Is this phantom the Emperor of the Starry Sky?

He looked up and said in a cold voice.

The culprit of everything, the suppression of the ancient road to the outside world, and the invincible empire was built by this person.


This phantom is like an electromagnetic wave, flashing with a strange frequency.

Shall I summon you?

Suddenly, the pink-haired girl frowned.

Her face was originally very clean and beautiful, but suddenly it changed. She was stained with blood, her hair was disheveled, and there was a touch of green blood at the corner of her mouth.

Is it you? Oops, you've been fooled, let's go!

The blood-stained face immediately raised his head with an expression of disbelief.


Ye Jue's scalp instantly felt numb.

He saw that everything around him was distorted and turned out to be false!

It was the real tree spirit that spoke to him now, very weakly.


Moreover, from the beginning, the phantom was flashing with a strange frequency, as if it was alive.


Almost instantly, the spacecraft he was driving started warp flight.

As soon as the tree spirit said 'go', he took action and started the spacecraft.

The curvature-driven spacecraft compresses the space in front and expands the space behind it, thus forming a space bubble in the area where the spacecraft itself is located.

Then, the wrapped spacecraft achieves super-light movement in space. In layman's terms, it is shrinking the ground into an inch in the magical arts.

By compressing time and space and then restoring it, we can achieve a faster than light time and space jump.

Therefore, give him 0.0001 seconds and he can leave this space instantly.

However, a strange scene still happened.

The entire colorful space was distorted crazily, and all scenes were rapidly melting.


The warp spaceship stopped just as it was about to start.

Warning! Warning! Electromagnetic interference from life has been detected and space cannot be compressed!

At this moment, the spacecraft sounded a red alarm.

Is it too late?

Ye Jue looked around with a dark face.

The colorful sea of ​​trees quickly melted away, and there were no colorful tree beards in the entire space.

Because the field here is actually a huge metal cage, a real sealed place.

He unexpectedly broke in and entered the metal cage.

It's like throwing yourself into a trap, almost like delivering food.

He, who was always cautious, could not help but darken his face at this moment.

He didn't plan this out.

I have captured so many scenes of the future, but there is no one like this.

But this may not be blamed on his carelessness. It is most likely that the enemy used some way to avoid fate.

Damn it! You actually used this method?! It's so despicable!

The tree spirit looked up to the sky and roared.

No Exit.

At this time, Ye Jue bit the bullet and checked the metal cage.

He broke through dozens of times the speed of sound and rushed to the edge of the cage, but found that it was sealed and not even a single cell could escape.

It's useless. This is a magic lock. It can't be opened without a key.

The tree spirit was trapped by the chains and said weakly in a state of embarrassment.

Gotta try it.

Particles burst out from Ye Jue's body, quickly forming a Death Armor. He held up the holy sickle and swung it at the metal wall.


That place exploded directly, and the energy was terrifying.

However, after the light dissipated, there was no damage at all.

It seems like it's really wasted effort.

However, Ye Jue looked strange.

As long as you use the boundary monument, you can easily escape, and you can also escape without being noticed.

And, after finally getting in touch with the tree spirit, do you want to take it with you?

Doing so will undoubtedly expose the existence of the boundary monument.

Except for Demon Saint, Jialuo, and Dragon Girl, no one else knows about the boundary monument.

Moreover, he is also very good at hiding himself. Every time he falls into a dangerous situation, he fights out with his own skills. He has never used it before.

However, there was no time for him to think anymore. The shadowy figure with his hands on his back, hovering above the metal cage, slowly turned around.

So it's you, the successor of the gods, the power of the creator god, you should have obtained it, right?

This voice, extremely rich and magnetic, asked his soul.

Dong dong dong——!

Suddenly, Ye Jue's spirit body sitting on the throne of the gods began to vibrate like a heart. this aura, the Emperor of the Starry Sky, it's him!

The controller's face was as gloomy as water, and he shouted in disbelief, with boundless resentment in his heart.

The most powerful enemies of the gods finally met again.

Emperor of the Starry Sky?

Ye Jue stared at the shadow in front of him extremely nervously.

When we met for the first time, I didn't expect it to be like this.

Although, it is just a shadow, and even the face cannot be seen clearly.

However, the boundless pressure and the aura of the emperor have penetrated into every part of the field.

Deep in my heart, there was even a thought that I couldn't resist at all.

This feeling of terror has not occurred for a long time.

Despicable bastard!

When the tree spirit saw the Starry Sky Emperor's consciousness descending, he gritted his silver teeth and wished he could bite him to death.

Enemy of the gods, Emperor of the Starry Sky, you will definitely be punished. You are a lawless, heinous, and heart-wrenching bastard. You suddenly attacked the negotiation meeting that was agreed upon at the beginning, causing the gods to fall into this state. How miserable, how vicious, you bastard!

The controller actually flew out of the kingdom of the gods, shouting and blaming, with his face filled with anger, and he verbally criticized and listed various crimes.

At this time, the place was quiet, and all he could hear was his insults.

It's really noisy. Back then, one hundred and three gods were no match for Gu. Did Gu use a sneak attack?

Xuying said disdainfully, squinting at the controller.

You are a device created by the gods. You are not even a living being. What qualifications do you have to yell at me?

His words made the controller so angry that his every orifice was filled with smoke. It was simply unbearable.


The Wheel of the Gods flew directly out of the Gate of the Gods and shot out dozens of chains of God of Order.

‘Bang bang bang bang! ’

Those invincible divine chains of order penetrated the metal cage and had never met an opponent. Now they were twisted and couldn't get close to this person's field.

At a distance of a hundred meters, it seemed as if it had hit a layer of 'air glass' and could no longer move forward.

It's such a backward civilization, and they still use the Divine Chain of Order to show off their power.

Xuying glanced at Ye Jue.

You are right. I have indeed mastered the final chapter of the Book of Creation, but you keep saying that gods are weak. Why are you still afraid of my identity as the God of Creation?

Ye Jue was very calm and calm.

Afraid? Haha!! Are you afraid of me?

At this time, Xuying smiled.

Isn't it? Otherwise, why would you pay attention to this weak life form? You are the emperor of the starry sky. Aren't you afraid of the epochal weapon that 103 gods worked hard to create? You are afraid that this thing will destroy your empire and create a new future. , to become a new generation of emperors.”

The controller's face was as gloomy as water. Hearing these words, it was impossible for him to have an attack at this time.

You are wrong again. I just knew that someone had refined the Anti-Life Equation, so I came here to take a look. Unexpectedly, I turned out to be the successor of the Era Weapon.

The shadow stood above the metal cage, looking down at them:

I'm not interested in the successors of gods or the power of the Creator God at all, because they're all rubbish.


This sentence once again angered the controller.

The controller's whole body spurted out fierce light, and he was really angry.


He actually compared Era weapons to garbage?

Gu has no interest in garbage. Gu's current position has already surpassed the past and is a level beyond the reach of gods.

The shadow told.

He glanced coldly at the tree spirit, Ye Jue, the controller.

The road to mythology is broken. I heard that you have been continuing it?

The shadow glanced at Ye Jue again.

Yes, this emperor, does he have any objections to this?

Ye Jue showed his snow-white teeth.

Anyway, this is not the real Emperor of the Starry Sky in front of him, and there is nothing he can do about it.

I just want to tell you that the mythical body will eventually evolve into a god, but it will lead to a dead end.

Xuying said calmly.

What do you mean, will you be dissected by you after becoming a god? Or is it related to the Red Dust Sky? Are the emperors in the realm of destruction also afraid of the Red Dust Sky?

Ye Jue rambled on.

He basically knows what the Red Dust Heaven is and what the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven is.

Anyway, one thing is now clear, that is, the mythical body will bow down after evolving into a god, and will no longer be able to practice. This has a lot to do with the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven.

Gu has only one goal. What's more, not all gods are killed by Gu.

The shadow is extremely indifferent.

Fart, it pisses me off. You are talking nonsense, you despicable bastard, you are the one who killed all the gods. You should take off your head and apologize to them in front of the graves of the gods!

When the controller heard what the Starry Sky Emperor said, he was furious.

In such a dark era at that time, the gods were attacked and killed by him, and he actually wanted to expose them like this, which really made him grind his teeth in anger.

Don't be impulsive. Listen to what he says.

Ye Jue was attentive.

The end of the last era was filled with darkness. Many powerful people died, their memories were erased, and they turned into immortal souls. They have lived hard until now.

Xuying put his hands behind his back and continued: In the beginning, Gu was still an insignificant existence among many mythical entities.

Mythical body?

Ye Jue was surprised.

Empires are all high-entropy bodies that analyze mythical power.

Unexpectedly, their emperor also practiced mythology?

Yes, in fact, Gu has always been full of awe of the myth. At first, Gu did not stick to this path to the end. This is why Gu pays attention to you. It is not that you have mastered the weapons of the era and have the identity of the Creator God. These are not worth mentioning to Gu,

Xuying said calmly: I have known for a long time that the road to mythology has been broken. Later, I learned that someone who continued the road to mythology appeared. I have long wanted to meet him, because I am full of admiration for this person's great perseverance and determination.

When I found out that you actually connected the Mythical Path to the Tianlong level, I was really, really surprised.

So, I especially appreciate you. I brought you here this time, and my method is indeed a bit despicable, but in fact, it's just to meet you, because I feel that I can conspire with you in the deep space.

Hearing this, the tree spirit was the first to be unhappy and shouted: Despicable bastard, shut up! Ye Jue, don't listen to him, this is the emperor's trick!

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