Because he was going to do something big.

That is to separate the formation of creation and disconnect it from the earth.

However, the formation of creation is engraved on the earth and has become a part of the earth.

Harming the earth will never be allowed by the subconscious mind of a star embryo that has not yet given birth to consciousness.

Therefore, Ye Jue abandoned his identity as the Lord of Four Seasons and Rebirth.


He suddenly broke through the melt layer, flew into the atmosphere, and stood above the stars.


Immediately afterwards, Ye Jue raised his hands, and the sound of Rumble--! was heard from the entire earth.

Buzz! !

All kinds of jets of black light and the mighty star power were suddenly suppressed.

Because the imprint of the Great Creation Formation has appeared, and the power of this imprint is too powerful, suppressing all the power of the star.


Ye Jue gave a low drink.

He is now the user and refiner of this corner of the great creation formation, not the master.

However, it can be driven, using the equations of the large array.

Boom boom boom! !

As soon as he finished speaking, the earth's energy magma surged out instantly and shot up into the sky, creating a scene of doomsday.

The imprint of the Creation Formation slowly rises and leaves the earth.

But every centimeter away, the ground will crack longer and farther, forming a large abyss, as if it is going to fall apart.

Continue to separate!

As Ye Jue's eyes opened and closed, strands of golden light bloomed, determined to separate the imprints of the formation.

He believed that the Earth's star embryo would never be so fragile and die like this.


The formation of creation continued to be stripped away, causing lava to rise from the ground into thousands of meters high waves of fire, which was very spectacular.

This complicated engraving buried in the dust of time is so brilliant. It has been hidden until now. Now it is peeled off and truly appears in the universe, like a lighthouse, shining in all directions of the universe.

It was so brilliant that even Ye Jue felt very excited.

It can be said that the anti-universe land of creation was once extremely glorious, but it has experienced terrible things, great terror, great darkness, great bloodshed...

The fall of an era. The once evolved civilization should have been highly developed, but it was destroyed in an instant. How terrifying is this?

In the end, there is no way to know who left the corner of the anti-life equation on the earth.


As the seals continue to rise into the sky, the earth is also facing a disaster. Once everything was covered in dust and desolate, it is now about to be destroyed.


In an instant, the Earth's star embryo shot out thousands of beams of light. The fragmented Earth finally began to close together, and the great cracks and great abyss began to merge.

The overwhelming ocean of magma also slowly became silent beneath the ground.

At this moment, Ye Jue felt the power of being rejected by the earth, and he was abandoned.

Because his actions, according to the star embryo's instinct, deprived the earth of its power, which was a heinous crime and almost caused the earth to split open. It was an unforgivable crime.

Therefore, the earth began to reject him.

When you become self-aware, you will understand my good intentions.

Ye Jue sighed.

If he doesn't peel off the Formation of Creation, when the Imperial Army attacks, he will definitely destroy the Earth as soon as possible and get the Anti-Life Equation.


He grasped it with his palm, and the formation of creation surrounding the earth began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into a lifelike small engraving.

But it is very dazzling, and it makes people's eyes hurt, and they can feel the majestic and destructive power within it.


With one last click, the small engraving rotated a few times and was imprinted on his palm.

Farewell for now, my old home.

Ye Jue gathered his thoughts, took out a spaceship from the Kingdom of Gods, and disappeared here.

Today, there is no place in the solar system worthy of attention anymore.

In the universe, as small as dust, there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, billions of dust particles, and the extremely small earth will never attract attention again.

In a distant galaxy, a spaceship landed.

An embarrassed figure, with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth and a trembling body, opened the hatch and walked out.

I didn't expect that the power of the Anti-Life Equation is so terrifying...

Ye Jue's body was trembling, his mind was unstable, and his face was as white as snow.

Ever since he took away the Formation of Creation, his body has been corroded, and this mark has extremely powerful corrosive power.

Even if it has been refined, being able to use it does not mean that it will not be counterattacked.

Because this thing is lifeless and has no intelligence, it is simply a devouring and corrosive power.

The Anti-Life Equation, for any evolver, is the source of certain destruction when touched.


Just when Ye Jue was about to go on the road again, fragments of time and space suddenly boiled in the starry sky not far away, and then one after another terrifying flames penetrated, like gorgeous fireworks blooming, it was really beautiful.

However, this flame burned meteorites and comets completely and melted them directly. It can be seen that the power of the flame is extraordinary.


In an instant, two red arms pulled the space-time fragments, as if trying to break free from them, and blazing beams of light continued to spurt out one after another, like a meteor shower.

This breath feels so familiar.

Ye Jue's face was bloodless and his heart was pounding.

Damn the dark angel group, I finally escaped from the space fault. I swear that I will never enter it a second time.

Finally, the red figure broke free from the vortex of time and space. He looked very familiar, the Holy Infant, the demon saint.

Little one, we meet again. If I hadn't sensed your aura, I wouldn't have been able to escape so quickly.

The Holy Infant stood in the starry sky, opened his sleeves, and brought up a strong wind.

Dang Dang Dang!

From his body, bronze tripods flew out in an instant, spinning rapidly, falling on Ye Jue's head, making a trembling sound, and then spread out in a huge ripple.

This is to suppress Ye Jue and prevent him from escaping. The first time he takes action is a top-notch combination of magic weapons.

So, you still want to thank me?

Ye Jue didn't make any move, smiling palely.

Hmph, why don't you resist now?

The Holy Infant watched helplessly as the magic weapon suppressed it, but the latter didn't even move, and was a little surprised.

He knew that this little guy was particularly good at measuring, being clever, and had top-notch escape skills.

Therefore, he was experimenting and cautiously probing, rather than actually taking action.

Unexpectedly, he was caught right away.

Hand over the boundary marker.

The Holy Infant was in a daze at first, and then was pleasantly surprised, feeling that it was no longer a problem to figure it out.

Boom boom boom! !

The effect of the field formed by the ten bronze cauldrons was astonishing. The roar exploded and was suppressed fiercely.

Suddenly, all the cosmic garbage and metal meteorites around Ye Jue exploded into pieces and turned into powder.

boundary marker?

Ye Jue suddenly opened his palm, and a small vortex appeared rapidly, spinning continuously, and a small black monument appeared.

It's not that he doesn't want to resist anymore, it's that his body is really hard to move, and it's been too severely corroded by the anti-life equation.

Boundary monument! Give it to me. As long as you hand it over to me, I swear I won't do anything to you. I can even accept you as my apprentice, a close disciple, and teach you the power to advance to the Dharma!

The Holy Infant's eyes were straightened.

The boundary monument that once suppressed him in the time hole appeared again, and it was so close that it was too tempting.

He had always wanted to get the boundary monument because it was so mysterious.

It has existed since ancient times.

There are countless ancient weapons and ancient secrets in the legend. Who wouldn’t be tempted?

If you want it, come and get it.

Ye Jue's face was pale, he smiled slightly, stretched his arm forward, spread his palm, and the boundary monument rotated on it.

Don't worry, you are suppressed by me now and you can't escape.

Suddenly, the Holy Infant's IQ went up, and he felt like he was almost dazzled by the benefits in front of him.

He didn't believe that this little guy had such good intentions and would hand over the boundary monument so easily.


The Holy Infant waved his hand, and the ten bronze tripods suppressing Ye Jue flew away together.

Swish, swish, swish...

Some sands of time shook out of him, so that the route they left was completely erased during this period of time, and no one could notice it.

Holy Infant, do you know the ancient people of Taiyuan?

Ye Jue was kidnapped by the Holy Infant and did not resist.

Anyway, as long as he does not leave the World Tree, the universe will allow the Demon Saint to wander around.

Before the empire came, he had done everything he needed to do.

Huh? Ancient Taiyuan? This title is so familiar...

The Holy Infant was flying ahead and frowned.

Suddenly, he stopped with a look of horror on his face, turned around and asked, How do you know...the ancient people of Taiyuan...could they have appeared before?

Well, it happened. I met a Black Mountain. He said it was under the influence of the ancient people of Taiyuan, and it was called the Black Mountain Old Demon.

Ye Jue talked nonsense seriously.

However, what he did see was Montenegro, and the old demon of Montenegro, but in the boundary monument space.

Oh, it turns out it's the old Black Mountain monster, that kind of little monster. Is it still alive today?

Hearing this, Holy Infant snorted coldly. It was obvious that he classified the old Black Mountain monster into the ranks of little monsters.

Why, the old demon of Montenegro is not your opponent?

Ye Jue asked.

Opponent? It's nothing. It's not even worthy of carrying my shoes. Do you know what kind of monster I am?

The Holy Infant laughed and continued flying, spitting out blazing flames from his nostrils and releasing thick smoke.

A calf?

Ye Jue thought for a while.

In the past era, there are still some records left in the myths. The most famous one is a masterpiece, which was adapted and created based on the previous myths.

This Niu Shengying once reported that he came from Huoyun Cave in Kusongjian.

That means he is one of the Seven Great Sages, a descendant of the Great Sage Pingtian, and this Great Sage Pingtian is said to be the Niu Ancestor.

So what is this Holy Child if it’s not a calf?

Do you really want to die?

The Holy Infant's face turned cold. When he heard the little calf, he was furious. He was really furious. His hair was on fire, and his eyes spurted out flames, burning towards Shiding.

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