Speaking of which, this Lu Li is really powerful. The Nine Yuan Twin Stones and the Six Yao Transformation Elephant Flute are weapons close to the prehistoric level.

Xi Chuangyue also flew over, and she looked around.

There is nothing broken in the Wuxian world at all.

It seems that the shocking decisive battle just now has nothing to do with this world.

This world was destroyed just now, but it was reconstructed and rebuilt in an instant, all due to the influence of Hongmeng's power. You see, there is no damage to the world ladder at all.

The Immortal Burial King said.

Lu Li has been devoured by me. There is no such person in the Black Realm anymore. The one named Tiansen Six Paths will definitely cause trouble for me.

Ye Jue snorted coldly.

Tiansen Six Paths? There is not only one god, but also the name of a force. There are six people in Tiansen Six Paths. Although they are not as good as the Four Heavenly Emperors, they are not bad either.

At this time, Ming Yue's body rotated and came to the ladder of the world.

The secret of Hongmeng is at the top.

However, if you want to get it, you may have a lot of trouble.

There are many breaths, they are all immortals who are at the peak of the Immortal King and are half a step closer to the Immortal Emperor. We must hurry up.

Immortal Burial King's eyes flashed with shock,

The decisive battle just now has completely exposed the world of Wu Xian.

More and more gods are coming here.

Among them there are many auxiliary gods who are at the same level as Lu Li.

It is so difficult to deal with just one auxiliary god, and with such a number, it may be even harder to obtain the power of Hongmeng.


Ye Jue's body also spun and flew through the air towards the stairs of the Martial Immortal World.

Swish, swish, swish! !

Overwhelming power descended from the sky!

Everywhere there is a phenomenon that only occurs during the Great Disruption.

The protective weapons around Xi Chuangyue broke first, causing her to quickly use the Eight Diagrams to resist.

‘Yoooo! ’

Ming Yue's body floated in the ghost bead, spinning constantly to resist the terrifying energy falling from above.


The Immortal Burial King was covered in dark energy, like smoke and mist, formless and colorless.

These energies cannot reach him, and the benefits of ghosts and immortals are reflected.

Bang bang bang!!

In comparison, Ye Jue was overbearing.

He ran rampant and majestic, and the energy surged through his body, erupting with terrifying impact.

But like thousands of water lights, they all dispersed and couldn't hurt him at all.

The tyranny of the Great Holy Body is indescribable, and Ming Yue cannot envy him at all.

She belongs to the orthodox fairy sect and is a fairy king.

However, the level of life is relatively low, and there is still a long way to go before the Immortal Emperor.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Immortal Lord is powerful.

The four of them flew towards the top of the Martial Immortal World.

The world of martial arts is actually open?

A shocking fluctuation just erupted there. It seems that there was a bombardment from someone close to the Immortal Emperor. It's over.

Near Immortal Emperor? Is he an auxiliary god? Which boss?

Whoosh whoosh!

On the axis of the black domain, many colorful streams of light erupted.

The first thing to bear the brunt is a large flag, with a pure gold color as the pole, but the texture is not gold, it is very bright and unusual.

Such strong and thick golden light travels in front, illuminating a path for the billions of gods behind.

Off the main axis of the Black World, everywhere else is filled with endless darkness. Without this light, everyone would be sucked into it.

If you don't have any extraordinary abilities, just wait for death.

Is that the Taihuang Cult? That big flag is the Demonic Dragon Eight Wonders Flag of Lord Taihuang. This guy is very powerful, so be careful, trying to dominate the world. Now he is taking advantage of the chaos at the top to continuously win over all forces. Trying to dominate.”

Someone saw that when this big flag swayed slightly, the heaven and earth shook, dispelling all the darkness around it. It was a big deal, and they recognized it.

Those billions of immortals are all members of the Taihuang sect. It seems that Nestlé is out to compete for the chance of becoming a martial immortal.

Martial Immortal Opportunity? Who cares about a mere martial arts mark? Aren't they all going for Hongmeng's secret treasure?

As he spoke, another wave of people broke through the darkness in the distance and came to this road.

There are tens of billions of people in this group, all wearing bright robes. The old man at the head has a white beard and is full of fairy spirit.

What, those are the gods from Wanxie Cult, and they are here too?

Feeling the boiling fighting spirit and the overwhelming majesty, these immortals were startled and recognized him immediately.

Not only that, but also the female general of Shencan Palace, Sha Zhenying!

Is that the head of the Wind Witch Family? He masters the secret of the Three Greens and is the owner of the Dragon Bone Holy Sword!

I saw it, and Mo Yinluo, who is extremely skilled in Buddhism, is also here. Is this going to start a great war?

Everyone's eyelids are twitching!

There are too many immortal families and religious forces.

Moreover, the number of people is still increasing.

Hahaha, Old Sima, you're here too. Didn't you expect that Wanxie Cult is also interested in martial arts marks?

Taihuang Jun, the middle-aged man who rushed to the front and carried the Eight Magic Flags of the Demonic Dragon, laughed wildly.


His voice was vibrating and his thoughts were very proud, resounding on this road.

Some gods couldn't help but cover their ears, and their heads were buzzing.

Humph, Mr. Taihuang, I'll give you the martial arts mark. The Hongmeng Secret Treasure is mine.

The leader of Wanxie Cult, Sima Yidao also said proudly.

Hongmeng Secret Treasure? What is that?

Tai Huangjun asked with a puzzled voice.

You know what you're asking, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf?

Sima Yidao smiled coldly.

Could it be that Mr. Taihuang is a fool?

Hahaha, I'm not pretending. Our Taihuang sect has only just emerged. I don't know any secrets or treasures. Thank you for telling me, Hongmeng's secret treasure? I've made up my mind!

Taihuang Jun burst out laughing.


Sima Yidao's expression was stunned at first: You really don't know?

Of course I...know. I just lied to you and teased you. Do you really believe it? Everyone knows about Hongmeng's secrets. It is as famous as nature. Only fools don't know it. Hahaha!

Taihuang Jun's sudden change really made Sima Yidao almost sick from anger.

Okay, okay, you dare to play tricks on me. You, the leader of a small sect, really like to seek death. I have heard about it a long time ago. If you offended me today, don't expect to get away easily.

Sima Yidao from the Wanxie Cult turned green as the violent force shook the road.

Being fooled and made a fool of myself in the eyes of so many forces...

This Mr. Taihuang is really damned!

If you want to fight, don't do it here. Go to Wuxianmen first.

Sa Zhenying, the female general of Shencan Palace, said coldly.

That's right, if you guys start a fight, we won't stand idly by.

While the head of the Wind Witch Family was speaking, he waved his fan vigorously, and the power of the Three Greens rippled, eliminating all the violent energy.

He brought the entire family of gods to the world of martial arts to improve their strength and look for opportunities.

I don’t want to be sucked into the endless darkness.

Hmph, let's see you in the Martial Immortal World.

Sima opened his mouth with a knife and spit out a talisman!

There are actually many world patterns drawn on this talisman.

There is a powerful force of time fluctuating on it, and it is actually a magic rune drawn by a master who has understood the time crystal block.

Swish, swish, swish! !

As soon as it appeared, the talisman burned fiercely.

In an instant, the entire Wanxie Sect turned into a light of time, surpassing the Taihuang Sect and becoming the first to enter the world of martial arts.

This old Sima is so extravagant that he uses the time talisman to travel?

Seeing this scene, Sa Zhenying couldn't help but feel shocked.

That was a rare item, and using one less item was really a waste of money.

Aren't you afraid of losing all your money?

The world of Martial Arts is not important. Martial Arts, Martial God Kong, Martial God, he hides all his power on the ladder of the world. Only those who get there first will have the opportunity to inherit. And if you want to reach the top, it's not about who rushes to the top. Whoever goes faster has hope, I’ll see what Sima Yidao’s expression will look like when he sees us later, and what he will think.”

When the head of the Fengwu Family saw this scene, without even thinking about it, his body turned and turned into a three-blue thunder light. He rushed in with a thunderbolt.

You talk so much and rush so fast. You don't have martial ethics!

Sha Zhenying shook her head, thousands of feet of thunder and fire erupted from her body, and she rushed out with her disciples.

The big guys are all in. Our goal is not Hongmeng's secret treasure. Let's let them fight to the death!

Yes, our goal is to find some natural treasures, small opportunities, just look for them in the world of martial arts.

You can't be too slow then, hurry in!

At this time, more and more gods poured into Wuxianmen.


At this time, the world of Wuxian was no longer a beautiful place with clear mountains and clear waters, but a land of countless demons and demons baring their teeth and claws. Countless cracks opened in the ground, and these demons rushed out like ants.

One hundred million, one billion, ten billion, one hundred billion, five hundred billion, eight hundred billion!

These demons were all the beings from the black realm who had just fought to the death between Ye Jue and Lu Li, causing the seal underground to break and rush out.

Whirring whirring!

In an instant, there was a violent tremor, and the beacon smoke rose!

Sword light, sword light, demons cover the sky!

Immortals die all the time, but death means death, which shows that this is their fate.

Those who survive are the ones who truly have a chance.

Puff puff!

Thousands of monsters are being killed crazily, and a lot of benefits are waiting for them every moment.


What, the world ladder has actually opened. Someone has already taken the lead. Who is it?

Sima Yidao was the first to arrive using the time talisman, his face was extremely shocked.

At this time, his followers had already gone looking for opportunities and started fighting against the demons.

No matter who it is, I am determined to obtain the Great Secret. Only with this power can I break through to the Immortal Emperor!

His expression changed violently several times, then he spun directly in the air and flew up.

It seems that this Sima Yidao has already rushed forward. Didn't he feel the pressure? There is a powerful person above him. That person... is extremely terrifying!

In almost the same time as a stick of incense, Taihuang Jun arrived at the foot of the World Staircase.

at this time.

He has circled around here many times.

The ladder of the world seems to be shrouded in some twisted space, which is a huge formation in operation.

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