These thirty-six skulls are the dragon-level strong men of our Burning Clan. After being sacrificed, Wang Qi led people to collect them in the universe for thousands of years. I don't know how many battlefields it took to create them. They were originally meant to be used. They are condensed into the Blow of Creation, so that the formation of creation has the means to attack. This is an extraordinary power. You have found a big advantage and just refine it!

The old dragon spirit said, and the skeletal dragon heads of thirty-six evil dragon spirits flew towards Ye Jue.

He has no control over them, these are the powers of the Earth God.

How to refine it?

Ye Jue doesn't understand the reason yet, it would be great if it could be extracted.

However, it is obvious that the evil dragon spirit has consciousness and is directly rejected by the system.

I'll tell you.

Old Long Ling shook his head helplessly and handed the refining method to Ye Jue.


Ye Jue finally understood and shouted lowly. Suddenly, changes appeared on the spiritual platform.

Originally, the person standing on the spiritual platform was a spirit body, but thirty-six evil dragon spirits flew in one by one and entangled themselves. Each one was a tattoo, and there were a total of thirty tattoos.

You have refined the spirits of thirty-six evil dragons, and you can use the power of thirty-six evil dragons, which is comparable to the power of your divine king sword, but it will consume your energy. Once you use it too much, you will fall asleep. If If you are overdrafted, you will never wake up.”

Old Long Ling said this.

The power of the land of Jiuyuan is not only that, but also has the killing energy, almost all of which is poured into Ye Jue's spiritual body.

Ye Jue's spirit body, the evil stars on Earth, were shining brightly, and were filled with evil energy.

Your spirit body has not cultivated anything, which is good. Unlike the previous world, where the cultivation was too complex and ineffective, you should cultivate the power of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Dragons and Earthly Evils, collect the killing energy, and finally be able to escape. It can become the power of seventy-two heavenly powers, but it still requires thirty-six evil dragon spirits.

The old dragon spirit shook his head: It's a pity that there are no other evil dragon spirits in the world. However, you can think of ways to improve it and use other evil spirit souls to replenish the number. In the worst case, the power will be reduced, but that's okay. Can transform.

How is it possible that the power of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Dragons and the Earthly Evils is comparable to the God King Sword? The real God King Sword can even break through the Immortal Black Mountain.

Ye Jue knew how terrifying the power of the real Divine King Sword was. It was the entire kingdom of gods turned into a divine sword, with incomparably majestic and vast power.

However, in order to use it, the kingdom of the gods must encounter a catastrophe, and he, the king of gods, must interact with each other and interact with each other to finally use it.

Immortal Black Mountain? Have you seen it? Impossible. That is the lair of the old monster Black Mountain. It once ran rampant in a certain era and was known as the most terrifying ultimate murderer. How could you have seen it? Where did you see it? What time?

Old Long Ling was extremely shocked.

Obviously, his memory is much clearer than that of Dragon Girl. After all, he was sacrificed and trained into the Formation Eye while alive. The resentment and unwillingness before his death retained some of his self and memory.

I just said it casually.

Ye Jue shook his head, not intending to reveal the secret of the boundary monument.

In the small world of Boundary Monument, there are not only the Undead Black Mountain, but also many other terrifying existences.

They are all sealed inside.

However, Ye Jue felt that they were sealed voluntarily and refused to come out of the small world of the boundary monument.

Huh, let me pass you on the Earthly Evil Formation Diagram, and the Tiangang Earthly Evil Formation Diagram that it will eventually evolve into.

Old Longling was very dissatisfied, but he could not resist, and still had the strongest foundation in the land of Jiuyuan.

Tiangang Earth Evil Formation Diagram!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Jue started operating according to the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation Diagram. His spiritual body fingers made strange handprints to form a kind of star formation.

This star formation is the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation. With a boom, his consciousness floated to the sky above the land of Jiuyuan and saw everything in the land of Jiuyuan.

It turned out that it was really a formation diagram, the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation, with formation runes rising upwards from all four corners.

The place where he is is the center point. A mysterious beam of light goes straight to the center of the earth, reflects on the star embryo, and is controlled by the will of the earth.

This way you will completely control the land of Jiuyuan, but I will not completely obey your orders.

Old Long Ling had a dark face.

After all, he is the formation eye of the Great Formation of Creation. Although he can control the land of Jiuyuan, he is not the real controller of the land of Jiuyuan. He can only use the thirty-six evil dragon spirits by refining the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation Diagram.

Now that the Earth God is here, he must delegate power and hand everything over to Ye Jue.

Even if he doesn't take the initiative to hand it over, Ye Jue will get the land with the help of the will of the earth. Sooner or later, it's better to be more knowledgeable and proactive, and maybe he can sell it well.


Ye Jue nodded and asked: Then how can we activate the refining and creation formation?


As soon as he finished speaking, Old Long Ling spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

If you want to activate this corner of the Formation of Creation, you must do what Wang Qi has not done. Do you think you can do it?

He wiped his mouth and was quite angry.

Is it Wang Qi again? He must be the senior of the pure-blood clan, but sooner or later I will surpass his achievements. The wisdom of the ancients may have been unparalleled at the time, but times have changed. Sir, you know that there used to be a kind of big man in the world. Orangutans? To humans, gorillas look like fools, but to humans, gorillas are the most primitive animals.

Ye Jue said.

Pfft... You are so brazen that you compared your ancestors to gorillas and animals. Do you think you are some kind of pure-blood great sage?

Old Long Ling's chest kept rising and falling.

Although he was not a human being, he had seen the pure-blooded strong men of the past world, which left an indelible impression on him.

Now that I hear it being compared to a gorilla, can I not be angry and hurt internally?

Especially when he saw Ye Jueyi speaking righteously, he was so angry that his teeth itched.

It seems I can't communicate with you. After all, I think you are also the most primitive animal.

Ye Jue shook his head.


Old Longling lay down directly on his back.

After a while: # ¥%¥##@! # !@#\u0026amp;\u0026amp;...

You are disrespecting the ancient heritage and will be punished by God. You will be exiled in a dark world and will never be able to escape...

The God-Decapitating Sword appeared and was translated into Chinese.

He actually cursed you!

He screamed strangely: Suppress his power, and I will teach him a lesson for you!

One day later, Ye Jue flew out of Jiuyuan, carrying a woman on his shoulders.

The woman had passed out and was carried on her shoulders, exposing her entire snow-white slender legs. Looking at her face, the left side of her face was delicate and charming, but the right side of her face was purple and swollen, with a high bulge.


Suddenly, she woke up with a start as she was thrown onto the hard ground.

So, he opened his blank eyes and looked around.

you you you you you!!

She screamed wildly.

She never expected that the person in front of her was Ye Jue, looking at her with a smile.

Yang Lan'er, you jumped sideways repeatedly and acted like a fool. Now retribution has come. Are you afraid?

The African young man transformed from the God-Zhanbing Sword laughed. His skin was too dark and his teeth were too white.

How could it be possible? How could Old Long Ling lose?

Yang Laner immediately knew why he appeared here.

She was violently beaten by the dragon girl and the African youth, and passed out in the land of Jiuyuan.

She was brought back and pulled into a small dark room to punish her severely.

Ye Jue, doesn’t he even let ghosts go?

Not only did you lose, but you are still my servant now.

Ye Jue said with a smile.

Kill or behead, it's up to you...

Yang Laner finally despaired, her face was ashen, and she could no longer resist.

I said, if I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you a long time ago. Wouldn't it be contrary to my original intention to wait until now to kill you? Wouldn't everything be meaningless?

Ye Jue shook his head.

What do you want to do? Are you attracted to me and like me?

Yang Laner breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that she could not die and escaped, so she started joking.

Yes, I fell in love with you from the first sight. Your appearance completely matches my aesthetic. You are the girl of my dreams.

Ye Jue said suddenly and nodded seriously.

Ah? What did you say? Are you serious?

Yang Lan'er opened her mouth wide. The young man in front of her still had a gentle attitude. This was a powerful force. He suppressed the major ethnic groups and almost wiped out the butcher of the great powers. Now he actually said that he liked her, so blatantly. , making her extremely shocked and shocked.

Think about it, even the old dragon spirit has been subdued. A strong man of this level is already unparalleled.

Yes, otherwise why would he keep himself alive and not kill him?

It has no effect on its own, why is that?

Is there any other reason besides liking it?

A strong person of this level forms a Taoist couple with her and has an unending love affair with a ghost...

As she thought about it, there was a light of excitement and passion deep in her eyes, and her face turned slightly red.

Of course I'm not serious. If you make fun of me, I'll retaliate.

Ye Jue smiled brightly and was very satisfied with his performance.

Pfft! Hahaha, let me tell you, she was definitely tempted just now. I have been observing her face, and it really turned red, hahaha!

The African young man finally couldn't bear it any longer and rolled on the ground holding his stomach. He almost died of laughter. As a ghost, he was actually in heat.

I don’t even need to help her pee, so I just let her do it!

You, you...I, I...

Being laughed at mercilessly by the God-Decapitating Sword, Yang Laner was already speechless and almost wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into. This was the scene of social death.

Kill me, kill me!

she screamed.

As I said before, if I want to kill you, I would have killed you long ago. I am a very persistent person. Whatever I do from the beginning will not go against my original intention.

Ye Jue waved his hand, lifting the restrictions on Yang Lan'er and giving her freedom.

Now she no longer poses a threat to him, but she is still a strong person who has practiced ancient secret techniques, and has good combat power, which she can use in the future.

You want to let me go and give me my freedom? No, I don't want to. I want to follow you and witness your fall with my own eyes. Ye Jue, I hate you so much!

Yang Lan'er shouted, threw herself directly into the Gate of the Gods, and disappeared.

She still has the ‘invitation’ from the kingdom and can take the initiative to enter the pure land.

I feel like we have driven her crazy. Otherwise, who would want to be inserted into the pure land of the gods and be sung by them day and night?

The God-Zhanbing Sword was dumbfounded. In his two epochs of life, he had never seen such a request.

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