You just entered the river of time, what did you see?

Immortal Burial King's eyes flashed and he was shocked.

The Great Holy Body actually dared to take such a risk.

You know, time is a very terrible force.

Xi Chuangyue was also stunned.

They looked at the extremely huge river of time, which was running slowly and without any light...

But with a slight movement, it seems to sweep across the entire space, swallowing up everyone who comes close to it into a never-ending cage of time.

The real past, the world of Wu Xian, and I know a big thing. There is a certain connection between the world of Wu Xian in the past and the current empire. It is a heaven-defying time tower that can penetrate the past and the future. .”

Ye Jue nodded.

Is there such a thing? Let's not mention this for a moment. Your luck is so incredible that you managed to end up in the world of the Martial Immortal even in such a long period of time?

Xi Chuangyue was stunned, even the divine treasure in front of her was not in a hurry to take it.

Because what I heard was so shocking.

Impossible, Wu Shenkong is dead. The world of Wu Xian was directly destroyed by Hongchentian just like Broken Mirror.

The Immortal Burial King shook his head in disbelief.

He has seen it before and experienced that era together.

He is also familiar with the world of Wu Xian.

When Wu Shen Kong died, it was obvious to all.

He buried himself in the Land of Stairs and placed the Hongmeng Secret Treasure here.

The Wuxian Gate has never been opened.

Yes, this is a time refutation. How come the world of Wu Immortals in the past is connected to the current empire?

Ming Yue was also very surprised.

There are so many possibilities.

Ye Jue thought for a while and said: Since someone in Wu Shenkong witnessed the death with his own eyes, it means that it really happened, so Wu Shenkong is really dead now. However, Wu Shenkong in the past is not dead. Emperor Xingkong used the power of time to He came into contact with the past Martial God Kong and imparted the power of technology, so that time tower appeared.

As he spoke, a Time Cube erupted from his palm.

This is the Time Cube? How did you condense the power of time that is more precise than the time crystal?

When the Immortal Burial King saw this Rubik's Cube, his expression didn't fluctuate much at first, but he was extremely shocked in an instant.

Time Cube...

Ming Yue was stunned.

According to legend, only the chosen person can create the Time Cube.

Otherwise, your whole life will be the sands of time, the ceiling will be the time crystal, and you will never be able to advance.

Could it be that the Great Holy Body is such a person?

Time Cube, this...I have nine in total.

Eight more suddenly flew out of Ye Jue's body.

The Time Cube instantly formed a star ring, spinning in front of him, extremely gorgeous.


Seeing this scene, Xi Chuangyue almost stared out of her eyes.


Ming Yue's mouth also grew into a 0 shape.

what's the situation?

It's just a trip down the river of time...

To them, it's just a matter of minutes.

Why is it so bad when you come back?

With the Time Cube in hand, who is still his opponent?

How can anyone fight with him if his understanding of time has not reached the level of a time crystal?

If you kill him, it will directly slow down the passage of time. How else can you fight the enemy?

I'm getting rich, I'm really getting rich...

Xi Chuangyue nodded sharply.

What exactly did you see and what did you get?

The Immortal Burial King also had a headache.


It’s so outrageous!

That is opportunity, this is the gap.

When he sees the long river of time, he dares to dive into it regardless of the consequences.

If it were him, he definitely wouldn't.

Now that time is before his eyes, he will not do this.

Because in the power of time, death is just a matter of a moment.

The key point is not the Time Cube.

Ye Jue stretched out his arms, the cave opened, and the Time Cube was immediately retracted.

Buzz! !

They slowly rotated around the Supreme Immortal Technique...

However, you are not from the big starry sky, and you don't know the starry sky emperor. It means nothing to you, but it means a lot to me.

Ye Jue saw them shocked by the Time Cube and immediately shook his head.

This kind of time cube is just a consumable in the time tower in the world of Wu Xian.

He showed the Time Cube not just to show off.

Consumables, is there such a thing?

Mingyue and Xi Chuangyue were shocked, looked at each other, and asked: We are indeed not from the Big Starry Sky, and we don't know much about this Starry Sky Emperor. Anyway, it was this emperor who changed the past Martial God Sky and the Martial Immortal World. ?”

Why does this emperor do this?

Hearing this, the Immortal Burial King frowned: Time is very mysterious. If you change some things in the past, some changes will occur in the future.

What if Wu Shen Kong...can be resurrected in this way?


Ye Jue's eyes flashed: Hongchentian is irresistible. Wushenkong cannot change his future death. This is inevitable, but he can be resurrected in this way!

“Resurrection in our time!”

Ming Yue and Xi Chuang Yue said in unison, their scalps numb.

The Martial Ancestor is resurrected?

The once all-powerful God of War is about to take over the world again!

Moreover, joining forces with that starry sky emperor?

What kind of force is this?

Something is wrong.

The Immortal Burial King frowned deeply.

If you are looking for Hongmeng Shenzang, you will just encounter the resurrection of Wu Shen Kong.

One look can wipe them all out!

What level is the Martial Ancestor, and what level are they.

There's no comparison at all!

The difference is too big, not even a tiny bit.

I brainwashed a Martial Immortal in the Martial Immortal World and read his memory, so I deduced that Martial God Kong is gathering a lot of time power and may travel through time at any time.

Ye Jue said.

Wu Shenkong and Starry Sky Emperor have joined forces!

There is an invincible strong man in the black realm who is disrupting the upper world. What is this invincible strong man who once hid his identity and has been lurking in the Shura world for a long time thinking about?

Why did he come to the Black Realm?

What do you want?

What do Wu Shenkong and Xingkong Emperor want to gain?

Are their goals aligned?

The Black Territory is going to be overturned. Although there are countless Black Territory worlds, I'm afraid they will all suffer. There will no longer be a safe place.

Ming Yue sighed.

So, have you found Hongmeng's secret treasure yet?

Xi Chuangyue asked in a deep voice.

Even if the Martial Ancestor can be resurrected.

Then it will definitely appear in the Land of Stairs.

Take, but you can't participate in the battle from now on. You can all go to my land.

Ye Jue said immediately.

Since the three of them all felt that Martial Ancestor would be resurrected, this was inevitable.

Moreover, they all feel the same. As long as they continue to search for Hongmeng's secret treasure, they will inevitably alarm Wu Shenkong.

Because Wu Shen Kong created the Wuxian Sect and it has not been broken by anyone for so long, because he believed that no one could break it.

In this way, he protects his resurrected world.

But he didn't expect that in the world after the Great Destruction, someone would actually go crazy and cultivate the Great Holy Body to the eighth level, and he would soon be close to perfection and move towards the ninth level.

Only the Great Holy Body has incomparable power!

When the portal was pushed, waves of energy surged into the sky, and strips of holy energy rose up, turning into dragon shapes and moving all over the sky.


Burying the Immortal King, Xi Chuangyue and Ming Yue all nodded.

They turned into flowing light and instantly shrank, flying into Ye Jue's heart.

Through the Window on the World, they can also see what happens.

By the way, is this the divine treasure you found?

Ye Jue looked down.

There is a giant baby, but its whole body is entangled with stars and rivers. The person holds the seal and sits in it.

Is this Kamizo?

This is the Martial Immortal Divine Embryo. When you see the light flashing on his body, it flashes hundreds of billions in an instant. Every time it flashes, there is a ray of lightning tempering. If you take him away, you can directly Open the Wuxian Road and obtain precious Wuxian Particles!

Ming Yue said immediately.


Ye Jue said nothing and grabbed it with his big hand.

Rub rub rub rub! !

The embryo of the Martial Immortal God was immediately captured by him, shrunk infinitely, entered the cave sky, and floated next to the supreme magic, the Time Cube.


All of a sudden, a burst of martial arts power came through.

This is the energy of Wuxian particles, because the entire Wuxian divine embryo is a huge particle.

This divine treasure is really good, it’s a shame that Immortal Burial King and the others were able to find it.

Otherwise, it will be an advantage to others.

Now you can go to Hongmeng's secret treasure, and you also have the Time Cube and the Martial Immortal Embryon. It is even more terrifying to use all your strength. When you meet the Immortal Lord, you are brainwashed and turned into a puppet. You just dared to steal his victory. He will not let go of several people.

When you find Hongmeng's secret treasure, you will meet Wu Shenkong. Daozu can kill him with just one look.


Ye Jue also had a plan in mind.

If you can't beat him, then use the boundary monument to run away!

If you grab the secret treasure and run away, letting the God of War pounce, and want to get the current Hongmeng secret treasure, wouldn't it be two powers in one, making you invincible?

Ye Jue would definitely not let this Martial God succeed in vain.

Not for anything else, just because he has joined forces with the Starry Sky Emperor and is his enemy.

The more chaotic the black area, the better!

Moreover, he also knew how to return to the big starry sky.

That is to pile up a time cube. With a large amount of time power, you can travel to a period of time in the big starry sky.

Various thoughts were swirling in Ye Jue's mind.

An opponent like Wu Shenkong must have a clear mind. The only things he can make a comeback are the immortal buff and the boundary monument.

However, he cannot control the boundary monument at will, and the virtual world inside still has big secrets.

Great Invisibility Restriction!

Above Ye Jue's head, a void suddenly disappeared and enveloped him.

The next moment, disappear here.

Huh? The Wuxian Gate was actually opened. Who did it?

In the past world of Wuxian, a character slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were full of waves of stars.

Various things are evolving in this star wave.

One of the images turned out to be the Sea of ​​Sacrifice.

You actually brainwashed one of my martial arts immortals?

The palm of this figure rotates.


Suddenly a stream of light was captured in the world below.

Uh-huh...Martial Ancestor...Sir?

The person who was arrested was none other than Wu Lang. His eyes were extremely shocked. He didn't even know what was going on, so he came to this small space.

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