Bang bang bang!

Sparks splashed in the void, like metal colliding, making a harsh sound!

This is when all the bones in Ye Jue's body are colliding. This seventh demon is so domineering and wants to directly humiliate him and force him to kneel down!

Kingdom of gods, sing!

In the place where the sky was cut, there was a loud roar that shook the sky, and then the gate of the gods that blocked the sky crashed down, covering a small half of the sky, carrying a strong cosmic wind.

There was a loud boom, and many people collapsed on the ground with an ah. The Gate of the Gods fell like this, like the sky falling, smashing open the land of heaven and earth, causing the void to roar and tremble violently.

The kingdom of the gods?

Suddenly, the demon god in the ninth seat suddenly stood up. Without saying a word, he waved his hand, and black light burst out from the sky. It turned out to be a big net, covering the Gate of the Gods.

Boom boom boom! !

However, what kind of existence is the Kingdom of the Gods? This is the burial place of the gods of the last era. How can you endure such treatment?

Bang bang bang! !

Earth-shattering particles of the gods ejected from the gates of the gods, forming a criss-crossing long sword. This is the sword of the god king, representing the twilight of the gods!

The sword of the God King instantly cut and shook this 'big net', which was so thrilling that the heaven and earth shook.


Seeing such a scene, the demon god in the ninth seat felt a little strange.

The giant net it uses is the power of the fourth ring of the Ninth Purgatory, because the Ninth Purgatory is composed of four small worlds. From the first ring to the fourth ring, there are powerful demons guarding it.

As the master, it can naturally use all the power of the four small worlds in purgatory, and now it has been cracked.

This is enough to show that the sword of the God King can compete with the ninth demon god.

The Sword of the God King?

The demon god in the tenth throne is a dark shadow that transcends the sky. This size is already limited on the throne.

Otherwise, the eyes of the world cannot observe it at all.

Its name is the Black Nether King, and it is in charge of the Tenth Purgatory, the place of eternal destruction.


It seemed like a demon king coming from the depths of the dark area. A dark magic sword rose from above his head, and many demonic powers rotated around his body.

This is actually a real magical power. The devil can also use the power of myth. It is formed by countless magical powers and exudes a tyrannical aura.

This dark magic sword was as big as a mountain. When he exhaled, the overwhelming magic clouds exploded one after another, as if they were about to blow up the God King's Sword to pieces!

What a powerful source of power, whether it's physical or spiritual, it surpasses me by a lot!

Ye Jue roughly knew the strength of the Black Nether King when he saw it exerting magical power and the demon god's dark soul appeared.

The tenth Demon God is as powerful as the God King's Sword!

This means that the Kingdom of Gods has no pressure in front of the first ten demon gods.

Moreover, the men in black robes would never allow these demon gods to kill them, but this small scene seemed acceptable.

Therefore, Ye Jue exerted all his strength to resist the pressure of the demon gods.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

At this time, figures appeared one after another on the seven human thrones.

Li Lianxue, Black Tiger Ah Fu, Pandora, Lu Juan, Lou Jianzi, and the new strong man named Qin Yi came from behind.

As one of the heroes, we are also qualified to see the true face of our future enemy.

Dark clouds intertwined and quickly formed a pattern, and suddenly a shadow emerged. This was Lou Jianzi.

He has good strength and ranks sixth among the back wave.

Woof, there was a loud click, and this dog made his debut!

The black tiger Ah Fu descended from the sky, carrying a pair of wings behind him. These wings were covered with bones, exuding mythical power and powerful pressure!

This pair of wings was actually tailor-made for it by the base, using a spiritual skeleton.

Do you know, in fact, this skeleton is the treasure of pure yang. With the help of this skeleton, you can be reborn as a dragon, greatly increase your strength, and truly evolve the power of pure yang. The power of pure yang is one of the energies in the mythical path. It is incomparable powerful!

At the Kitten Research Institute on the ground, two troublemakers pushed up their glasses on their noses, very proud of themselves.

Are you all here?

Ye Jue let the Gate of the Gods descend, sacrificed the Sword of the God King, and was now able to move freely.

The next second, he flew back.

This is the devil, so, so...

Li Lianxue's expression changed drastically.

Only by facing the devil directly can you feel the terror of the devil!

Not everyone has the opportunity to come here. Only those with qualifications can face the devil directly.

However, she soon regained her composure. With the man in black robe present, what was there to worry about?

As long as you don't rush in front of those demon thrones, there should be no danger. All the moves are intimidating and cannot cause actual attacks.

However, the pressure on the soul can be clearly felt.

Pandora, Lu Juan, Lou Jianzi, and Qin Yi didn't know much about the Demon God. Their expressions changed slightly, and they felt that their souls were compromising with the Demon God.

Fortunately, Ye Jue flew over, and his mental fluctuations were very penetrating, making them feel a lot more relaxed clearly.

It's okay. It's just a fight to test each other's strength. It's not a real war.

Ye Jue shook his head.

If a war really breaks out, then the entire solar system will be annihilated.

Starting from the tenth demon god, one breath can destroy the earth.

Scared me.

Pandora's face looked better.

The souls obtained by these demon gods are not enough for them to get through the hell world and come to this space.

The fur all over the body of the black tiger Ah Fu stood up, revealing a mouth of fangs, and he started to grin at the eight demon gods.

It has also seen the horror deep inside corpses, been to hell, and even dared to steal the demon's treasures.

He is full of courage, and there is nothing he dares not do.

Rat in purgatory, surrender to me, accept me as your big brother, I will give you a beautiful road, and give you a supreme opportunity, which can free you from this cold and putrid hell. What do you think?

It was so stinky, it shook its big head and screamed at the devil.


However, it received a slap on the head from Ye Jue.

This cowardly dog ​​is so good at putting on a show.

Now he possesses terrifying mythical power, and the dragon tattoo that the clone had at that time can still be seen on his fur from time to time. He must have benefited from that.


There was something familiar about the big wolfdog. The dog's face was elongated, and the fur all over its body was trembling as it looked over.

It seems to be saying, with so many people present, can you give this dog some face?

All the heroes of mankind, except for the demon god from the Thirteenth Purgatory who did not show up, the other demon gods are also here.

The man in black robe sat cross-legged in the middle of the two camps and said in a low voice:

The trend has been decided. Since the pure-blood human race has come so far, it proves that this race has the qualifications!

Humans, you have all seen that starting from the fifth Demon God, there has been a qualitative leap in scale, quantity, and strength. The world of purgatory will erode the entire World Tree.

These words made all the creatures in the World Tree immediately explode.

They don't know these truths yet.

I just like to see it, and I think it is so tragic that there is such biological erosion in the solar system, and I deeply sympathize with it.

I really didn't expect that one day it would fall on my head.

Those demon gods, starting from the tenth one, have surpassed the holy level and can be on par with the kingdoms of gods. This is the same combat power as the gods!

Oh my god, what are you waiting for? Run!

Run outside the world and leave the World Tree. The World Tree is destined to be eroded by borers!

All the alien races in the fringe universe suddenly burst into flames.

Those demon gods are ridiculously powerful, just like the demons from previous eras.

No, maybe they evolved from demons!

The hell world may be the devil's world!

Now the demon world is invading the fringe universe and trying to eat away at the World Tree. It just accidentally started from the earth!

After all, the Land of Seizing Creation has existed for a long time, so it makes sense.

The World Tree is shrouded in the demon world, but there is a legendary super empire called the Starry Sky Emperor. Are we going to become their slaves?

The faces of these aliens were ashen.

According to what they knew, there was a safe road leading to a safer area.

However, once you get there, you will be reduced to a ‘tool man’!

The powerful powers, in front of those clans, have to call out big brother and let them be slaughtered, no different from chickens on a sticky board.

To put it simply, World Tree is actually the safest place in the universe!

These space fugitives and interstellar thieves have chills running down their spines. If they leave the shelter of the World Tree and go outside, they don't know how miserable they will be.

The outside world is the real dark forest. A group of people and a civilization disappear in just a few minutes.

Legend has it that those clans were extremely ferocious, more terrifying than evil spirits, and could eat people without spitting out their bones.

They are ‘broiler chickens’ with thin skin and tender meat!

It's almost time.

The man in black robe raised his head and looked at the endless starry sky and said: The World Tree will select nine cosmic-level powerhouses from the entire edge universe. The selected cosmic-level powerhouses will receive the blessing of the tree god and the tree's divine power. .”

Divine power?

Ye Jue was the closest to the man in black robe and made a voice inquiry.

Yes, this is a special power. Divine power can be released and improved in all aspects in a short period of time. Once used, it will have extremely strong side effects, ranging from serious injuries to death at the snap of a finger. This is the world tree's What I do is not what I bring to you.”

The man in black robe explained slowly: You can explore the rest slowly. The Demon God Arena will appear at the top of the World Tree next time.

The whole universe is now completely open to levels. Whether it is in vitro technology or the mythical path, you can kill demons to gain experience. After upgrading, you can get corresponding benefits for each path you take.

The path of mythology, the spiritual body grows!

In vitro technology road, star growth!


He disappeared again without a trace and could not be found.

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