It's another era of longevity. I don't believe how much more you can burn!

The expression of Lu Li, a master, froze, and then became extremely crazy.

Burn, burn, burn for me, for an era, I will fight with you!

He roared!

This is a terrifying number!

As an auxiliary god, his lifespan is as long as eighty epochs!

The longevity of an era is also drizzle!

But when using it, it will inevitably hurt your body!

Because when he reaches this level of strength, it is already difficult to improve his level.

Shouyuan is equivalent to being stuck.

Eighty epochs sounds like a long life.

However, if you want to burn your life, it is not enough!

Fight? What are you trying to do for me! I have just refined a complete supreme immortal technique, and my lifespan has exceeded a hundred epochs. How can you fight with me?

Ye Jue's expression was ferocious. Seeing that Lu Li was also beginning to burn his life, without saying a word, he directly sacrificed another era's power.

Everyone...has been stunned and dumbfounded!

A battle of this level is beyond their imagination.

Emotions are acquired by fate, not by cultivation, but by the flow of water, right?

Even the Buried Immortal King, Xi Chuangyue and Ming Yue were unable to participate.

The strength of both parties has improved beyond that of the Immortal Lord and reached the level of 'Emperor'!

Especially Lu Li, who originally had rare Immortal Emperor particles, but now they all show signs of transformation.

With just one punch or palm, if it had been someone else, a slight blow would have resulted in immediate death. There would be no luck at all!

The complete supreme immortal technique? Do you think I would believe it? How could you possibly refine it based on the strength of your body?

When Lu Li heard this, he couldn't help but laugh. This was the other party's attempt to build momentum. Did he really think he was afraid?

Big Dragon Fist ban, three thousand big bans, ranked in the top 100, let's see how you block it!

He took action without any mercy at all. Those constantly beating Immortal Emperor particles all squeezed out their power, burning up the longevity energy, and rolled towards them.

How to stop it? 120,000 years, burn it for me!

Then, Ye Jue exploded into the air!

Now he has devoured more than two thousand great restraints and a supreme immortal technique. As his longevity is burned, he becomes more and more powerful!

With this blast, darkness was torn apart in the void.

The black domain centered on him, spinning crazily and twisting into a collapsing force!

Then, it continued to collapse inward, forming a huge black hole and a huge vortex.

This is a bit like the posture in the big starry sky, collapsing into another time and space.

However, being able to form this form in the Black Realm is enough to prove that he has established a foothold in the Black Realm.

The Fist Beyond Time!

Burning life for what?

It’s not the Sands of Time!

Puff puff! !

A large amount of sand of time flew away from his head, crystallized and dispersed, and finally came to his palm.


Ye Jue shook his hand hard.

The sand directly turned into a small crystal block.

Time Crystal!

The Immortal Burial King was suddenly startled.

He saw that the fist that transcended time this time was even more terrifying!

Because Ye Jue's fist actually turned into a huge vortex!

In this huge vortex, you can see many strange and weird ghost figures of gods, standing there piously, praying with their hands together, flashing like lightning.

How can you fight me if you're just a top 100 person with a big ban?

This time, Ye Jue integrated all his powers.

The Fist that Transcends Time, the Scroll of Destiny, the Great Sage's Supreme Art, the ever-changing, the time and space maze of the City of Broken Mirrors, more than two thousand great restrictions, and the longevity of five eras now!

All of a sudden, all the vitality in the martial arts world is collapsing. It is like killing gods when meeting gods, killing immortals when meeting immortals, and slaughtering Buddhas when meeting Buddhas.

He was going to kill Lu Li with one strike!

Time stops!

Such a powerful force, Shou Yuan, burn it for me, improve it, and improve it again. I also have the Sands of Time!

Indeed, the mere Dalong Fist ban is no match at all!

Time crystal?

Lu Li was also caught off guard, absolutely caught off guard.

He must now use all his trump cards and burn a lot of longevity!

Fifty years before the three thousand great restrictions, the raging thunder of the underworld, the vengeance of the underworld, the crack of the underworld, the nine-element twin stones, the life-locking throat bead, the six-line elephant flute, and the life span that burns ten epochs, give it to me Momentum!


This showdown is definitely the most exciting scene ever.

Lu Li was wearing the top-ranked Great Restriction and all kinds of mysterious weapons appeared together, vaguely forming a giant Hades.

As soon as this Pluto pointed out, if it were not for the world of Wu Xian, the world would have exploded to pieces, billions of volcanoes would erupt together, the sun would be destroyed, and the moon would sink.


The one who can compete with the power of Pluto is an extremely huge, ferocious and violent black monkey.

That's... the weapon spirit of Black Stick. It was infused with terrifying power and finally woke up!

Xi Chuangyue saw the black divine monkey appear, and the sky was filled with black divine flames.

These divine flames quickly formed a set of ferocious armor, swept towards the black divine monkey, and put a peerless armor on it.

Come on stick!

The black monkey suddenly opened his eyes, and the sky and the earth flashed black and white.

Approaching, there is a huge stick burning with black divine fire, swinging towards the Pluto that turned into land.


Lu Li's various protective weapons suddenly exploded into pieces, like fireworks.


His entire body also exploded into a ball of squirming flesh and blood, splattering in all directions.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Every mass of flesh and blood emitted powerful sound fluctuations, and this crazy howling sound resounded throughout the sky.

Originally, he sacrificed the six-line elephant flute, the life-locking throat bead, the nine-element twin stones, and burned ten epochs of longevity, and he already felt invincible.

But all this is of no use!

It was directly destroyed by violence, and was completely shattered by Ye Jue's weapon spirit with a stick, turning into the most original vitality.

Outside the world of martial arts, from the perspective of gods, this is just a matter of lightning and stone.

Pluto and the black monkey suddenly appeared, and then Pluto was exploded. The aftermath of this explosion was simply devastating to the world.


On the spot, the gods who were very close to the Wuxian Sect were all shaken into powder.

There were many Daluo Jinxian among them, and all the protective magic weapons on their bodies were shattered.

You can imagine how terrifying this power is.

Earth Seed, swallowed the particles of this auxiliary god!

After Ye Jue killed the Immortal Queen with one stick and smashed the famous Auxiliary God of the Six Paths of Tiansen into countless balls of flesh and blood, he did not hesitate at all. He directly touched up the knife and turned his body into a huge green black hole, swallowing up all the flesh and blood. .

Originally, Earth Seed did not have this function, but he could extract, analyze, and decompose these things.

Whirring whirring! !

Therefore, the purest near-immortal emperor particles continue to be sprinkled into the earth seed world, and the sacred calculators continue to analyze, and there are more and more of these near-immortal emperor particles.

In the end, he didn't stop until Lu Li was completely swallowed up.

Miso miso miso! !

The power of the earth seed has the function of forcibly pulling it, and it can also swallow up part of the Wuxian world in an instant.

But this world has the power of Hongmeng, which instantly stabilizes the world and repels the devouring power of the earth species.


Ye Jue used the Earth Seed to devour all of Lu Li's body. After a little circulation, his power increased again, and the particles became more powerful and stable.

The seventh level of the Great Sage is complete!


Without saying a word, he mobilized all his strength and sprinted towards the eighth level.

The change in this moment instantly illuminated the entire world of Wu Xian.

So that's it... the eighth level of the Great Sage, every level of change really has its inheritance!

In Ye Jue's eyes, he saw the shadows of the great saints from ancient times.

Each phantom has a power for him to choose.


There is not much time to choose the opportunity, because the inheritance passes quickly, so you must seize the time.

Time? What I lack most is not time!

Ye Jue's power gained from burning his longevity has not completely disappeared yet.

He opened his right hand, and there was still a small amount of powder left in the time crystal that had just surpassed the Fist of Time.

swish swish...

The passage of time instantly became extremely slow.

Bring them all, why should you choose? I want the power of every great holy body.

Ye Jue sneered and fished it out with his bare hands, trying to master all the inheritance.

Bang bang bang! !

It seemed that some taboo had been triggered, and a counterattack force came immediately.

Backbiting me? Holy Calculator, analyze!

Ye Jue saw this scene and pointed out.

Swish, swish, swish! !

This terrifying counterattack force all turned into air and disappeared without a trace.

Immediately, those great sage inheritances changed.

A stream of power passed through the barriers of time and space and came from unknown distances.

All turned into light rain, all condensed.


Ye Jue was shocked.

What's this?

A golden...sword?

The slightest movement of this sword will concuss the sound of thunder, arrogating all things and destroying all things.

Great Sage Thunder Bone?

A name came to his mind.

Since it's not a sword?

Ye Jue's expression was strange.

No matter how you look at it, this is the shape of a sword.

However, the power of this sword is not yet perfect.

The eighth level of the Great Sage is perfect, and only the Great Sage's Thunder Sound Bone can determine the world with one sword.

I didn't expect that all the inherited power of the eighth level is actually a bone?

Ye Jue shook his head.

He already has a black stick, the weapon spirit has awakened, and he is invincible.

This sword can only serve as an auxiliary and coordinating role.

Okay, okay, you killed the immortal and killed the auxiliary god of the Six Paths of Tiansen. Now you are going to be famous. The name of the Great Holy Body will be heard in all the worlds in the Black Domain.

Ming Yue's eyes flashed, looking at everything in front of her in shock.

Lu Li was really dead, everything about him exploded.

The large forbidden mark and body remains were devoured by Ye Jue's methods.

In fact, in terms of strength, their strengths are almost the same.

However, in the end, the Great Holy Body won, and the divine weapon spirit was awakened at the critical moment.

Otherwise, the victory just now would not have been determined.

They will continue to burn their lifespan until they fight to the death.

Naturally, she didn't want to see that kind of situation.

Now that the winner is quickly determined, I am naturally very happy.

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