Emperor's mind is a superb art. You must first be moved by emotion. Ye Jue, every sentence he talks to you is actually a trap. Cleverly use the method of suppressing desire first, praising Zhang humbly first, and then luring him. Eli, break your heart.”

Once your mind is shaken, you will sink and be used by him. This is the Emperor's Mind Technique Sutra, the most terrifying and domineering power of the empire.

The controller also changed the subject.

Yes, he has the supreme status and power of a king. I am afraid that the number of ministers who are deeply moved and willing to do anything for him and sacrifice their lives is unimaginable!

The tree spirit said coldly.

Look, as soon as he met you, he started calling you brothers and colluding with you in deep space. Even if you think about it, it's impossible!

She kept talking, flashing her snow-white silver teeth.

Calm down, you two. You don't have to be like this. How could my heart be shaken?

Ye Jue had a smile on his face, and he also heard some haste in the words of the tree spirit and controller, obviously worried that he would turn against him.

If even he joins the empire and works for the empire, it will really be over.

Now, he is the sustenance of the gods for revenge, and the key person whether World Tree can survive this disaster.

Emperor of the empire, please save it. Can't you feel my faith, soul, heart, mission, responsibility, pursuit, and perseverance?

Ye Jue looked at the shadow.

It's such a shame.

Xuying immediately responded calmly.

Indeed, he felt various powers from Ye Jue's soul.

With sustenance, condolences, remembrance, and inheritance of the red gene, we will never forget our original intention, our faith is very firm and unshakable, and we will always move towards a new journey.

He couldn't convince such a soul at all.

The only way to make him surrender is death.

So save it. When you talk to me, you only care about the cards in my hand. They are a threat to you and the empire. This is exactly my opportunity. If the universe is still as dark as ever, then it is better to swallow it and start again. Create a new world.”

Ye Jue's eyes were gleaming, and his pupils were filled with endless light.

New world? You alone? Can you control the universe? Not to mention the realm of annihilation, you can't cover up even a small realm of suffering.

The shadow let out a hearty laugh.

Whether it is a mythical body or a high-entropy body, as long as the number is 1, the ultimate power is still very small compared to the vastness of space.

No matter how strong a person is, he cannot cover the sky.

The empire created by Gu has gone through two epochs and two hundred and fifty-nine thousand two hundred years. It has become so huge that you and others can't imagine it.

He stood on top of the metal cage with his hands behind his back.

The void in front of him twisted, and some pictures appeared.

It was a bloody, dense, gloomy battlefield with countless corpses.

The blood energy is soaring into the sky, tearing apart the sky. There is no doubt that the combat power of Dongge is worth hundreds of millions of corpses. Every planet is exuding order runes and they are bombarding each other. The scene is too horrifying.

Such a battlefield is so depressing, it is simply hell.


What did Ye Jue see on the battlefield?

The white tiger shrouded in monstrous purple light, the giant bird surging with purple clouds, the lion reflected in the five-color divine light, and the celestial dragon with silver light penetrating the sky are also there... These big monsters are all from Yunshan Mountain.

It turns out that this is the front line. It has been fighting for more than four thousand years and it is not over yet.


Seeing this, Ye Jue's heart sank, and he felt an unmatchable force pressing on his shoulders.

Because even if the entire World Tree's combat power is brought in, they can only survive in such a war for one minute.

After a minute, it will be ruthlessly torn apart.

There is no doubt that the most common weapons are weapons from two-star civilizations, such as mutant planetary thrusters, inexplicable rays, and even anti-matter weapons that only three-star civilizations have, sophon dimensionality reduction.

Yun Shanshan, who can form an empire and fight against these many civilizations, uses prehistoric level weapons.

Weak, helpless and pitiful...

Now, Ye Jue feels this way in his heart. No wonder, this place is called a misery.

Do you feel small? The so-called cards in your hand can only protect yourself.

Xuying said coldly.

Hmph, in this war, your empire and Yunshan Mountain will both suffer losses. Ye Jue, don't be frightened. Instead, this is an opportunity, and new forces will rise.

The pink-haired girl snorted coldly, and then said to Ye Jue to cheer him up.

I see.

Ye Jue suddenly thought about that prophecy.

Although some quiet changes have taken place, the butterfly has never escaped its fate.

The future of mankind will still exist under the influence of three ethnic groups.

Could it be...

Is it the Empire, Yunshan Mountain, and Hell?

Tree spirit in a miserable state, you are just an earth god, not even a god of heaven. What's more, you are still a prisoner of Gu, how dare you make suggestions in front of Gu?

The shadow instantly opened a pair of dark eyes and shot out two terrifying black lightnings, which directly reflected on the pink-haired girl.

In the void, fire splashed everywhere, and it suddenly burned, shrouding the tree spirit in a ball of black flames.


Shulin screamed when he was born. It seemed that he had been tortured like this for a long time.


Seeing this scene, Ye Jue's face turned cold.

He was so cruel to abuse the Earth God at will, and he was still in front of him. How could he bear it?


He reached forward with one hand.

The corrosive power of the great formation of creation immediately spread forward.

This is still a one time use.

Click, click, click!

This metal cage suddenly made this harsh sound, and the layers began to peel off.

If you want to refine the anti-life equation, you must have a very strong physique. It is impossible for even the saint level to do it, or you must have an analysis furnace with unparalleled power. So Gucai has been staying here with peace of mind. Unexpectedly, he was really After refining, what methods were used?

Phantom felt a little surprised when he saw the Anti-Life Equation appear, releasing strange corrosive substances and contaminating his cage.

There are only a few things in this universe that can make him feel surprised.

Boom boom boom!!

Of course, it was impossible for Ye Jue to tell the emperor that he had a system and continue to use the power of the formation to corrode the prison in front of him.

The Emperor of the Starry Sky is just a shadow, an energy body generated by the magnetism of life.

Therefore, he wanted to save the tree spirit here and take her to escape.

Anyway, they had already broken their skin. There was no room for negotiation between them, it was just a dialogue.

Now that the conversation is over, it's time to take action.



At this moment, the Holy Infant burst out laughing, grinning widely, eyes half closed, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

Finally, he chased and killed a clone and came here.

Unexpectedly, seeing such a scene, I made a sound of uh in my nose.

A terrifying metal cage space, which contained an aura that he was very familiar with.

This is……

He shuddered.

The girl with pink hair, whose aura is obviously the soul of the World Tree, is actually sealed here.

Then, the young man beside her is Ye Jue.

Is this the true body?

The Holy Infant laughed wildly at him, it was too ferocious, and even made a gesture of slitting his throat.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that this little thing would also fall into the suppression.

This is a great opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


However, the void was trembling, and a shadow was standing in the sky with its hands behind its back.


The Holy Infant suddenly became frightened and almost gasped.

That can't be, is, the emperor? !

Ah, Niu Shengying, meet the Emperor of the Starry Sky.

He quickly lay down, trembling, his earlier arrogance and recent arrogance all restrained.

Niu Shengying, you are also a life that I gave birth to and belong to the World Tree. How can you kowtow to a foreign enemy?

Because of Ye Jue's attack, the black flame that burned the pink-haired girl had disappeared. When she saw the Holy Infant kowtow in fear, she immediately shouted out.

Tree spirit, tree spirit, you are just a soul bred by the world tree in this era. The tree spirit of the previous era has finally returned to the tree body, and its consciousness has been annihilated. This is how you were born. I have a mental mysophobia. Ethically speaking, he is not your child.

Niu Shengying was in a state of despair. When he saw the Starry Sky Emperor, he began to garble.

What did you say? Do you want to betray? Do you want to be expelled?

The pink-haired young lady asked him with a stern face.

If the Saint level betrays them, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss, and the combat effectiveness of the universe will drop again.

No...I just...

At this point, Niu Shengying suddenly pointed at Ye Jue and shouted: It's him, he lured me here on purpose. What's the purpose of that damn little thing?

I just want you to make your choice now so you don't regret it later.

Ye Jue activated the creation formation, slowly corroding the metal cage, and said coldly:

Niu Shengying, we are facing a great enemy. Everything in the past can be resolved. You can use your cave magic outside and cooperate with my formation to forcefully blast a tunnel out of the metal cage. This way you can rescue the tree spirit. This is a great achievement. pieces.


Niu Shengying was extremely shocked. The expression on his face kept changing, struggling, hesitating, and undecided...

Huh? Little Demon Saint, you can actually cultivate to the Saint level in this difficult situation? It can be seen that you are blessed with countless opportunities. For a life that strives to evolve like this, is tenacious, fights hard, and will break your head and bleed for a little benefit. Gu Zuzi It’s monsters like you that I admire.”

The shadow suddenly turned around, his eyes flashing.

You are so powerful. You have been competing with the God of Creation for opportunities. It shows that your heart for evolution is particularly strong. It is far more than those old and immortal monsters in Yunshan Mountain. You have a great future. I admire you very much, and I will give you a gift. How about choosing to explore the deep space with Gu and looking down at the universe indifferently?

His voice seemed to come from the depths of the universe, making Niu Shengying's soul tremble.

I...can I really do it? Yes, yes, I am very honored to be able to conspire with you in deep space to achieve immortality, Your Majesty!

Niu Shengying couldn't stabilize his mind at all, his face was extremely excited, and he shouted loudly and excitedly.

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