This purple-clothed Shura is a seventh-level Shura strongman. He has two top-level magical powers and turned them into ancient secret arts. It seems that he has been practicing for a long time. He is similar to figures such as Yang Lan'er and the Locust King in World Tree.


Evaluating the Shura clan's class cannot be calculated entirely by relying on the magical powers and caves they have cultivated.

There is also attendance rate, contribution list, potential list, etc. combined together.

In this way, the Jinglang Palace will give you a rank and you can receive a jade plaque that represents your identity.

In the Shura world, there are too many sects with this status, such as the Wolf Palace, which has hundreds of thousands at least.

This is Young Master Chen Feng of the Seven Realms Sect. I heard that he has developed supreme supernatural powers and is only a little short of being able to break through to the fourth level. I'm really envious.

He is destined to be a figure in the tenth level, so of course we can't compare!

I just hope that this time I can enter the Wolf Palace and work as a handyman, so that I can get Shura Pills every day. How cool it would be!

Indeed, after entering the Wolf Palace, even if you are just a handyman, you will be extremely happy.

Yes, there is no need to work outside as a casual cultivator. It is precarious and can be taken advantage of at any time. To sacrifice the soul of Shura, you can neither survive nor die.

Many Shura tribesmen present were talking about it.

Everyone, please give in and be a good and polite citizen!

Just as a group of casual cultivators were discussing among themselves, a young man stepped out.

Her hair is a bit messy, but she looks like a handsome boy.

In particular, waves of suffocating waves emitted from his body, making these casual cultivators feel oppressed.

What, this kid actually has two caves, and his potential is so powerful?

Several casual cultivators with good cultivation were secretly frightened when they saw it.

For the Shura clan, the spiritual body is born as a star-moon level, because the foundation of this world is too powerful.

What's even more terrifying is that there is a more powerful alien species with a Shura blood demon body, such as Jia Luo, which even the Qiankun Nail cannot completely seal.

This group of loose cultivators hurriedly moved out of the way.

In the Quality Square, you cannot fly and can only walk on the ground.


Suddenly, a disciple from the Wolf Hall stopped him, You are also participating in the selection.

My name is Ling Xiao, and I'm here today to apply as an outer disciple of the Wolf Palace.

Ye Jueyi raised his hand and said: I am a resident from the Liuxian Planet. I am here to try my luck today, hoping to become an alchemy assistant in the Wolf Palace.

This young man was naturally transformed from Ye Jue.

Really, but with your potential, you are definitely not suitable for being an alchemy handyman. How about this? Show your talent and let me evaluate it. If you are good, I will give you a place as a disciple.

This disciple of the Wolf Hall looked Ye Jue up and down, and then said slowly.


Ye Jue quickly activated his creative power. In less than half a moment, the heavenly gate above his head opened wide, and the cave where he had practiced two top-level magical powers appeared, spinning endlessly on his head.

Of course, these two caves are fakes, simulated by the creation of the gods. As long as you have good skills, you can hide everything.

Not bad, not bad. It's very stable and has room for development. How come I've never heard of the top-level magical powers you can practice?

The man frowned a little.

This top magical power, Fake Squid, is very powerful. It can kill people without even realizing it. And this grass mud horse is also a secret from my hometown. It is passed down from a single generation. I am the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. Nineteenth generation heir!

Ye Jue kept talking about trains. Anyway, the language and culture of Shura world are completely different from World Tree. It is impossible to expose that.

As for why he can understand and understand, it's because the power of the gods can be directly translated into Chinese.

Can they know the meaning of Cao Mu Ma and Fake Squid?

I'm afraid I haven't even seen him.

If you were in the solar system, you could get information by checking the system.

It can be seen that there is no technology in the Shura world, only the most primitive sects.

Moreover, in the Shura world, there are many ethnic groups, thousands of them, countless!

Of course, for most ethnic groups and aristocratic families, it would be a big deal for them to have a double yellow cave.

If there is a person with three caves in his body, he will be at the level of an elder in the ethnic family.

The Shura genius who was born with four caves and is extremely talented and has not been born for thousands of years can directly learn the Shura Blood Demon Body.

Under the pressure of Ye Jue just now, the two Shura revealed that there was indeed an ethnic family called Liuxian, which was a minions branch of a small sect, and among them there was indeed a young monk named Ling Xiao.

Therefore, before Ye Jue came here, he had done a lot of things, used the gods to create the world, and had already arranged his identity. Even if the Jielang Palace went to check, he would definitely find a result that matches his identity.

He wanted to sneak into the Wolf Palace, so there was no reason why he wouldn't be properly prepared.

Okay, in that case, this jade token is yours. Congratulations on becoming an outer disciple of the Wolf Palace.


A blue light flew over, directly transparent, and entered Ye Jue's body.

Brand the next word: 魖!

However, you still have to take a physical fitness test to see your moves!

Just when Ye Jue got the token, the disciple pointed with his hand, and an extremely bright Shura sword suddenly swept over, making a roaring sound like a dragon's roar, and rolled up Ling Xiao.

Ye Jue's heart didn't move at all. He now used the divine particles and the gods to create a world. He had already created a 'Shura' body, which was more than ten times more exquisite than before.

Even if no one can see his clues, unless it is a god who can understand the essence, it is possible to penetrate his true form.

He deliberately created two caves for the sake of balance, and balance is the way to go.

Very good, very good. Your physique is also very good.

The disciple carefully put down Ye Jue with a smile on his face:

You, a small family of monks in a small place, can actually give birth to two caves. Your physique is also very good. I just checked your body and you still have the potential to rise. You guys, go check it out and see the six-stringed planet. Here, within the jurisdiction of Yunhai, is there such a existence?


Immediately, some disciples of the Wolf Palace left in a hurry, and came over after a while, holding very primitive paper and ink in their hands.

Yes, under the command of Yunhai, the Six-Xian Planet in the Shura Realm, there are a total of 153,000 cities under their jurisdiction, ranging from large to small, and more than 70,000 monk families. Among them, there is one named Ling Family, and there is also an outstanding disciple named Ling Xiao, and It’s exactly the same as before.”

The man said quickly.

good very good.

The disciples of the Wolf Hall nodded with satisfaction.

After finding out Ye Jue's identity, he said to Ling Xiao: Your identity is innocent and you are very lucky. Unlike those people, you still think about escaping after being discovered by me? Because recently our Jie Lang Palace has to Recruit a group of true disciples and directly promote them from the inner sect and outer sect. With your cultivation, you should first become an inner sect disciple.

Is this okay?

Ye Jue blinked his big Kazilan-like eyes, which were very pure.

Well, after you have made great achievements, you can be a substitute in three months. When a certain true disciple dies, you can get a quota. From now on, you will be a member of my Wolf Palace.

The disciple smiled and said: We, the disciples of the Wolf Palace, are both good and evil. Now there is a big move from above. They want to intervene in the war of World Tree. This is a good opportunity for you to make a contribution. Go ahead and practice hard. I will give it to you. As a third-level Shura, someone comes and gives him a jade token!

As you command!

A female cultivator from the Wolf Palace came over and glanced sideways at Ye Jue: You, follow me.

Okay, senior sister.

Ye Jue raised the corner of his mouth slightly, looked at the female monk, and found that she was also two caves, and had condensed two great magical powers. The aura and strength were relatively powerful, but her physical constitution was not good, and the difference was huge. Obviously, she could not repair the blood demon body.

He followed the Shura female monk for a while and saw many handymen, all of whom had their heads lowered and did not dare to look directly at them.

These casual cultivators recruited to work as handymen have no human rights. They are like dogs and can be punished at any time.

I'm so angry. How come Ling Xiao is so lucky? He actually became an inner disciple all at once, and he no longer has to be an outer disciple.

Then what can I do? He was born with two caves, and he is obviously very talented. I didn't hear the official disciple say, does this guy still have hope of becoming a true disciple?

Oh, people are so irritating to each other. If you really become a true disciple, that would be great. Your status will be extremely high, and beauties will be indispensable!

Hmph, it's so easy to become a true disciple. I heard that the Wolf Palace is fighting fiercely with Luo Hou recently. In my opinion, now that Ling Xiao is recruited, he will become cannon fodder sooner or later!

You are jealous and jealous, but that's not necessarily true. Maybe this is an experience!

Shit, if we lose the battle, we may be wiped out!

No matter what, we have to fawn over him. I'm going to give him a bottle of Shura Pills. There are fifty pills in total. I've never been willing to eat them, so now I'm giving them all to him.

Fifty Shura Pills? You are so rich. You must be from a noble family on some planet. I see you are so handsome. Do you want to sell it?


Anyway, I saw that Ling Xiao was admitted into the Wolf Palace and became an internal disciple.

Those behind the scenes all started talking, some were jealous, some were envious, and some felt hatred, but these feelings didn't matter to Ye Jue at all.

His cave is actually much the same as these handymen.

Because in this world, there are few resources, the cave has just been formed, and there are no spiritual bodies, heavenly materials, or earthly treasures to replenish, so it has been put on hold until now.

Now that he finally had the opportunity to practice Dongtian, Ye Jue would definitely not let it go.

It's better to take advantage of the opportunity and use the secret secrets of the heart to observe the future.

Ye Jue followed the female Shura monk. The beautiful legs overlapping in front of her were not attractive.

Because the Shura tribe generally has purple skin and body, which is very weird, and he really can't appreciate it.

However, it can be observed from the expressions of the handymen next to her that this female Shura monk has a very high rate of turning heads. It seems that she is a goddess among the Shura tribe.

Hey, I'm so lucky, I caught a corner of the future right away.

Ye Jue was slightly surprised.

He saw that in his cave in the future, there was a shadow generated by demonic energy condensing, and a black lotus gradually took shape.

At the same time, the Shura world was boiling with excitement, shouting Qianye Legend, and it seemed that he was recognized as the savior.

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