What did you stop for?

The Shura female monk frowned.

It's nothing, senior sister, I just saw a puff of smoke there, I don't know what it was.

How could Ye Jue not know that there was the alchemy room? To get there, he had to pass through the ancient teleportation formation and enter the headquarters of the Wolf Palace.

That's the place where our sect refines Shura Pills. It's called the Great World of Danfang. It produces a large amount of it every day. The Wolf Palace consumes almost 20,000 tons of Shura Pills a day. The Shura Pills contributed to the empire are produced every day. There are five thousand tons.”

The female Shura monk sneered and handed Ye Jue a manual.


Ye Jue pretended to look at it and secretly extracted it directly using the system.

It should have taken him ten and a half days to read the sect manual, but in an instant, he knew it all.

The Wolf Palace is actually the name of this planet, and it is also the name of the sect.

The diameter of this planet is not much larger than that of the earth, and there are billions of people living on it.

The leader of the Wolf Palace has a status similar to that of a president or head of state, but he has great power and controls the entire world.

Whatever you want to do is almost a matter of one sentence, and major decisions are made by the leader.

So that's it.

Ye Jue secretly showed joy while 'looking'.

The Wolf Palace actually also has the will of the planet. This Wolf God is the God of the Planet, and has the same status as the God of the Earth.

At the same time, this wolf god is also the most powerful protector of the leader and the patron saint of the planet.

No wonder so many Shura Pills are produced every day. They are all controlled by the will of the planet, and energy is continuously ejected from the earth's veins. The Shura clan then refines and refines them, and the Shura Pills are produced in this way.

Moreover, the magic weapon for refining the Shura Pill turned out to be a truly top-quality magic weapon called the Qiankun Ding. It has not been analyzed and has been preserved very completely.

However, this is just one of the planets in the Shura world. Ranked high, it is considered one of the most powerful planets.

It is mentioned in the manual that the Shura world also has an existence like the World Tree, called the God of Shura, which is a spiritual body and has a name that he is very familiar with, called Jialuo.

This Jialuo is different from the previous Jialuo. He is actually a spiritual god, controlling the entire Shura world, holding the Shura Orb, and the origin of the interface. This is similar to the status of the tree spirit of the World Tree.

It turns out that Jialuo who appeared in the World Tree was just a physical body, and his spiritual body continued to grow stronger in the Shura world. No wonder he is so strong.

Ye Jue's mind was spinning and he was analyzing the Shura world.

I originally thought that the original energy was sprayed out by a top-quality magic weapon, but now that I know the truth, I really underestimated the Shura world.

A planetary sect actually has a unique magic weapon.

And that Shura Orb, which is the main body of the Shura World, is divided into five domains and nurtures the Shura ethnic group, and it turns out to be a prehistoric third-level weapon.

This shocked Ye Jue.

He was thinking that it would be exciting if he could capture the Shura Orb.

Maybe it can be swallowed by the World Tree, making the origin of the World Tree stronger. The power of the two worlds might be able to break through the seal of the imperial edict.

But even if you can break through, you can't do this.

The Empire is now eyeing the World Tree. If it finds that the Holy Edict has been destroyed, the Empire's main ship will attack again.

Now the World Tree does not have the strength to fight against it. For now, it is enough to concentrate on obtaining the Key to Heaven, to seize the Fire of the Void, to learn the top magical powers here, and to find out the information about Junshenzhao.

In short, this is a trouble-making trip, and he is already planning it.

Read it slowly. If you don't understand anything, just ask me. My name is Luo Ying.

Luo Ying said casually.

As the teleportation array in front of them fluctuated, she and this 'Ling Xiao' were teleported into the Wolf Palace.

Little did he know, she brought a wolf in sheep's clothing with her own hands.

I have discovered that although you are all Dongtian level masters, the purity of Dongtian is too low. Unlike me who gradually upgraded, one Dongtian is powerful enough to look down on the existence of three Dongtian.

Ye Jing said to the heads in the Pure Land of the Gods.

The black-winged Shura who was caught by him was inserted here, his body was buried, and only his head was exposed.

Ye Jue already knew their names, one was Luo Wu and the other was Luo Yingshan.

What on earth do you want to do? Is it really just for Shura Dan to lurk in the Wolf Palace? No, you have a bigger goal. We have discovered it. This is the kingdom of the gods. You are Ye Jue, the God of the Wolf and the The leader has been planning an attack, the enemy we have to deal with.”

Luo Wu's scalp was numb, but he didn't expect to be captured by the enemy's general.

You are the controller of the kingdom of the gods, the lord of the seasons and rebirth, the god of the earth, and you are the corner of the great formation of creation.

Luo Yingshan shivered and wanted to vomit blood. How could he be so unlucky? He felt so miserable.

They were little minions, but they encountered something big. They bumped into the enemy's god.

Well, it seems you are not stupid. Now that you know that I have become an inner disciple, how do you feel?

Ye Jue asked.

We think you are too brave and dare to deceive others.

Luo Wu and Luo Yingshan looked at each other.

Ha ha.

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile. If they knew that he planned to seize the Shura Orb, he didn't know if it would frighten them.

You must know that his current strength is too strong. Although the Luo Ying in front of him has cultivated two top-level magical powers and has two caves.

But it can't be compared with him at all, so what about the top magical powers? Now he is not even afraid of ancient secret arts. Only ancient secret arts can threaten him.

Evolving into the Tyrannosaurus level, he has ten thousand times the physique and a total energy value of ten million.

Now it has become much easier to activate the Ten Thousand Dao Great Divine Power Talisman.

It's no longer like before where you'll die suddenly after just one use.

If he cultivates top-level magical powers, he will be invincible. Only when he encounters the leader of the Wolf Star and the God of the Wolf Star, he will be invincible.

The head of the Jinglang Star is at the sub-saint level at best, and the Jinglang God has the same status as him, so he is not afraid.

The God of Shura is difficult to deal with. After all, he is the spirit body of Jialuo. He can also use the power of the origin of the world, just like the tree spirit.

But as long as he doesn't fight with these three parties, no one in the Shura world can be his opponent.

Here we are, this is the place to pick up the Shura Suo.

Luo Ying said expressionlessly.

Although the Shura tribe can fly, they still like to use a magic weapon called the 'Shura shuttle'. However, using the 'Shura shuttle' is very dangerous and consumes a lot of Shura pills.

At the same time, Shurasuo is also a special magic weapon. When traveling through the void, it can easily be shattered by the time and space storm, and then the people inside it will be destroyed.

Ye Jue got a Shurashuo and found that it was a good treasure that could be used by weaker people to escape first-rate.

By the way, senior sister, how do I get contribution points?

Ye Jue wanted to take action now. He would empty out the Wolf Star first and then move on to the next target.

If you want to contribute points, go kill the soul beast in the time and space cave. It seems that you are preparing to become a true disciple, but I want to remind you that the dead soul beast is extremely powerful. Shura who dies in the time and space cave every day will not be counted. Secondly, you can do a simple task first, and the contribution value is not bad. When the contribution value is enough, you can exchange it for top-level magical powers or high-level Shura Pills to enhance your physical fitness.

Luo Ying glanced at him.

Senior sister, I have made up my mind and will go to the time and space cave.

Ye Jue said immediately.

Hmph, you are so stubborn. Do you really think that it is so easy for true disciples to do things? If it is so easy to do, why do so many true disciples die? You should think about it yourself and give the body and core of the dead soul beast to the sect. , or you can find some special medicinal materials, or even farm and cultivate Shura elixir, which can be exchanged for contribution points, you can choose it yourself.

Luo Ying snorted coldly. Indeed, the contribution of a powerful dead soul beast is very amazing.

However, high returns come with high risks, and I don’t even understand this.

It seems that he is a fool who can't think in circles, so leave him alone.

This is what Luo Ying is thinking now. She directly pointed out how to go to the time and space cave to 'Ling Xiao', and then disappeared. The guidance task was completed, and she took the newcomers to receive the Shura Pill. It was very relaxed.

Thank you...senior sister.

Ye Jue's voice sounded neither salty nor bland.

Race wars, plundering resources, you fight for it, there are not many good people, and the enemy will not give you so many opportunities.


The teleportation array suddenly shook, and Ye Jue was teleported directly into the space-time cave. This mountainous area is made of hard volcanic rocks. As for the active volcanoes one after another, many of them are emitting thick black smoke. The smell of sulfur nearby is very strong and fiery red. Magma flows across the ground, and some areas are death to ordinary creatures.

I see, the Shura Realm has determined the coordinates of these time and space holes. As long as you step on the teleportation array, you can come here directly.

Ye Jue was pleasantly surprised.

This means that the real key to heaven is in the hands of a certain Shura in the Shura world, most likely in the hands of the God of Shura.

If you want to get it, you definitely can't grab it hard, you need to use your wisdom.

We can finally come out. Is this the time and space hole?

The African young man showed his face, appeared here, and plunged into a volcano. Immediately, hot bubbles popped out of the magma.

Ah, it feels so good. I haven't had such a comfortable hot bath for a long time.

He shouted in great relief.

Hunting time.

Ye Jue stood on a very high volcano, his eyes sweeping across the volcanoes one after another.

His physique was so domineering, and his vision was so sharp. He captured many ugly creatures at once, which were exactly the same as those in the album. They must be dead soul beasts.

‘Reincarnation Fist! ’

Ye Jue was merciless, his fist came down, his breath was frightening, and wisps of energy light fell down. His magical power was like golden beads, dense and brilliant.

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

The pupils of the dead soul beasts opened wide in an instant, their black hair fluttered, and they all felt a cold air coming from above.

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