Although these paper fishermen were extremely powerful, they were very afraid of the power of life. In a moment, they all disintegrated and were completely killed by Ye Jue, destroying both body and soul.

The only thing left now is this paper man wearing a black shroud. Suddenly, strange particles all over his body burst out and swept in all directions.

No, flash!

The African young man exclaimed. He had suffered from such particles just now, and he was well aware of the corrosive power within them.


Ye Jue's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he spun around and flew away, rolling up tornadoes in the void and heading towards the paper man in black.

These tornadoes are extraordinary, they are composed of divine particles, accompanied by thunder, dangerous and wild, dazzling and blazing.


In addition to these, it also contains rich power of life, which can cause great harm to the paper man in black. After all, this is a living person using power.


The large vermilion ship was suddenly hit by a tornado in the center. All kinds of strange runes flashed, with billowing strange particles, which was extremely dazzling.

A living person!!

The paper man in black roared again and again, and was suppressed again. The life force of this living person was too strong, stronger than any living person, and stronger than the vitality of Wang Digui!

He couldn't understand why a tyrannosaurus-level living person had such a powerful ability to survive.

It was this force of life that was suppressing him. He could not use any moves or methods and was suppressed to death.

Is this the mysterious strong man who fought with the man in black robe?

Ye Jue whispered, feeling an aura that was even more terrifying than the Saint level rising.

However, as long as he moves, no matter what, his own life force will be emitted and suppressed.

In other places, such as the solar system, the force of life is an invisible energy that cannot be used.

However, here, one can clearly see the energy of the power of life, which is a kind of gleaming green light. Other living people don't know what it looks like, but the green light gushing out of him is like an ocean, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth. The bloody aura of the black-clothed paper man was so suppressed that he couldn't stand up at all.

Ye Jue guessed that this was most likely related to his immortal buff.

Because whenever he dies suddenly, the immortal buff will use a mysterious force to resurrect him.

During the battle against the great powers, he died several times, so he felt deeply about this power.

The amazing power of life mentioned by the black-clothed paper is actually the power of the immortal buff.

Therefore, the immortal buff turned out to be the power of life, a powerful, domineering, and unparalleled energy that transcended everything, more powerful than saints and gods.

Unexpectedly, this buff would be revealed unexpectedly here.

He knew that all the sources of power in this analytical system were well founded and very orderly.

With the help of this life force, he can also fight against these mysterious and strange powerful existences like the man in black robe.


Ye Jue took action again. At this moment, his life force surged again, and he was so brave that he descended like a god.

Tell me, what are you doing here? Why are you fishing for spirits from the heavens and feeding those strange snakes?

Filled with murderous intent, he boarded the scarlet ship again and scolded him three times in a row, making the atmosphere extremely depressing.

He is the one who controls the overall situation now. No matter how weird this black-clothed paper man is, he is completely restrained by the power of life and cannot inspire any power.

Judging from the multiple collisions, it was severely injured, with holes in many places on the paper.

Living person, if I hadn't been seriously injured, your life force would not threaten me.

The paper man in black was still unwilling to give in. His body emitted a black light of strange particles, and he resisted with difficulty.

Stop talking nonsense and answer my questions.

Ye Jue's face was expressionless, but he was actually a little panicked. Anyone who suppressed such a weird thing would feel uneasy.

What's more, those who have fought with the man in black robes may suddenly no longer be afraid of his life force, burst out with shocking power, and kill themselves, which is very easy.

He admitted that he had been impulsive before and attacked the paper man without thinking.

However, this was because he did not see any dangerous future, so he acted rashly.

But there are too many variables in the future, which does not mean that there is no danger if we have not seen it.

It might be safe one second, but the next second the future will change and a new threat will arise.

These are possible.

Quack~ It's impossible. The master has noticed the changes here. When you wake up, you will be dead.

The paper man in black laughed strangely but did not give in.

It was only limited by the power of life, but it was not really defeated by him.

If you keep talking even when you are about to die, in the kingdom of gods, I will swallow him up!

Ye Jue put his hands together, and the Gate of the Gods appeared out of thin air. A long river of pure land swept in and swallowed the black paper man.

In less than a second, the black paper man and the large vermilion ship appeared in the kingdom of the gods.

This is the space of the gods. It can isolate everything in the world. If you are taboo about something, there is no need to say it directly.

Ye Jue said loudly, and at the same time, divine particles appeared and collided with those strange particles.

Divine particles, God particles, and weird particles, no one of these three types of particles will be convinced by the other. One party will fight to the end until the other party is completely wiped out.

Human, it was your biggest mistake to invite me here.

The paper man in black suddenly said sinisterly.


At this moment, Ye Jue had a scene of bleeding appearing in his eyes, and he saw a corner of the future.

not good!

He directly activated the Pure Land of the Gods and swept towards the black-clothed paper man in an instant.

At the same time, he also suppresses the past.

It's useless. If you make one mistake, everything will be lost. No one will be alive anymore. I will turn into a cancer, infect your space, your origin, and let your kingdom of gods die.

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire body of the black-clothed paper man exploded into pieces.


The kingdoms of the gods began to tremble, and a shadow of the God of Death gradually rose into the sky, holding a sickle and looking down at everything with a grin.


Immediately after the God of Death disappeared, a terrifying scene appeared, with strange black particles sweeping in all directions.

The Pure Land of the Clan Gods, the Battlefield of the Gods, the Sutra Pavilion of the Gods, and even the Staircase of the Gods are all polluted.

Is this... a weird particle? You've caused trouble again, and it's a big one!

After the controller was alerted, his face changed drastically. He saw that the entire country began to be eroded and collapsed. The color was losing color everywhere and turned into black and white.

This strange particle forced the Dragon Girl and the God-Slaying Sword, and Yang Laner to fly out.

What a sin!

The African youth cried out sadly.

It's better now, the old nest has been taken away, this is inviting the wolf into the house!

Looking around, there was a dense mass of strange particles, sweeping through every place and corner of the kingdom of gods.

In an instant, the heaven and earth were shaken in the kingdom of gods, like a landslide and a tsunami, with a huge momentum.

The Wheel of the Gods!

I'll chop!


They shouted at the same time, pointing to the strange particles in front of them, and competed in unison.

There are many means available in the Kingdom of the Gods, but none of them are useful at the moment.

The paper man in black allowed himself to explode, and the strange particles washed out were terrifying and demonic, invading the kingdom of the gods and polluting the pure land. Only the crystal coffins were not affected.

If this continues, the entire kingdom of gods will be destroyed!

The controller sacrificed the round wheel of the gods, and his expression changed drastically.

He was unable to fully unleash the power of the Wheel of the Gods because he was only a guardian, not the King of the Gods recognized by the Throne of the Gods.

Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and liberate the Gods Circle and pass it on to me!

Ye Jue shouted.

These strange particles eroded one-third of the world in the Kingdom of Gods in an instant. The scene was a bit shocking, and everywhere they swept away became a ruined place.

The particles of the gods are unable to compete. These are the particles of gods and gods. What does it mean?

This strange particle is an even greater terrifying existence, so powerful that it can ignore the divine particles.

Inherit the Wheel of the Gods to you? How is this possible? This is something that controls the treasure trove of the gods.

The controller in front of the throne of the gods frowned and shook his head.

Are you just going to watch the hard work of the gods go to waste?

Ye Jue frowned.

Huh, this is all your fault. It was your reckless actions that led to this situation.

The controller snorted coldly.

Ye Jue is not a saint. How can he never make mistakes? The only thing that can resist the strange particles now is the power of the gods' round wheels. You still refuse to give in?

Dragon Girl drank coldly.

It's absolutely impossible. You must complete the remaining nine guidances of the gods before I can inherit the wheel of the gods to you. Even if it is destroyed, it is not my fault.

The controller shook his head and said decisively.

Okay, okay, how about you lend me a loan? I promise to return it, and I won't make it recognize its owner. I swear to the demon in my heart, as the God of the Earth, the Lord of the Four Seasons and Rebirth. If I violate it, I will die where I am. , never turn over.

Ye Jue said this.


The controller frowned, seeming to be thinking about it.

Since we are considering it, it means it is not impossible.

Okay, I will trust you once and lend you the Gods Circle to fight against the strange particles. The time limit is one minute. When the time has passed, I will take back the Gods Circle without hesitation.

The controller suddenly slapped the God's Wheel, and the whole wheel spun and flew towards Ye Jue's position.


In an instant, it hovered above Ye Jue's head, like a divine ring.

No, it's a divine ring. I thought this wheel of gods was something before, but it seems to be a divine ring, and it's the divine ring of the King of Gods!

The African youth screamed.

This is the true power increase of the King of Gods!

Ye Jue's eyes were piercing. After the Wheel of Gods landed on his head, the power that exploded was beyond imagination. He was like a human-shaped sun that was shining, blooming, and exploding!

It seems that the plan was successful. It's just a pity that the controller was too stubborn and didn't completely hand over the Clan God Circle. He just lent it to me.

He sighed and rushed towards the strange particles. The force of life was rolling and the energy was surging. He was simply destroying everything and pushing forward.

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