However, with more and more secret techniques, pure power can be strengthened endlessly.

Because other top-level cultivation methods for life cultivation are definitely not able to directly extract, fuse, and use it like him.

They want to condense a hundred ancient secret magic talismans, but I am afraid that one era will not be enough.

On the contrary, Ye Jue easily condensed the ancient secret talisman in three thousand years.

Moreover, there are a total of eighty!

Although it can be extracted, fused, and used directly, it saves a lot of time.

However, the integration process is complex and difficult.

It turned out that he had more than a hundred ancient secret techniques, all of which came from the Shura world and were obtained by decomposing high-entropy bodies.

More than twenty of them had errors during the fusion and were destroyed.

The pure power of a hundred ancient secret techniques may be as powerful as a single blow from a thousand-star high-entropy body.

Ye Jue thought deeply.

He once faced an attack from a Thousand Planet High Entropy Body, and energy surged from his opponent's body, so he had already made a judgment call.

However, his attack was a sure kill, while the opponent's attack was just an average A.

My biggest reliance is this...change!

Ye Jue himself took the initiative to let the God of Death come, and the black light all over his body surged. The dark God of Death was like a forbidden existence summoned from the underworld, with a huge scythe penetrating this field.


He let out a dull roar, and lightning flashed from his mouth and nose.

This is when the hybrid particles begin to show their power, turning into thunder at every turn, and the God of Death is bathed in the dazzling light.


A dwarf planet was suddenly split open by the Holy Light Scythe of the God of Death. The entire planet was split into two halves, and a huge fracture trench appeared.

Boom boom boom! !

Terrifying heat continued to flow out of the fracture trench, followed by a horrific explosion.


Immediately, Ye Jue's particles showed signs of instability, and his whole figure seemed to be about to burst.

Sure enough, this particle has not been recognized by Heaven. It is a brand new particle.

This was the first time Ye Jue felt this state.

His body emitted dazzling flames, the particles were unstable, and the energy tide surged, impacting in all directions.

Originally, the mythical path started from Wushuang, Tyrant, Fearless, King Kong... Tyrannosaurus particles, Tianlong particles, Tianju particles, and the realm of the sub-sage, hoping that the emperor would return.

The entire path of cultivation is actually about particles constantly changing and evolving, eventually becoming gods and turning into divine particles.

But after using so many divine particles, he became increasingly clear that the power of divine particles was definitely not the ultimate in evolution.

Uh...does it really have to be disintegrated so that these particles can be fully released and spread throughout the World Tree, and the universe can gain new nutrients before it can be recognized?

Not long after, the light on Ye Jue's body went out, and the arc on his body made a sizzling sound, and finally dimmed.

If you want to complete the way of heaven, even if the tree spirit is not sealed, this is the only way.

He was thinking.

In three thousand years, he has captured some useful fragments of the future.

In one scene, he was shattered and turned into powder. The particles really completed the way of heaven.

But this was not his intention, and he was not going to die.

Because while completing the way of heaven, Ye Jue also needs to survive and benefit from it.

Therefore, there is another kind of miracle appearing in the future scene.

Moreover, when the empire came, some kind of miracle was accomplished for him, so he has been waiting.

Otherwise, the Key to Heaven can smash through the void at any time and go to other small worlds.

Excellent hunters always appear as prey.

Ye Jue will wait in the World Tree and will never leave.

The future scene in which his miracles will be accomplished must be at the time of the coming of the empire. turns out that's what happened. I actually...forget it, let's put it out...

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Jue smiled strangely.

This body actually began to die. The fire of life quickly extinguished, like a candle, and the body slowly disappeared.

In the end, it turned into the power of creation and returned in the direction it came from.

Fifty years later...

The power of creation floated into a mountain peak, silently.

But immediately, with a boom, the mountain split open, and a young man with long sideburns walked out of it, wearing a very simple armor.

He slowly rose into the starry sky, and a water-blue planet beneath his feet slowly rotated around the sun.

Do all the ten clones show signs of particle collapse?

This person is Ye Jue's true form, and his voice is quite young. He is standing in the starry sky, overlooking the surroundings.

He 'launched' a total of ten clones into the universe for experiments, and this happened to all of them.

Hasn't the miracle come yet?

Ye Jue sighed.

The battle between the Empire and Yunshan Mountain is still at a stalemate, and it has been fighting for three thousand years.

Doesn’t it mean that if the empire wants to defeat Yun Shanshan, it must use the Great Formation of Creation?

So, it's not the right time yet. Could it be that the empire is also waiting? The Formation of Creation is the trump card after all.

Ye Jue's expression softened slightly.

He spent these times by sealing himself.

After all, he couldn't die, it was so boring that he had no choice but to do this.

How is your refining of the Great Formation of Creation going?

The voice of the controller sounded.

It's perfect. After all, I have mastered the Land of Creation, right? After three thousand years, I finally got it.

Ye Jue continued to look down, his eyes shining towards the earth.

Boom boom boom——!

The ground of the earth began to shake violently, and then thousands of beams of light were shot out.

A terrifying mark appeared on the land, shining with a strange light.

So this is the Great Formation of Creation. I thought it was... In the past, the gods called it the Great Formation of Creation, and those high-entropy bodies called it the Anti-Life Equation.

The controller looked shocked when he saw the formation of creation manifested.

Anti-Life Equation?

Ye Jue looked at the engraving, which was so huge that it covered the entire earth.

No one would have thought that there was such a thing on the earth, and what was left behind in the ancient land of creation.

Well... this goes back to the ancient era. When the universe was formed at the time of the Big Bang, at the beginning of the ancient times, high-entropy bodies and mythical bodies were already born in deep space. The two have been entangled to this day. Those high-entropy bodies, In order to see the origin of the universe, the process of universe creation was interfered with...

Thus, an anti-universe that is completely opposite to the positive matter universe was born. This anti-universe is exactly the same as the positive matter universe.

The controller copied the previous conversation between the gods.

Another universe?

Ye Jue was finally shocked.

Could it be that he came from this counter-universe?


Is this the positive universe or the anti-universe?

He couldn't help but ask, feeling his scalp numb.

This is... the anti-universe.

The words of the controller are very eye-catching.


Ye Jue was in a daze at first, and then looked incredulous.

I am the controller of the kingdom of the gods. The guardian system created by the gods together has been built from the beginning of my existence. Until now, after two eras, the gods have fallen in the current era. If they talk, they If your knowledge or opinion is wrong, then you can consider it to be false.”

The controller is simply repeating what the gods said before.


Ye Jue's face twitched and he thought silently in his heart.


Did he die in the positive universe before?

This is still not right!

Is the flow of time the same in the positive universe and the anti-universe?

he couldn't help but ask.

Well, it should be the same, because the positive and negative universes are both born from the same origin.

The controller combined many knowledge points and nodded.


Ye Jue has only one thought in his mind now.

That is, there is cosmic power that snatched him from the positive universe and threw him into the anti-universe.

Moreover, he also used the power of time to travel to the moment when the anti-universe demon broke out.


This is speculation, and there are many loopholes, because this idea is too funny. This cosmic power has water in his head. It is simply unnecessary.

Why do you do this and what is the purpose? I can’t figure it out at all!

This corner of the great formation of creation is very dangerous. When this formation is fully activated, it will corrode and engulf everything it encounters. It will corrode intelligent life and cause it to lose its free will and be manipulated.

The voice of the controller fell silent.

That's why the empire regards this thing as its trump card and swallows up Yunshan Mountain when necessary.

Ye Jue has already refined a corner of this formation.

Naturally, I can feel a force that will destroy the world. If released, it will corrode everything in the starry sky, the Milky Way, the galaxy, the sun, the stars, the planets...

Of course it's not destruction, it's erosion, terrible pollution.

Any living body and intelligent life will be swallowed up, and its owner can forcibly control the thoughts and free consciousness of the corrupted person to make them surrender to the user of the formation.

If the Emperor of the Starry Sky mastered the complete formation of creation and the anti-life equation, wouldn't he be able to threaten deep space?


Ye Jue landed and stepped on the formation of creation.

The next moment, this mark gradually disappeared.

Moreover, his body also sank into it and entered the interior of the earth.

Dong dong dong——!

The star embryo is still beating, like a heart, shooting out silver beams of light from time to time with astonishing power.

Isn't consciousness born yet?

Ye Jue has been here several times, and every time he sees the star embryo god Shuo Shuo, he looks bluffing, the brilliant silver light reaches the sky and the earth, but it has no power.

Only when it is born can it show its powerful power.


The Star Crown appeared in his hand, the embodiment of the Lord of Seasons and Rebirth.

Of course, he is now the bare commander, and the star crown is not as bright as before, it has become dim.


The next moment, the star crown was directly crushed and turned into dots of starlight, floating in all directions.


In an instant, Ye Jue felt that something was broken deep in his soul.

That was because the identity of the Earth God was disconnected from him, and the Lord of Seasons and Rebirth would never appear again.

However, he always remained calm and crushed the star crown, everything was for a purpose.

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