Ye Jue made a little calculation and figured out what was weird about the endless sand.

He wanted to figure out his lover.

Unexpectedly, there was no result.

It was as if the person Qinggongzi did not exist at all.

There's no one I can't figure out yet.

Ye Jue's expression changed and he called out the Holy Calculator.

Explain this name to me, I want to know everything about him!

he said.

Analyzing this person's data requires 40 million analytical power. Do you want to analyze it?

Immediately, the divine calculation reported the numbers.

40 million?

Ye Jue was shocked.

The analytical power he currently has is only over 100 million points.

You know, analytical power is much harder to obtain than experience value.

It consumes half of it all at once, so you really need to think about it carefully.


After a while, Ye Jue decided.

After knowing the opponent's information, you can formulate a strategy to kill the enemy.

Prescribe the right medicine and win it in one fell swoop when the time comes.

Aren’t all the treasures of Mr. Qing his?

At that time, it was no problem to make up for the resolution of 40 million.

Didi... is being analyzed... please wait...

Analysis successful!

Message as follows.

The Lover, the Saint Navigator, one of the four princes of the Black Realm.

It has the power to control the four seals of birth, old age, illness and death. It can use the sky as its base and the earth as its heart. By combining the four seals, it can perform the heaven-absolving ceremony.

This formation is composed of three billion and six thousand resentful souls. One resentful soul represents a lifetime, one is old age, one is sick, and one is death.

There is also the first chapter of the Heaven Punishment chapter. The title of each chapter of the Heaven Punishment chapter is the moves of the Lover, so most of the attacks will be used in conjunction with the Heaven Punishment.

Chapters of Heavenly Punishment: Chapter 1: Divine Disaster, Chapter 2: Divine Redemption, Chapter 3: Divine Wind, Chapter 4: Baptism in the World, Chapter 5: Seven Evil Sects, Chapter 6: Ode to Heaven, and the last chapter ·Devil's Gate, Forbidden Chapter·Purgatory Demon Disaster.

Relationship show: disciple of the hunchbacked old man, registered disciple of the Three Pillars, friend of the three princes of the Black Domain, enemy of the Yitian Demon...

The body has a mysterious and yellow aura!

There are Xuanhuang auxiliary gods, including Prince Xuanbin, Prince Xuanqiu, Prince Xuanzhu, Prince Xuanzao, Prince Xuanque...

The Divine Calculator immediately sent a stream of messages.

Analyze this lover thoroughly.

Okay, it's indeed data obtained with 40 million analytical capabilities.

Ye Jue licked his lips.

The figure moved and traced the direction of the endless sand.

Huh? Master, someone just guessed me.

In the vast sea of ​​sand, a handsome young man wearing a snow-colored black dragon costume frowned.

The sacred coat he was wearing was automatic even without the wind, and he seemed to have noticed something.

This person is the lover.

Just make assumptions. Anyway, you have the Heavenly Punishment Chapter, and no one can make any predictions about you.

Beside him, a hunchbacked old man glanced at him and said.

The key is that I was completely deduced and everything was known to that person.

The lover said suddenly.

What? Such a thing? Are you sure?

The hunchbacked old man stopped for a moment, astonished.

Who on earth made the prediction for you? Could it be Wanxiang? No, he shouldn't have this kind of power. Is it Ye Yi? No... Three Pillars is even more impossible. Could it be that some sleeping ancient powers have awakened?

he said with a frown.

I don't know either, but this power is so terrifying that even the bright moon cannot compare with it. I can't even think of resisting.

The lover said with a gloomy face.

So powerful?

The hunchbacked old man tensed his nerves instantly.

This is amazing!

He can see me clearly, so he naturally knows that I am in the Endless Sand and knows my goal.

The lover's expression changed.

Let's go! The ruins of the King of Time are ahead. Let's get it first. We can't be so leisurely. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

The hunchbacked old man suddenly became anxious.

No rush, let's release the ancient devil here first. This is a creature from hell before. It was sealed in the endless sand. It has peerless power. People in the black realm can never kill him. Let him help We resist the pursuers.

The lover clasped his hands together.

One of the grains of sand appeared and quickly collapsed.

Then he shook and froze it in the void.

After doing all this, he and the hunchbacked old man escaped directly, using the magic of the glow that they had never seen before, and they were extremely fast.

Half a day later——


A crack appeared here, and a stunning body rushed out.

This is where the lover last disappeared.

Ye Jue also came to the Endless Sand.

This is a huge desert, with seas of fire constantly rising everywhere, and the temperature is extremely high.

The immortal king will shed his skin here.

Only those who have cultivated to the level of Immortal Emperor can come here to reluctantly explore.

However, if a majestic Immortal Emperor accidentally enters this terrible place, he will be wiped out in an instant.

Ho ho ho!!


At this moment, a roar came from above.

The rolling demonic power is so familiar!

It's all over the sky, the stench is extremely bad!


Ye Jue didn't expect to meet a demon here.

Moreover, he is still an ancient demon, and his strength is as powerful as the Immortal Emperor!


His eyes flickered, he pressed his fingers together, and a sword energy ripped upward into the sky.


The billowing demonic energy was torn apart instantly.

A ferocious demon was looking at him eagerly, drooling.

Meat... flesh... flesh and blood...

Ming Yue, Buried Immortal King, and Xi Chuangyue have all seen such beings like demons before.

The memory is suddenly awakened here!


They said in unison.

I seem to have remembered something!

The demon comes with the world of mortals, wreaking havoc on the three realms, eating up all living creatures.

Ming Yue's head hurt.

The memory has disappeared, and I can barely remember this sentence.

After all, the gods in the Black Realm were once people from the Third Realm.

Seeing demons is a very normal thing.


If a demon appears in the dark realm, it is abnormal.

It shows that the Black Domain has also been attacked by Hell.

However, it seems to have failed.

An ancient demon is sealed here.

Boy, you can actually break through my demonic energy. My power does not belong to the three realms and can swallow everything. You can actually break through it. I understand. You have their rules in your body to hurt me.

The ancient demon moved towards him, grabbed Ye Jue's head, and tried to twist off Ye Jue's head.

Buried Immortal King, use your strongest attack to kill him!

Ye Jue's heart moved.


Without saying a word, the Burial Immortal King flew out of the ground seed. With a palm in the air, the Burial Immortal struck.


A large piece of strange power blasted away.

The ancient demon was immediately enveloped in the Immortal Burial's blow.

It stands to reason that when an Immortal Lord faces an Immortal Emperor, the outcome is self-evident.


This ancient demon actually broke free from the Immortal Burial's attack and wiped out all this power.


A look of disbelief appeared on the face of the Immortal Burial King.

It seems that he can't believe that his power has been broken.

Blood Corpse Palm!

Xi Chuangyue flew out for the second time and slapped it away with tyrannical force.

However, this demon was only stopped for a moment.

With their strength, it is simply too easy to kill a being at this level of life.

However, the power seems to be completely useless to it.

How come demons are immune to our powers?

She was shocked.


However, Ye Jue raised his hand and hit the ancient demon hard, causing blood to flow freely.

Hey, how could you hurt him? It's incredible!

Xi Chuangyue was shocked again.

I already understand. You are all beings left over from the last era. You have been cleared and excluded by the rules. You can no longer kill the devil, but the devil can kill you.

Ye Jue found out.

Whether it is the power of the Buried Immortal King or Xi Chuangyue, they lack a rule for killing enemies.

This kind of rule for killing enemies exists in his body.

It was brought to them by the man in black robe.

After experiencing a great catastrophe of heaven and earth, the Immortal Burial King, Xi Chuang, Ming Yue and others had all these rules cleared away.

Now, only he, and the lives in the big starry sky, can cause harm to the devil.

If there is such a thing, wouldn't we be killed standing up?

Ming Yue was speechless.

Indeed, the new hell has come again with the world of mortals. Those of you who have not obtained the rules of killing enemies can only be beaten and run away with your heads in your hands.

Ye Jue smiled.

This is not good news.

Even practicing to become an ancestor is of no use.

Because of the existence in the black domain, there are no rules for killing enemies outside the three realms.

If hell attacks, it will be a one-sided situation.


It’s hard to say how powerful the Demon God is right now.

Ye Jue really wanted to return to the big starry sky and face the demon gods again.

I didn't understand the Demon God's strength at first, but I guess I can now.

After all, the peak of the Immortal Emperor and the peak of the Great Sage are only one step away from the ancestor level.


He squeezed it casually, and the demon exploded and turned into his experience points.


At this moment, Young Master Qing, who was flying far away, was suddenly startled.

What's wrong?

The hunchbacked old man frowned.

What's strange is that the demon I released was killed all at once. How is this possible? Life in the black realm is not qualified to kill demons.

The lover said directly.

So that's it, it's him. He was the one who just figured it out about you. No wonder! He can kill demons.

The hunchbacked old man understood instantly.

Ye Jue?

Of course the lover knew this name, and his heart skipped a beat.

That scoundrel actually turned his target on him?

What is the purpose? Could it be that the Chapter of Heaven's Punishment on my body failed? No, he got the Feathering Mirror. He should not be short of such a great immortal weapon, so he only has Xuanhuang Qi.

The lover pondered for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing.

His target is me?

In the cave of his body, a lean old man appeared.

This is the Xuanhuang Qi that Ye Jue saw before, which has turned into a human form.

At this moment, there was a look of disdain on his face.

I am the ancient Qi, and the heaven and earth are dark and yellow. Only the emperor or the emperor is worthy of having me. His first-order holy body is neither the emperor nor the heaven. Why should he spy on me?

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