That's right, just now he wanted to trick the controller, maybe he could get the Wheel of the Gods.

However, the person in control is too stubborn and his attitude is very clear.

Even if the kingdom of the gods is destroyed, as long as Ye Jue has not completed the remaining nine guidance of the gods, he will never hand over the round wheel of the gods.

Although this ending is not perfect, I will accept these weird particles.

Relying on the power of the Gods' Wheel, Ye Jue pressed forward forcefully, causing the sky in the Kingdom of the Gods to explode with splendor, light rain like waterfalls, and a terrifying and majestic aura.

What he lacked in strength before was now made up for and he could do great things.

bring it on!

Suddenly, he opened his arms and rushed into the strange particle group.

Is he going to commit suicide?

Yang Laner was stunned by this scene. Even she knew that those particles were too terrifying, so she couldn't use the God's Wheel to blast them out, so she had to suppress them.

To put it clearly, it is greed, but greed is not enough to swallow an elephant. Don’t you understand this proverb?

How is it possible? He may have found a way to crack it.

The dragon girl shook her head.

In addition to his own tyrannosaurus particles and the divine particles he can use, these are the only two types Ye Jue can use. How can he resist these weird particles?

The African young man thought for a long time and suddenly exclaimed, as if he finally remembered.

Red particles!

His eyes were bright.

This red particle followed Ye Jue all the way, evolved many times, and finally turned into a red particle, but the particle itself did not unlock the secret.

I only know that it is a kind of particle, which can be used to activate it by using the power of Qi Zhuan Hongjun.

After activating it to the extreme, black energy will appear, so Ye Jue has not used it because he doesn't know what bad things will happen.

Therefore, the red particles are always in a sealed state.


Ye Jue became more and more dazzling and vigorous, his energy boiling, and his whole body was like a big fireball.

There was darkness in all directions, filled with strange particles.

As he opened his arms, these strange particles flew up. From a distance, it seemed as if Ye Jue was opening his mouth and swallowing all the strange particles in one breath.


What followed was intense pain and the most intense corrosion, which began to destroy his internal organs.

Turn into Hong Jun in one breath!

Half of Ye Jue's body was cracked and bleeding, but there were various strange phenomena happening around him.

Because the red particles are restarted.

This particle, which many people call the closest to the world of mortals, finally appears again.

It is still not clear what the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven is.

Dragon Girl didn’t remember it either, so she kept it on hold until now.

Now, the Qi Zhuan Hongjun in his body began to activate crazily, and all the red particles in the blood were suddenly reactivated, traveling crazily through every blood vessel, and began to actively intercept and fight against the strange particles.

Hungry, very hungry!

In an instant, Ye Jue felt this appeal. It was the red particles expressing its own extreme hunger.

It seems that the children are starving and thin. It's really pitiful. Let's start eating quickly.

Ye Jie no longer restricts them, allowing these particles to move freely.

Boom boom boom boom...

It was like a bomb was exploding in his body. Most people couldn't bear it. His internal organs were being exploded one after another. No one could bear it.

There was so much noise that everyone stayed away from him.


The stars are surging, the energy is surging, the lightning is thundering, and it is extremely terrifying.

Damn it, two visions have appeared. One is the God of Death holding a scythe to harvest life, and the other is even more shocking. It is a group of dead people with bleeding eyes. 5.4.3... both sides Let’s start the PK!”

The African young man was too chatty and said in a loud voice.


Ye Jue's whole body was bathed in the terrifying battle. Even in the kingdom of gods, energy surged out, almost shattering the void here.

I didn't expect that the red particles and the weird particles would collide and create such huge sparks, and no one would be convinced.


Suddenly, Ye Jue's body was torn open and his injuries were extremely serious.

But soon, it was completely healed, and the new area was very bright and full of energy.

This is……

Seeing the regrown body, Ye Jue was surprised to find that red lines appeared on it.


Ye Jue cracked again, this time in the thigh.

However, it soon grew out, and the skin was white and tender, with some red lines appearing on it.

how's it going?

The dragon girl spoke from a distant place.

The strongest collision has passed, it's okay.

Ye Jue can feel that there is a frightening blazing aura in his body, like an analytical furnace, the billowing energy is surging, and the oppressive person will suffocate!


As soon as he finished speaking, half of his body split open, and then red lines were born, covering the spirit body and unable to be washed away.

His current body, originally very small, now has these red lines wrapped around it, as if it has turned into a monster. The blame is on his sharp eyes, which bloom with gray and red crystal eyes, which are all weird particles. changes brought about.

Is this okay?

Yang Laner was extremely shocked.

In an instant, Ye Jue split three times and said he was fine.


This was another sound, Ye Jue cracked again, click, click, click... a total of eighteen times, and each time there were red lines on the skin.

Is anything going on?

The African young man's buttocks were so anxious that he could only watch Ye Jue cracking open over and over again. It was so miserable.

Nothing, not only nothing, I also got a brand new particle, a brand new energy, a version I have never played before.

Ye Jue was very excited.

Just now, he conducted an absolutely impossible experiment using two kinds of particles.

That is fusion together, called particle synthesis. This is a technology for high-entropy bodies. It requires very sophisticated equipment and machinery to carry out. If there is a slight mistake, the result will be in vain.

Unexpectedly, he used the power of the creation of the gods and the wheels of the gods to combine the two particles together like grinding grain, and a hybrid particle was born.

Because it was difficult to name it, Ye Jue decided to call it mixed particles.

This mixed particle contains red particles and weird particles, which is powerful and weird.

Of course, Ye Jue also wants to create a three-in-one system and try integrating the divine particles into it.

Especially the Crow Particles and the Jade Rabbit Particles, after synthesis, you can definitely get more special power.

Time is up!

The controller's voice fell and he took away the spinning wheel of the gods.

Ye Jue couldn't help but secretly thought it was a pity. If it had been another minute, the divine particles might have been able to merge in and become a rare three-in-one hybrid particle.

Mixed particles? This is cheating. You have won the bet with such a small chance?

Ares Knife was extremely shocked.

Gamble? No, it was just the creative power of the gods who created the world, coupled with the extreme suppression of the gods' wheels, that barely succeeded. But I already have experience. Next time, I will do a three-in-one, four-in-one Oneness!”

Ye Jue said directly.

Pfft, barely succeeded? You are unlucky. If you succeed once, you will definitely fail the next time. Four-in-one hybrid particles have never been born in history. Look at you now, you are doing like The tattoo is the same. Is this a spiritual guy with open eyes? If he combines it with other particles, wouldn’t he become an upgraded version of the spiritual guy?

When Zhan Shen Dao heard that Ye Jue wanted to combine God Particles and Spirit Particles, he almost vomited blood.

How will you know if you don't try? This mixed particle is so powerful. It is the key to my rise and one of the means to fight against the empire.

Ye Jue licked his lips: I finally know the power of strange particles. It's just like the name. It's extremely strange and can produce thousands of changes. This is a kind of treasure particle, extremely precious!

He wanted to meet paper figures again. Those paper figures were made of strange particles and were too 'eating'.

Okay, we've wasted too much time. First we were looking for a way to the Black Realm, and then we were attacking the Paper Man's ship. Don't you be anxious? The Fire of the Void hasn't been found yet.

African youth are speechless.

Why are you in a hurry? The will of the earth has not sent the message yet, and the fire of the big dream has not been found yet.

Ye Jue clenched his fists.

This time the particle evolution has brought about a great increase in combat power, and the strength has skyrocketed!

Everything in the world is composed of particles, and ultimately energy. The total energy value before was about 10 million, but now it has directly evolved to a terrifying number, 23 million!

This means that the great magical power of Wandao can bomb more than ten times in a row without stopping!

His lifespan also increased, suddenly jumping to more than 85,000 years.

The physical strength has also exceeded the limit value, reaching the peak of Tyrannosaurus level, 19,999 times!

The next realm is the Tianlong level. If you want to break through, you also need scriptures, but I don’t know what scriptures they are anymore. From the Vajra Secret Scroll to the Great Wilderness Sutra, the world only knows these two books. As for the others... it’s difficult!

Dragon Girl, Yang Lan'er, and the Divine Sword don't know. It's true. One of them is an idea, the other is a ghost, and the fragments haven't been collected yet. It's normal to have a lack of memory.

No scriptures are needed, I will break through directly and become a heavenly dragon.

Ye Jue now urgently needs to improve his physical fitness and spiritual body, and become a hexagonal warrior to fight against the empire.


He just did what he said, and he directly ignited the ultimate energy. Now that he has reached the peak, he can directly use Creation of the Gods to break through.


The kingdom of the gods rose up with terrible thunder, deafening.

Purple thunderbolts appeared around Ye Jue, creating a violent explosion that could tear a person's eardrums apart.

Every time there was an explosion, Ye Jue's body would splatter with blood, and the pure land of the gods would immediately be stained with blood. It was full of essence and blood, which was very precious.

Now he has transformed at a super high speed. He has obtained the Creation of the Gods and has the power of creation. He simply cannot stop and makes breakthroughs one after another.

Having just achieved the Tyrannosaurus Rex level, he is now about to evolve into the Heavenly Dragon level, transforming from Tyrannosaurus Particles into Heavenly Dragon Particles.

Life is a big empty dream, the vast universe must be rebuilt, the sky and the earth are ups and downs with wind and thunder...

Ye Jue whispered and read out the general outline of the creation of the gods. In an instant, the holy light behind him evolved again like wings.

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