Master Martial

Wu Lang suddenly stammered and was speechless.


However, Wu Shenkong didn't say anything, just a few words.


Wu Lang suddenly screamed, and the Martial Immortal suddenly turned into a ball of light.

This is Wu Shenkong directly transforming the life form. Now Wu Lang is no longer a god.

Just a conscious ball of light!

This light ball cannot speak, has no hearing, and has no touch.

Only the head is spinning, unable to scream or roar.

Wu Shenkong hooked his fingers.

Just like that, she came to him lightly.


The next second, Wu Shenkong showed a terrifying face, his face was covered with iron-green color, and he actually bit it into pieces and swallowed it.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Everything that happened on the Sea of ​​Altars appeared.

The person who has a boundary monument and cannot be deduced also shows his face.

Hao Ran is Ye Jue's face.


Wu Shen Kong made a weird 'hmm' sound from his nose.

Apparently, this face is somewhat familiar.


He immediately stood up and left in the whirlpool of a vast nebula.

This small world immediately collapsed and fell, and all the energy was poured into his body, turning into a body-protecting aura.

This is the exclusive Qi of the God of War, possessing explosive power!


The next moment, it turned into a rainbow light and fell straight down.

Immediately, this tiny bit of space dust expanded again, forming Wu Shenkong's body.


Not long after, the entire time tower roared.

A majestic giant stood there upright with his hands behind his back, revealing a destructive power.

Congratulations to the return of Martial Ancestor!

In an instant, countless Martial Immortals paid their respects one after another.

Their whole bodies trembled, and then intense holy light shot out from their bodies, and all of it was thrown at Wu Shenkong's body.

Swish, swish, swish! !

Countless beams of light entered Wu Shenkong's body.

He actually closed his eyes and started enjoying it.

Very good, you have practiced well during this period.

Wu Shenkong's whole body changed thousands of times, revealing a gloomy smile.

If you look carefully, you can actually find that he is not a human being.

Whether it's skin, eyes, hair, or nails, they are all terrifying.

Yes, yes, how dare we delay our cultivation...

The leader, a martial immortal, has reached the Immortal Emperor level.

But in front of Wu Shenkong, it was like a rabbit seeing an eagle, and it didn't dare to move.

Sacrifice the Martial God Mirror!

Wu Shenkong said calmly.

Yes! Festival! Martial God Realm!

Afterwards, powerful thoughts sounded at all levels in the Tower of Time.

Boom! !

Immediately, the surrounding space was filled with energy.

The entire Tower of Time roared crazily, as if it was about to explode.


Just when it was approaching the limit, thousands of shadows were produced at the top of the Tower of Time.

Just like thousands of scorching suns and thousands of bright moons, appearing together.


A mirror with a simple shape and gorgeous edges appeared. As the mirror light circulated, shadows and auras appeared.

If someone from the black realm could see this scene...

It’s sure to make your eyes widen!

This turned out to be a complete supreme immortal weapon! !


At this moment, countless black links flew out of the Time Tower and pierced into the ancient mirror.

Ah...I curse you, Martial God Kong, for treating me like this! I want to kill you, I want to make the world of Wu Immortal fall, let Shen Kong City decay, let the heavens decline, and martial arts cease to exist! I will definitely do it, One day!

A curse sound came from the ancient mirror.

It turned out to be the weapon spirit of the supreme immortal weapon!

You have done it, but you will never be able to do it again.

Wu Shenkong smiled coldly.

Enter the coordinates! Locate the tree of chaos that originates in the realm of destruction!

Coordinates xxxx...

Positioning successful!

Time! Refraction!

Voices kept coming from the Time Tower.


The stream of light on the ancient mirror suddenly shot into the void in front of it, tearing it apart.

This is an unparalleled method that opens up the past and future time. It is incredible to the point of being unbelievable.

Huh? Wu Shenkong, what happened, you actually saw me at this time?

The person opposite, with his hands behind his back, wears the crown of the universe, and is clothed in the clothes of thousands of reincarnations.

This is the Emperor of the Starry Sky, who actually appeared in the time before the Black Realm!

It was enough to prove everything that Wu Shen Kong had joined forces with him.

Hmph, Emperor of the Starry Sky, the person you want me to pay attention to has appeared.

Wu Shen Kong waved his hand.


Scenes appeared on the ball of light that Wu Lang transformed into.

It was the scene where Ye Jue captured Wu Shen Kong, stole nine time cubes and fought against the Buddha.

Who is this, worthy of your attention?

Wu Shenkong said coldly.

This man has a big secret, and many great powers are playing chess on him.

The Star Emperor turned around.

All of a sudden, all the martial arts immortals fell to their knees, their scalps numb.

What does it feel like?

Even scarier than Martial Ancestor?

How can it be! ?

The big secret? The big secret that makes you care...could it be about the positive universe?

Wu Shenkong frowned and said suddenly.

That's right.

The Star Emperor nodded slightly.

Is it true that I was right? This life form really comes from the True Universe? No wonder you have to pay attention to him. If it is true, this is the only clue to the True Universe.

Wu Shenkong was suddenly startled, and his power surged out overwhelmingly.

He also wants to go to the correct universe!

desperately desire!

Because every person who has cultivated to his level of life has an obsession in his heart.

That means you must rectify the universe to truly be immortal.

The risk for me to go to the Black Realm is too great. Wanxiang is inside. If I fight him, unpredictable results will occur.

Starry Sky Emperor said to Wu Shenkong across time and space: So, you must catch him and seal him.

Huh? You mean you failed and didn't catch him? Just a human?

Wu Shenkong was a little stunned.

He deduced that the origin of this life form was human, and it had lived in a difficult situation.

Why didn't you catch him like this?

that is because……

The Starry Sky Emperor paused and said: This person possesses the virtual world and can escape from the three realms, jump out of time, space and time, and outside the world.

The virtual world? That was the world where the gods once lived. How could he get it?

Wu Shenkong was even more confused.

I said that many forces are playing chess on him.

Starry Sky Emperor said.

This person has now opened my Wuxian Sect and wants to use my Hongmeng power. I am fully prepared and plan to go over and kill him first. Now that I know his identity and power, it is really difficult to capture him alive.

Wu Shenkong's face looked a little solemn.

The power of the virtual world is more powerful than the world of martial arts!

In his current time, there is no need to mention how majestic the gods are.

The world of Wu Xian played is Dongzang XZ.

If it weren't for obtaining the empire's technology, the Tower of Time would be built.

Before the mortal world comes, he will be destroyed.

He already knew what was going to happen in the future.

He is indeed dead.

Later, some of the gods also perished due to the advent of the Red Dust Sky, and now there is still a small force hiding in the virtual world.

In order to avoid the mortal world, some mythical powers entered the black realm, other small worlds, and the virtual world.

Don't worry, you can't kill him. You can only break the back seal and use all your strength.

The Starry Sky Emperor suddenly said this.

Can't be killed?

Wu Shenkong didn't understand again.

He is a martial ancestor, can't he kill an unformed holy body?

Even if it takes shape, it is still at the Immortal Emperor level and is no match for him.

How come it can't be killed?

That's the magical power he brought from the positive universe. We only know so much about it at the moment.

The Starry Sky Emperor also checked and calculated for a long time.

Okay, breaking the seal is a small matter.

Wu Shenkong nodded and said: I have already accumulated a pile of Time Cubes, a total of one hundred and eight thousand. The power of the Sea of ​​Sacrifice can also be mobilized. It just so happens that it is almost time.

He, the Martial Ancestor, is going to travel to the future and arrive at the stairway of the future.

Then obtain the energy of Hongmeng and his own corpse, and merge with his current self.

In this way, he has two Hongmeng Qi.

When he completes this heaven-defying achievement, he might be able to obtain the most important thing in the Black Domain, the heaven-defying thing sealed by the Lord of the Black Domain.

However, before that, we need to meet Wanxiang first.

Deathstroke is not that simple to crack.

Hmm... move... wait... no... okay... yes...

At this moment, the past connected by the supreme immortal weapon suddenly flashed and flickered, and the figure of the Starry Sky Emperor became unclear and blurred.

Bang bang bang...

The whole time the tower shook violently and was about to explode.

Emperor Starry Sky, it turns out that you built the Time Tower in the past in an attempt to resurrect the Martial Immortal World and the Martial God Sky. It was a good idea, but I noticed it.

At this moment, the entire Martial God City roared.

Time cracks appeared in the sky above!

This is not a black void crack, but a blue time crack.

There is a crack in time, and the world is shattered.

The entire Wuxian world resounded with the note of doom.

At this moment, disaster strikes here!


Immediately, Wu Shenkong's brain turned over billions of thoughts at this moment, and these thoughts merged together...

That was the emperor's enemy, the owner of Yun Shan Yao Mountain.

This person has been fighting against the empire for who knows how many years in the future.


From the cracks in time, batches of monsters flew out, all of them big monsters, infinite armies, and even countless demon emperors, who rushed out.

Oh no, the army is coming!

The martial arts immortals here were all startled, thinking that the gods had invaded their world early and finally arrived.

But in fact it is not, this is the future army attacking them.

Junior, you are also a mythical being. How dare you attack me? Don't you know who I am?

The moment Wu Shen Kong flew out, he sneered.

He is a person from the past, and the Star Emperor's mortal enemy is a person from the future.

How dare the juniors be disrespectful to their seniors?

What's more, he is still at the ancestor level!

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