That's right, we recognize you. All the small worlds and your people think so. Beat the magic whip, what are you waiting for?!

Aoshen roared loudly.

In a trance, the starry sky was covered, the divine whip spread across the sky, the heavens became silent, and the stars and rivers trembled.

There are many strange phenomena in each star field, which are extremely terrifying.

This whip has started to move, causing the entire starry sky to tremble. Various void storms are rising, revealing the endless terrifying truth under the starry sky. The place is red and surging like a river, and the world is bleeding.

The world outside the World Tree is hell, and there is only one ancient road leading to the realm of destruction.

This dullness, this terrible pressure, these bad omens and clues, all tell the story of the power of this divine whip, which will be unprecedented in history and spread to the heavens.


The universe is full of terrible tears. Under the terrifying gray ripples, an invisible and despairing aura spreads.

All the evolvers under the starry sky retreated into the sea of ​​trees.

Ahead, there are densely packed ancient weapon symbols, the heaven and earth resonate with them, and all the realms are trembling.

The divine whip became more and more brilliant, suppressing the sea of ​​trees and causing the void to tremble.

A fourth-level prehistoric-level weapon originally did not have this kind of power.

However, the person who wanted to be beaten was Ye Jue.

Therefore, the dazzling brilliance illuminated the heavens. This kind of sky illuminated almost all the star fields at once.

It's like all the light from all ages is concentrated here, it's so bright.

Come on, hit the divine whip. When I become a god, all living beings in the billions of worlds will be immortal!

Fight, acknowledge me. All heretics will not enter the world. All sentient beings will not be corroded by heretics...

When I am a god, all the heavens and all the sentient beings on billions of motes of dust will be at ease and at ease when they recite my name!

When I become a god, all evil conspiracies will eventually be destroyed...

I am a god, and all karma will be finally liberated...

When the gods are born, all time and space, the past and the future, all the stars that are broken into dust, all the living beings who chant my name in their hearts, are all gods. Otherwise, I will never become a god.

This is a very shocking scene!

Every whip of the divine whip struck Ye Jue's body.

He was so small, as if he were being struck by a divine whip, whipping the air across from him.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Six times in total, each time, Ye Jue's body cracked.

By the sixth time, it exceeded the limit he could bear, and his body, which was originally full of cracks, suddenly disintegrated.

Ye Shen!

There was an extremely turbulent sound in the sea of ​​trees.


They are shouting!

For example, Minglou Xin was really worried. She had never interacted with Ye Jue or felt his presence from a distance.

Now I saw him turned into powder, his pupils shrunk, his eyes were about to burst, and his breathing almost stopped.

She knew that this time was different from the past. It was the saint who sacrificed the ancient weapons and brought the power of all the people in the small world to attack the master of their world.

When many people saw such a scene, their hearts sank immediately.

They were shocked, something big was going to happen.

Are you dead? Are you really dead? Where are the boundary monuments and the kingdoms of the gods? No, something is wrong. They didn't appear. They are not dead at all!

Jialuo's eyes were so horrifying, red as blood, staring at that area.

Jia Luo, he is already dead. There is no precedent for a being who has been punished by a divine whip to survive, let alone six full whips.

Ao Shenzhou's eyes were as big as the sea of ​​stars, filled with excitement.

Finally killed this tease!

He saw that the sea of ​​trees was trembling, trembling, and the sky was about to burst.

His trump card was to kill the opponent.

To give the opponent a crucial blow, this person would never have thought that he had a magical whip.

The divine son of the empire...Ji Zizai is really powerful. He just gave me such a magical weapon.

Ao Shenzhou is full of surprises.


At this time, the sounds of sentient beings shouting came from the sea of ​​trees. The voices of all ethnic groups were calling and praying together.

It's useless. He has been eliminated by the path of death. I have seen people seeking death. I have never seen anyone seeking death like this. Before he died, he made such a great wish to make all living beings become gods. How could he be so virtuous? No matter what, this person is just a humble soul on this path of desire.

The laughter of Xiao Lei, the Lord of the World, also came from the whip.

Sicha, this kind of grand ambition has been directly written into the rules of heaven. If he becomes a god, wouldn't he be the most powerful god in the world? No wonder the whip is so fierce, and it was whipped six times in a row!

The little gun king Bai Yangsheng also burst into laughter.

This war is finally over.

Now, the crusade against the tree spirits begins.

That's right, have you seen this supreme fluctuation? It's the death of a great god!

Those lesser saints all laughed wantonly and ridiculed again and again.

No, no, how could our Lord, our God, die?

In the sea of ​​trees, the voices of all ethnic groups kept rising and falling.

They can't escape now. If the sea of ​​trees is destroyed, they will never be able to regenerate.

This situation is the most chaotic moment, the moment of great darkness.

Here they come, they are here, what a powerful force of chaos, wake up, Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees!

The pink-haired girl didn't care at all that Ye Jue was shattered just now, but was extremely excited.

Da da da!

All over the universe, the planted Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees began to grow rapidly again.

And it’s skyrocketing!

The diameter of each tree suddenly increased from more than 2,000 kilometers to 10,000 kilometers, and it is still growing.

Buzz buzz!

These seven wondrous treasure trees began to vibrate, exerting their power for the first time.

What's going on, power, our power is disappearing!

Hey, something's wrong. My body and my magic weapon can't be used anymore?!

What the hell is going on, wow!

In an instant, Puff, puff, puff—!, all the living beings in the whip were sprayed out.

They were confused and didn't know what was happening.

However, they all undoubtedly have the feeling that their own strength is being infinitely reduced, as if their penance is being erased.

This is a big panic. Anyone caught in this weird situation will scream in fear.

what happened?

The little gun king Bai Yangsheng was filled with surprises and doubts. He was also affected. His ears were buzzing, as if some force was whispering in his ears.

Was it the battle just now that had your eardrum pierced?

Or tinnitus or deafness?

But it was impossible, he was a second-class saint, and having eardrum problems made him feel extremely ridiculous.

Why did my power fall from the Second Saint to the Heavenly Dragon? How is it possible? I am obviously a Secondary Saint particle, so how can I have the strength of a Heavenly Dragon? How come my total energy value has dropped?

Xiao Lei, the Lord of the World, was speechless and was simply frightened.

This is...this is, looking back at Tiandao, there is a new regular power in the big starry sky that was born when we were fighting!?

Ao Shenzhou's pupils contracted. He didn't know what it was.

However, the realm was really suppressed and forcibly reduced.

His strength dropped to the sub-holy level.

This is the power of the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree. Thank you for helping me complete the final stage.

At this time, the powder that was shattered by the divine whip spun around to form a figure, who could it be if it wasn't Ye Jue.

The divine whip was indeed powerful and killed him.

But the consciousness is still there, and the powder turned into particles is still there, and it can be reorganized at any time.

Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees?

Ao Shenzhou, the Lord of Xiaolei World, Bai Yangsheng, the Little Spear King, and other minor saints were dumbfounded.

For a moment, it was like cold water being poured on the head. No one dared to act rashly.

They were afraid that if they did so, they would be brutally attacked.

Now their strength has been greatly reduced and they have been turned into dogs.

Once a war breaks out, the outcome will be disastrous.

These trees...are all cultivated by the power of chaos?

Jialuo's voice was no longer low, and he almost screamed.

This kind of method can only be possessed by an invincible empire!

Yes, it seems you are not stupid either.

Ye Jue looked at Jia Luo and spoke calmly.

He had long known that this person was hidden in the dark side of these people.

It turns out that you have been doing these things secretly. No wonder you haven't appeared on the battlefield.

Ao Shenzhou's mouth was a little cramped.

He had long been vaguely aware that this person was doing something secretly, but he had no choice but to shoot.

I just didn't expect that this tease would use the power of chaos to cultivate the tree of chaos, and even said it was called the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree.

Wouldn't it be over if we just talked about the Tree of Chaos?

Do you know that you are seeking death? You, the earth god, are also seeking death with him. Don't you know that the Tree of Chaos is the true form of the Realm of Destruction?

Ao Shenzhou's face became darker and darker.

Even if he was beaten to death, he never thought that the Earth God would be so bold as to secretly cultivate the saplings of the Tree of Chaos.

so what?

Before the tree spirit could speak, Ye Jue responded calmly without any joy or worry.

What? Do you know that the realm of destruction is also a huge god, and it is a god of heaven. It is more powerful than the god of earth. It is a tree of chaos. The existence of the empire is the best symbol, bringing chaos and infinity. order!

Ao Shenzhou was almost furious.

He regrets extremely now. He regrets breaking into the big starry sky. He regrets having the idea to become a great saint. He regrets stopping this crusade. He regrets it so much.

Now, he didn't want to do it anymore if he was asked to attack the tree spirits.

When the empire arrives and sees these trees of chaos, it will immediately fly into a rage. Surrendering will be useless by then. We will all be charged with the crime of familiarizing ourselves with the gods, and we will all be destroyed.

He said through gritted teeth.

What, is there such a thing?

Is this really happening?

Are you telling the truth?

All over the universe, those lurking groups, those ancient beings, these immortal souls, these old people who are about to run out of fuel and lamps, their eyes widened instantly.

They were really frightened to death by these words.

Originally, I thought that when the empire came, they would just plunder the formation of creation, cut down trees and kill spirits, so I just let them do it. They surrendered where they should surrender and resisted where they should resist.

Anyway, the tree spirit will be born again, and the anti-life equation should not be in the control of the weak earth god.

But now, the situation changed instantly. They were all pulled into the water unknowingly.

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