so what should I do now?

The African youth was stunned.

What should I do, you ask? Open the Demon God Arena for me!

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile and immediately yelled.

Wow! !

The mythical power is so brilliant, he now represents mankind and once again enters the Demon God Arena!



Chi Skull Demon King has completely awakened from the previous attack, and behind him are countless small wormholes, where is a world spewing hellfire.

Countless densely packed demons flew out, all letting out low roars.

However, there was only one person on the opposite side. Ye Jue stood there alone, facing them all.

You ask why? Of course it was a public execution!

Ye Jue's golden pupils flickered a few times.

The man in black robe, haven't you shown up yet?

He roared loudly, and the whole world heard it.


The void opened, and a shadow came out of it, covered in black robes. As usual, he could not feel any breath or power.

Since one party requests to open the Demon God Arena, the other party must comply. Open it, the land of heavenly slaying!

The man in black robe spoke, and at the same time waved his hand, all the stars in the sky dimmed and disappeared.

Boom boom boom! !

I saw that in the darkness, energy overflowed, forming a platform for a deadly battle.

This is the fourth Demon God Arena. It is terrifying. It was built by the men in black robes in just an instant.

It is simply generated out of thin air, without any substance, as if it were a god-like method.

Unable to detect the composition of energy, unable to lock on target, unable to locate.

The ground base has begun to scan and detect the men in black robes, but the information obtained is all empty.

The man in black robe was clearly standing in the void, but no system could detect it.

Is this thought projection, a method used in deep space?

Director Wu frowned.

It really may come from deep space. The life forms in deep space are absolutely beyond our imagination. This man in black robe is very likely to surpass our understanding and is not the same concept as the knowledge we understand.

Dr. Xiao nodded.

Ye Jue asked us to find a way to decrypt the man in black robe. This task is too difficult.

Chen Ya sighed.

It's not hopeless. It may be that our universe index level is lower than the other party's, so we can't understand it. As long as we increase the index, we can know whether the man in black robe is a high-entropy body.

Director Wu said.

Come on, inheritor of the Mythical Road. What you are going to challenge is the Demon God of the Fourth Purgatory, the Chiskull Demon King who guards the gates of the Fifth and Sixth Purgatory. As long as you destroy it, the earth will no longer be affected by the boiling blood. The impact is a great achievement for the earth...

The man in black robe raised his hand, and Ye Jue immediately disappeared and appeared in the land of Tianzhan.

Demon King Chishou, you are the devil, the spokesperson of the devil, the terminator of mankind, and the messenger who guards the shackles of the devil. However, in this power disparity, there is a 98% chance that you will fall. Come on, fight for the more powerful Fight with the masters, sacrifice your soul, and let the more powerful demon god awaken!


Chi Skull Demon King's huge body also stepped heavily into the Land of Heavenly Slaughter.

In the Land of Heavenly Slash, there are seven thrones for human heroes, and the number of demon thrones has increased to thirteen, all of which are empty.

I guess this will be a super war!

That's right, Chi Skull Demon Emperor has completely awakened, and his strength is weaker than before!

There's a good show to watch!

The aliens in the solar system are still staring at this place.

They all want to know the situation of the battle and hope that Ye Jue will suffer.

Who made him talk nonsense just now and charge tolls, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

Both sides are ready... then, let's start the war!

The man in black robe sat cross-legged in the sky above the Land of Heaven and made a sound.

Purgatory Soul Sword!

Immediately, ghosts cried and gods howled, and the entire Tianzhan Land was filled with the aura of death. Demon Emperor Chishou was about to reveal the Demon God's trump card.

Wandao Reincarnation Fist!


The Land of Heavenly Slash exploded directly, and now there is no viewing platform.

Because if other souls were here, they would be blown to pieces by this violent force!

Just like this, the profound and huge energy fluctuations are spreading continuously, making people's souls tremble.

What the hell...

A mouthful of old blood spurted out from the God-Slaying Sword.

This is the third time. The East China Sea Divine Furnace has been squeezed dry again, and a hundred thousand tons of spiritual stones have been burned cleanly.

He was also almost drained, and his body had serious sequence problems. If he couldn't find a replacement for the purgatory fire stone, he would have to be killed.

When Zhan Sha Dao heard the shocked sounds from the outside world again, his eyes turned white.

Everyone in the world knows how powerful you are, but they don't know how miserable the victims behind you are.

After he vomited blood, foam came out: You, a krypton money boss, can burn so many spiritual stones with one punch. You really think you are a nouveau riche. No matter how many spiritual stones there are in the East China Sea, I can't afford your squandering!

Just as Ye Jue was resurrected, he heard voices from the kingdom of gods.

Isn't there nothing I can do about it? The Purgatory Soul Sword burns human souls. It must be killed before burning. We can only use Wan Dao.

He stood there, doing nothing more than three things, already very experienced, waiting for repairs.

The Samsara Fist is indeed powerful. It requires the use of Yi Qi Zhuan Hongjun to activate the red particles and operate the ten thousand magical power talismans.

If even one of them is missing, the Talisman of Ten Thousand Great Divine Powers will not be able to function at all.


The man in black robe didn't react. With a wave of his arm, the thunder and lightning that overflowed in the Heavenly Slash Land disappeared.

Huhuhu... Only then did people see the result of the scene.

Not dead yet? Is that the Demon Emperor Chi Skull?

someone exclaimed.

I saw two huge legs standing there, as if they were not dead yet.

No, this is completely dead, only the lower body is left.

They were so shocked that the whole world was cheering.

It has been observed that the purgatory world has finally stopped eroding the solar system, and the universe is returning to its original state!

The Western world observed changes in the solar system and was extremely surprised.

Those boiling poisons are completely extinct on the earth. The mutant beasts have been affected by the previous vaccine and have begun to wake up!

Research on the Eastern world has finally yielded results.

With Ye Jue's victory over the Demon God, the earth finally ushered in a new turn, and the entire solar system also restored the starry sky.

The fourth Demon God Arena ended with the victory of the human side. Humanity has won three games and drawn one. Congratulations.

The man in black robe made a sound in mid-air.

Humans, the next demon will appear, welcome it!


His sudden words made the whole world quiet, as if he could hear every drop of a pin.

what is that?

Someone pointed tremblingly at the Land of Heavenly Slash, where the thirteen Purgatory Thrones, starting from the fifth to the twelfth, appeared one after another.

Each of these phantoms exudes a terrifying and boundless momentum, and their shapes are all different.

The shadow of the fifth seat is a 'thing' carrying heavy shackles. It is called a thing because it is not human at all. It is like a huge tumor, trapped by shackles, beating 'dong dong dong'.

The sixth one, with the same ‘sarcoma’, made the sound of a beating heart.

At the same time, people could also see that the dark demon ring was suspended and burning in the sky above these two sarcoids, and even the void was collapsing.

Extremely dangerous, I can only give this evaluation!

The seventh one is actually another female demon?

When some people looked at the remaining demon gods, they were extremely shocked.

The eighth seat is actually the shadow of a child?

People were shocked and made incredible noises at the same time.

The child's demonic shadow was lying lazily on the eighth seat, holding his chin, and seemed to be observing them.

Seat Ninth...look at Seat Ninth!

Some people feel their scalp numb instantly.

It was a ghost-like shadow with no lower body, just floating on the Demon God's Throne.

The coercion that shook out from his body was obviously a level stronger than before.

Are these the world-destroying demon gods? All of them have appeared. Do we humans still want to challenge so many demon gods?

Some people actually started to despair.

Starting from the tenth Demon God, they can no longer see with the naked eye. Not only will their souls be strongly oppressed, but their bodies will seem to be as stiff as zombies.

You know, this is still the picture broadcast by Tianyan.

How terrifying is the real scene?

Some people screamed in fright and sat down on the ground. They didn't recover for a long time.

How scary is it, you ask?

Ye Jue was gritting his teeth desperately, clicking, and his knees were actually bending down, trying to kneel down to these demons.

He was facing the real Thirteen Thrones of Purgatory, and now eight phantoms of demons were putting pressure on his body and soul.

These demon gods are too tall, each one is as high as a mountain peak, and starting from the tenth demon god, the phantom has penetrated the land of heaven and earth, and the aura emitted from them is enough to destroy any clan.

The situation Ye Jue encountered was like an ant facing a giant African elephant.

If any one of these 'African giant elephants' steps over, he will immediately 'die'.

Is this horror? My soul is trembling, but I will never give in.

Even though his knees were about to touch the ground, Ye Jue did not kneel down in the end.

This is dignity, pride from the soul, unyielding strength that transcends everything.


Suddenly, the female demon on the seventh floor stood up from the throne of purgatory. The demon halo suspended above her head emitted a bright black light and made an incomprehensible sound of hell.


Ye Jue's expression changed drastically, and he felt super pressure coming from his soul, forcing him to kneel down.

Unable to resist, unable to resist at all, this is an existence that cannot be resisted...

These thoughts kept flashing through his mind.

He knew that this was the voice of the devil encouraging him.

However, he must not kneel down like this.

If he kneels down, then the human souls all over the world will suffer a huge impact, bringing greater despair. The despair will spread, hide, and eventually explode... Then mankind will be completely finished!

Maybe, even the will of the earth will never recognize him again!

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