At this moment, Ye Jue did not return to the New Earth, but flew directly out of the green atmosphere, once again feeling the majestic vitality from the New Earth.

The spiritual energy is revived, mysterious, vast, powerful and omnipresent. the tree...there is...a big...enemy...coming...coming...

Suddenly, the star crown left in the base vibrated, making this sound. Even though it was so far away, it could still reach Ye Jue's mind.

Activate the formation of creation?

The will of the earth echoed in Ye Jue's mind, and his intermittent words gradually took shape:

...Your... current strength, coupled with the power of the Nine Abyss Land, is enough to compete with the Lesser Saints. Although I am a star embryo, I can compete with the Holy Level, Demon Saint, and Jialuo. I have obtained the title of Seal. The power of the land of creation. However, you have not yet acquired the racial chess piece.

What is ethnic chess?

Ye Jue asked.

Each race has a chess piece that represents its own race, which is kept by the sole agent of that race. However, it must be recognized by the entire race. There is no dissent. For humans, this is indeed too difficult to do. , only one person has ever won racial chess.”

The voice of the will of the earth is becoming clearer and clearer. It is the voice of a young man.

Wang Qi?

Ye Jue asked doubtfully.

Yes, in the land that used to seize creation, human beings were not called human beings, but pure-blooded people. Pure-blooded people emerged in large numbers, and unrivaled geniuses were born from time to time. It was a very glorious era. Even so, he still obtained the pure-blooded clan. Blood’s approval, getting the race chess, almost getting all my power.”

The young man's voice said: But it's a pity that he failed to activate the formation of creation in the end.

How strong is your full power?

Ye Jue couldn't help but ask.

It's very strong, but it's a pity that no one has achieved it, not even Wang Qi, because seizing the land of creation is originally a corner of the great formation of creation. The great formation of creation is spread all over the universe. How strong do you think it is?

The boy from Earth said.

I know this. The entire solar system is a corner of the great formation of creation. The formation of creation is so large that it is unimaginable.

Ye Jue nodded.

Wang Qi once wanted to activate this corner of the creation formation, so he found a way to refine the Tianlong, and refined the old dragon spirit into the formation eye, hoping to rely on the power of the Tianlong clan to operate it.

It's a pity that it failed in the end. The land of Jiuyuan was born, and the formation of creation just ended.

Yes, the Formation of Creation is also one of the ways to deep space, and it is also a super power that can help the World Tree escape from dangerous places.

The Will of Earth talked to him.

Can it actually lead to deep space and make the World Tree fly out of the hell world?

Ye Jue was shocked.

The situation of World Tree is very bad. Taking root in the hell world, no matter how many demons are defeated, it will always be surrounded by demon gods.

If World Tree could grow its legs and run, then there would be no need to fear the demon clan anymore.

You must find a way to stimulate the creation formation. Even if you have successfully repelled the first four levels of demons, the next demons will have qualitative changes. You have also seen it in the arena. The World Tree is in danger.

The young man's voice continued to sound.

How to activate?

Ye Jue frowned.

Can he do something that even Wang Qi can't do?

This Wang Qi can actually refine a living old dragon spirit. How powerful is he? A god, a pure-blood god, a human god? Or transcends humans and gods?

Unfortunately, I only know the rules. I can only use an extraordinary power to forcibly operate the center of the creation array carved in the sun. If the power is strong enough, I can make the formation of creation operate.

The boy said.

To put it simply, I am afraid that even the strongest God King Sword cannot achieve this kind of power. My Ten Thousand Dao Great Divine Power Talisman is just an itch, right?

Ye Jue couldn't help but said awkwardly.

That's right, the power of the Kingdom of Gods is indeed not enough. If your Ten Thousand Dao Great Divine Power Talisman is transformed into the Ten Thousand Dao Great Mystic Talisman, you can do it.

After a moment, the boy's voice sounded.

The Great Secret Technique Talisman of Ten Thousand Daos? I have mastered one now, and it is a special secret technique that cannot be used for practice yet.

Ye Jue wanted to vomit blood after hearing this.

His only ancient secret skill is the God-Concentrating Chess obtained from Moon Rabbit. This is also an auxiliary secret skill. If it is placed in the cave sky and rotated, it can form a big flag. This big flag pierces the void and stands in the solar system. , drifting without wind.

Within its scope of influence, all life in the solar system is blessed with a hint of divinity.

If the secret arts are practiced in the cave for hundreds or thousands of years, maybe they can be transformed into ancient secret arts, directly blessed with divinity, and the physique of all members can be greatly enhanced.

But this is not what Ye Jue wants. What he wants is combat-type secret skills. There are too many powerful enemies. If he practices auxiliary secret skills, isn't he looking for excitement?

In short, you must find a way to activate the great formation of creation and let me transform into the heaven of the earth. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee whether human beings can continue to sustain civilization. There will be too many changes in the future world. Even your secret will cannot Find the right path.

The voice of the earth's will gradually fell silent.

Wait a minute, I have another question. If it were you, you should be able to answer it.

Ye Jue asked quickly.

I know what you want to ask. It's nothing more than the truth of the universe and the identity of the man in black robe. Unfortunately, I am a newly born star embryo. I don't know about the new reincarnation. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about the man in black robe. I can sense what it is, but I can conclude that it definitely does not belong to the World Tree, and it is most likely that he comes from a world outside of hell.

Earth Will finally said.

If you want to know the truth, you must let World Tree leave the hell world, enter the real universe, and search in deep space.

After understanding what Earth Will said, Ye Jue still felt like Alexander.

Letting the World Tree leave the hell world can only operate the formation of creation.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to let the tree grow legs and run?

Or put on your wings and fly out?

As the world tree at the corner of the great formation of creation, what kind of disaster will it face after leaving the hell world?

This is really shocking.

With the God-Slaying Sword, the dragon girl stood in the kingdom of the gods, and the voice of the earth's will just now was also transmitted here.

So they could all hear it, and they were all shocked.

I know, my body is most likely in the real universe, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sense it.

The dragon girl searched all the Gods' Scripture Pavilions but couldn't find any clue. After hearing the sound of the earth, she finally understood.

It's easier said than done. The only ancient road is still guarded by a powerful empire. What's more, can the World Tree fly and run?

The African young man felt that his head hurt, and he couldn't think of any other way except activating the formation.

What kind of power can move this universe into another universe?


Those are just stronger life forms living in the World Tree.

It's like a person thinking about how to lift himself up.

There are always ways, such as standing on one's head and lifting the earth. Because people are on the earth, they lift themselves up as well.

Ye Jue said with a joke.

Now that he has obtained the land of Jiuyuan, he can arrange various sects and factions. The war is coming, and everyone must participate in the war.


Suddenly, Ye Jue roared, grabbed it with both hands, and the Donghai Divine Furnace that had fallen into the new earth began to spin and rise crazily.

Under the operation of his energy, the concentration of spiritual power in the world reached an incredible value.

Suddenly, the whole world was shocked.

People from various sects and ancient dynasties all saw meteorites and asteroid belts gathering crazily in the solar system.

The speed has exceeded the scope of human understanding, almost in the blink of an eye.

Boom boom boom...

The divine particles turned into a long river and swept forward, merging into it in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, various strange metals flew out from every planet in the solar system, fused with each other, and began to change their shapes.

In the end, it turned into a huge ark, which seemed to be able to carry all living beings and sail to the other side.

This ark is a terrifying monster that surpasses the mothership and surpasses all alien races. With a slight swing in the void, it triggers a huge magnetic storm and sweeps across all the stars.

According to observations, the length extends to the orbit of Pluto, which is more than 6 billion kilometers, which is about half of the solar system!

Bases on Earth immediately sized up the Ark.

They were shocked to discover that the ark was actually equipped with the East China Sea Divine Furnace as an engine, emitting tens of millions of holy lights, and the brilliance directly penetrated the void of the universe.


Ye Jue relied on the transformation power of the Earth God to condense a super ark in one fell swoop.

I know many of you have questions.

He stood above the starry sky, his clothes all over his body making noise, like an ancient god, standing in the void, his eyes like lightning, piercing the sky, as if if he moved at will, the laws of the solar system would follow his will.

This is the power of the Earth God, the power to change the rules and use all the resources of the solar system.

But it is also an important task, and if used improperly, it is tantamount to self-destruction.

As we all know, we humans are enemies of the whole world. Not only will the terrifying demon gods attack, but also the extremely powerful empire will attack. They have already reached the stars on the ancient road.

At this time, Ye Jue waved his hand, and a scene appeared. The shouts of killing in that area were loud. It was the inhabitants of the stars who suffered a great disaster. The empire destroyed their civilization just by setting foot on it.

Those civilizations were submerged in the lightning, and the densely packed figures in the entire starry sky were all glowing and fighting.

Not only that, but various ethnic groups are fleeing madly to other star fields to escape in desperate situations.


what is that?

What a terrifying Battle Wing!

Everyone saw it. Under the starry sky, there was lightning and thunder, and beams of light illuminated the sky. The most manic energy poured down, carrying a destructive aura.

Those imperial warships are as strong as divine gold, with all kinds of divine patterns emerging, and they cannot be beaten at all!

Obviously, the empire's battle energy field is terrifying, surpassing all existing technologies in the stars.

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