Yes, these trees are the saplings of the Tree of Chaos, the most intolerable thing in the empire!

Ao Shenzhou said with a gloomy expression.

He was really scared now and started to back off.

However, as long as Ye Jue is around, as long as there are these seedlings of the Tree of Chaos, he will not have a good life.

Before, I was hiding in a small world and was always happy and free. How comfortable and comfortable was it?

In the final analysis, it is all caused by human beings.

What, Ye Jue, are you so rebellious?

Quick, cut down these trees, you are trying to drag us to death!

Now I know why the little world resisted you, they are right!

In an instant, some of these lurkers, strong men, and ethnic groups in the big starry sky were roaring.

Hmph, you old guys are too stubborn and have been eliminated long ago!

Minglou Xin flew out from the sea of ​​trees, with a slender figure and a head of shining silver hair that spread to her waist.

She was beautiful, with long legs, starry eyes, red lips, and a straight nose. Her whole person was completely different from before, and she was aloof.

Now that she is the general of the alliance, she is naturally qualified to speak out.

However, the most important reason was to see that Ye Jue was not dead.

She really wanted to see him.

Because of this person, she changed her destiny.

She knew deeply that her particles, such heaven-defying evolutionary particles, came from him.

However, even if he reached the position of general with his wisdom, he would never see this person.

What, you little girl, you are so brave, how dare you talk to me like this?

Under this starry sky, we don't know how long we have existed. What events have we not seen?

Ao Shenzhou is right, this Ye Jue, this human being, is dragging us into the abyss!

Haven't you noticed that his tribe, humans, have already left the big starry sky a long time ago?

Yes, he has already arranged a way out for his tribe!

It's a good plan to let me die and fight the empire!

Many voices and public opinions sounded at this time.

What, you die-hards, how dare you say that?

Without Ye Shen, without him, we would have been enslaved long ago!

Don't you understand what kind of power the empire is? Do we still have a way to survive?

In the sea of ​​trees, there were also voices of rebuttal.

People from the small world like them have completely integrated into the big starry sky.

Only then did I realize how perfect this place is and how great the benefits are.

Compared to their original starry sky, it was just rubbish, as if they were in prison.

No matter what, your current behavior is a kind of betrayal. You have betrayed the Divine Tree. The Divine Tree wants to evolve. Instead of supporting it, you have turned against it. How shameless, how disgusting, and how despicable...

Minglou Xin kept making loud noises, arousing the anger of the crowd.

What is this, a little girl who has been practicing for several years.

How dare you challenge them?

Really? It turns out it's her. She really has something special about her.

Ye Jue was a little surprised when he saw Minglou Xin crossing the sea of ​​trees and flying over from afar.

This woman was the result of his experiment, and she was the most perfect among them.

Not only do the particles fit him perfectly, the speed of enlightenment is also very fast!

It's like a chimpanzee who learned to use mobile phones and computers in one day to continuously extract the ocean of knowledge.

Are you our god?

Ming Lou Xin came here.

She hesitated for a moment, then spread her snow-white wings and flew over.

God? No, I am human.

Ye Jue's eyes were bright.

He knew that Minglou Xin couldn't see his true form.

Because, the surrounding space is constantly collapsing, forming a world like a slight black hole.

Not only Minglou Xin, but also others could only see a black hole, unstable in order, constantly rotating, and with a strong sense of oppression.

I can feel...connected to your soul. Why is that?

Minglou Xin whispered, in the eyes of others, she was a genius whose evolution speed overturned history.

However, only she knows the truth.

The particles in the body are the same as those of the person opposite.

There is a feeling of being connected by fate.

There is a destiny between you and me, that's why you feel this way, go down, now is not the time.

Almost at the same time, Ye Jue raised his hand and sent Minglou Xin into the sea of ​​trees.

This is a newly born leader, a pillar of the world in the future.

Let's get down to business, Ao Shenzhou, the Lord of Xiao Lei World, the Little Spear King Bai Yangsheng, the other twenty-six minor saints, and the eighty-four emperors...

Ye Jue raised his voice and said: Under the suppression of the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree, you have already lost. If you resist, you will only be punished.

On behalf of the Divine Tree, I can give you a chance to repent and forget the past.

However, the big starry sky must be joined, and the small world must be integrated.

His voice spread everywhere and entered the ears of every ethnic group.

It's time to look back. I can forgive you for your treasonous act of attacking me. I am a great and all-tolerant being. I will not punish you just because you made a wrong step.

The light voice of the pink-haired girl also echoed.

This is to persuade us to surrender. If you are still stubborn, don't blame us for not being merciful.

In the sea of ​​trees, the voices of Minglou Xin, and more than a hundred small world leaders sounded at the same time.

With the suppression of the Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees, it would be too easy for them to defeat the Alliance of Ao Shenzhou.


For a moment, all the ethnic groups in Ao Shenzhou were silent.

It looks like this is a farce.

The little gun king Bai Yangsheng, the gun in his hand flashed and disappeared.

That's right, it's just a farce. It's just a struggle. If you fail, you fail. We can get the promise of the sacred tree. What more do we ask for?

The Lord of Xiaolei's World shook his head.

I am a saint and can represent all small worlds, but again, you are seeking death unless you let us see hope.

Ao Shenzhou's expression changed. He was still full of resistance to the existence of the Tree of Chaos.

As long as these trees are around, their situation is too dangerous.

He will not give up these saplings, because only with these saplings can we be on the same front.

Little Spear King Bai Yangsheng sighed.

He knew that if he didn't capture the tree spirit just now, he had already completely failed.

Now that the realm is suppressed, there is no way to return to the small world. The tree spirit has completely closed the tree veins, and no one can leave.

Originally, this was a life-and-death struggle, but now that I have failed, I can still escape unscathed, so why not?

So, do you really want to surrender?

The other sub-sages looked at each other.

Trash, you bunch of trash, Ao Shenzhou, you disappointed me so much that you attacked once and were frightened by the saplings, trash!

Jialuo yelled behind them, his fierce look clearly evident.

Jialuo, don't think I don't know that you are causing trouble behind your back. However, the reason why so many small worlds are united is also due to your lobbying. What do you think? Do you want to return home with us?

Ao Shenzhou turned around and said to him.

Returning home? When the empire comes, everything must be over. The only way is to surrender. You know, you can survive by being a slave. It's not easy for us to cultivate to the saint level. Do you really want to die?

Gaara roared angrily.

The situation has been decided, unless you have a way to solve the dead situation in front of you.

Ao Shenzhou said coldly.

Fight, kill, squeeze out the last bit of blood, every bone, and fight him desperately. Only then will you have a chance. How will you know if you don't fight hard?!

Gaara yelled.

Do you think we are fools?

Hearing these words, the faces of those times saints changed.

The leaders of these ethnic groups also have cold eyes.

If you have to fight, why don't you fight?

Are you, a saint, too vicious to push us out to get shot?

They are both at the Saint level, how come they are so different from the Proud Saint?

I'm surrendering now. Rather than being used as a gun and being used, it's better to join the other side and fight to the death with the empire. Why do we have to die together here?

Many members of the Clans began to roar.

The sacred tree and its supporters have surrendered. These are the origins of our small world. Take them away and let's return home!

Ao Shenzhou said decisively.


The other leaders all started reading it.

The entities of various small worlds were sacrificed by them.

This civil war is meaningless. If we continue to fight, we will only be treated as gunmen.

Buzz! !

The great fusion begins!

The World Tree suddenly trembled, and streams of golden threads flowed into the sea of ​​trees.

At this moment, the red glow shone like the sunset dyeing the starry sky red.

Ah, I feel it, the power is gathering!

The pink-haired girl screamed.

This power is so huge that in the colorful sea of ​​trees, many strange phenomena begin to appear, all kinds of strange and weird lives appear, and all kinds of lost rules of heaven begin to be completed as these small worlds return.

This is how the civil war ends.

Ye Jue stood with his head held high, looking at the end of the sky. The real moment of becoming a god was coming.

Buzz! !

The power of the divine tree continued to bless him, causing his particles to begin to twist and climb to the extreme. They were extremely bright, and every particle was shining.


However, evolution suddenly broke off.

Ye Jue returned to calm.

Your particles are incomplete and you still lack Tianjuan particles. Moreover, you have just made a great ambition to become a god. It is simply impossible.

When Ao Shenzhou saw the starry sky shining brightly for a moment, he knew that Ye Jue had just evolved into a god.

However, it failed and ended without any suspense.

He was rather surprised.

Because those particles that were about to become gods, when they were shining to the extreme, emitted a kind of divine power that had never been seen before.

If this kind of divine power is written into the rules of heaven and operates, then their strength in the World Tree will be greatly improved, and their overall combat effectiveness will evolve to an incredible level.

But the prerequisite is for him to become a god, but considering that grand ambition, it is almost impossible to achieve it.

Of course I know.

Ye Jue has a tall and straight posture.

The moment he evolved into a god, he felt a strange planet flying towards him.

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