by the three pillars.



Ye Jue suddenly shouted.

Thunderbolt City shook wildly in the cave sky.

Countless bolts from the blue, pouring down endlessly!

Wave after wave, this invisible force was completely shattered.

Thunderbolt City?

The hunchbacked old man's face almost turned green when he saw his weapon.

This kid.

How dare you use his weapon to break your own secret technique!

It is unpardonable crime!

Ancestor, save me!!

At this time, the weapon spirits in Pili City were still shouting.

Although he already recognized Ye Jue as his master at this moment.

But he did not recognize this master.

It was the hunchbacked old man who created him.

He only dedicated his life to one master.

Huh? You are my weapon spirit now, and your elbows are turned outward. You are suicidal. Do you still want to advance to the heavenly position?

Ye Jue suddenly snorted coldly, and his majestic voice resounded.

The heaven and the throne are one? The heaven and the throne are one. It's just a legend. Even your feather mirror can't reach it. I don't even have real immortal energy. How could I have ever thought about this? Ancestor, save me!

The weapon spirits of Thunderbolt City shouted loudly.

You are stubborn and unmotivated. A weapon spirit like you... might as well die.

Suddenly, Ye Jue pressed his palm into the Thunderbolt City and pinched the weapon spirit.

In an instant, he was about to smelt the weapon spirit into a ball of vitality and use it for other weapons.

It just so happened that Black Stick still needed to devour vitality.


When the hunchbacked old man saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

I was angry!

This bastard!

Actually smelting the weapon spirit he created in front of him?

Is this special?

So brave!

Saints and demons are in the same sky, returning to the source of demons, the flames of gods, the mist of gods, kill, kill, kill!

He yelled!

The light of the wind candle burns desperately!

Black light penetrated the clouds, cold and killing, and the power that made people scared to the core spurted out from his hands.


On the dark moon, the souls of Buried Immortal King and the others were throbbing, and they were both physically and mentally terrified.

This is the peak of the ancestor.

Even in the year of wind and candles, the black light covers the sky and can lock the enemy in the void, making all directions silent!

The great power of the great avenue was surging and was suppressed in an instant.

Before this, Ye Jue's limbs had been stretched out and firmly fixed in the void.

Although he is a great saint.

However, it was unable to compete with the ancestor's peak power and was locked in mid-air.

Then, God's Flame and God's Lan bombarded his body.


Ye Jue immediately felt that his body was burning, the sharp edge was dazzling, and the black light was shining.

What a power this is!

It can destroy everything!

锵 锵 锵

The armor shattered!

That is the Monkey King’s most precious armor! !

Click, click, click! !

His body was falling apart.

This is an immortal golden body!


This is not over yet!

The two bright black lights that hit him still did not dim!


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