On the opposite side, one after another, penetrated the sky. From a distance, it looked like lightning striking.

Bang bang bang...

Ye Jue was not afraid and directly collided with his fists, causing a thunderous beam of light to erupt. The scene was terrifying.

Not long after, these imperial fighter planes were wrapped in blazing brilliance and all exploded.

This made him look strange. He really couldn't face a strong opponent. The enemy was unexpectedly weak.

Are super empires weak?

There's something wrong. Are we thinking too much?

Zhan Shen Dao was also stunned.

Why is this empire so weak?

These spaceships are less than the strength of a 1-star civilization, and are not even as good as the great powers of the fringe universe.

Just catch one and ask, and you'll find out.

However, Ye Jue's speed couldn't match their spaceship, so he could only wait and wait.


His electric light was flying, the scene was very astonishing, and he grabbed a spaceship forcefully.

As for the rest of the spaceships, they were all blown up, and with the terrifying explosion force, they became fragments on the ancient road.

¥ # % # ¥!!

The only surviving aliens screamed in horror.

He said, don't kill him, he is willing to obey you and do anything.

Zhanshen Dao translated.

Who are you?

Ye Jue pulled them out of the spaceship, a dozen of them in total, and started asking questions.

It was obvious that the other party understood what he was talking about, and his expression hardened.

“ # ¥@#¥%¥ # ……”

he answered.

I understand, no wonder they are so weak, because they are just one of the clans in the empire, called the Zhen clan, and they are also one of the weakest, because the empire is too huge, with millions of clans.

The slashing sword transformed into a dark-skinned young man with a surprised look on his face.

He is a weapon spirit, an incomplete weapon spirit, and he has long forgotten this place.

However, judging from the fact that he can understand these foreign languages, it is very likely that he came here in a certain era.

Maybe, he is not an artifact of the 'frog' clan, and this is where his origin lies.

No wonder I have a familiar feeling, there are pieces of me here, lots of them!

Accompanied by the dazzling brilliance, he felt excited.

What are you doing here?

Ye Jue asked again.

These alien races are actually similar to humans, but their souls are essentially different. You can feel that they are all very noble.

%¥ # ...T # $%.

The clan member who answered the question before quickly said a series of words.

Oh my god, he is saying that Water Curtain Cave is a territory controlled by the empire. There is a powerful clan guarded by the Tai clan. The East China Sea Dragon Palace also belongs to this powerful clan. It is used every day to import spiritual pills to the empire to enhance its physique and expand its territory. Sensory perception helps regulate cosmic travel and makes the spiritual body stronger.”

Zhanshen Dao was stunned.

The elixir refined by the East China Sea Divine Furnace will improve the health of the user, thereby extending the average life span and more than doubling it. However, it should be noted that excessive use can lead to addiction.


The alien quickly took out a small box, and rolled out a light orange pill. He squeezed it hard, and a fried orange cloud formed, and the surrounding area was suddenly filled with fragrance.

He is saying that this is the magic pill.

Is there such a thing?

Ye Jue was also shocked.

The East China Sea Divine Furnace actually belongs to someone else.

How strong is the Tai clan?

he asked again.

“¥ # %…¥%…”

The aliens danced and talked with exaggerated expressions.

Hearing the alien's words, Zhan Shen Dao quickly said: One-star civilization, in general, is very basic and belongs to the primary civilization in the universe. They are in this category. However, the Tai clan is actually a two-star civilization. This is different from Dark hunters are on the same level as civilization.

Two-star civilization?

Ye Jue had a headache.

He still remembered the Dark Hunter's Titan Soldier, which was so invincible that even the Saint level was almost caught.

What super weapon, macro fusion, will the Tai clan who guard the East China Sea Divine Furnace have? Inexplicable ray?

What kind of super weapon does the Tai clan possess?

Zhanshendou asked directly.


This member of the Zhen clan immediately replied bitterly.

The Devourer is a super weapon comparable to the Titan Weapon. It looks like a blue sun when it goes up, hovering above the East China Sea. It has a huge energy density. When activated, everything will melt instantly. It belongs to the category of super bombs.

Zhan Shen Dao said helplessly.

He couldn't even imagine how powerful this Devourer's explosion was.


The members of the Zhen clan spoke again.

He said that it was a defensive device. Once the East China Sea is lost, the Devourer will blow up together with the East China Sea Divine Furnace. What should we do now?

Zhan Shen Dao was even more speechless.

You're here, how can you know if you don't give it a try? Moreover, I have already seen the future. There is a special power that I can use here, right in front of me.

Ye Jue lowered his voice.

Your spaceship has been commandeered. If you lead the way, I will return it to you.

Then, he smiled at the aliens.


The Zhen clan members all shouted.

They said they would just give it to you as a spaceship. They would never take you in.

Zhan Shen Dao translated.

Oh, if you don't want to, then just kill them all.

Ye Jue shrugged his shoulders and said lightly.

%¥ # %¥%!

The Zhen clan members had horrified faces and screamed.

Obviously, the scene where Ye Jue easily blew up their clan members' spaceship just now is still fresh in his mind.

They agreed.

The road ahead was extremely monotonous, the starry sky was dead and lifeless.

This ancient road has been completely destroyed by the Empire. Countless planets have disappeared on the grounds of energy extraction.

A road paved with the breath of death spreads across the starry sky with no end in sight.

This was originally a mythical road, but now it was actually shrouded in a layer of gray fog, carrying a strong aura of death.

In the process, Ye Jue saw many planets that had become mineral deposits and were developing that kind of black material.

What's this?

Ye Jue grabbed a member of the Zhen clan and asked.

“¥% # ¥!!”

The Zhen clan member said quickly.

Those black substances are extracted from collapsed star cores and synthesized using the 'Imperial Elf' function. This is the origin of destructive matter in the universe and the basis for a super civilization to produce super weapons.

Translation of Zhan Shen Dao.

I see.

Ye Jue nodded.

No wonder these planets disappeared along the way. He heard a sound, to be precise, it was the sound of long and weeping music.

It was a ghost crying, like a cry of sorrow, coming on this road. It was precisely because of this that he was very concerned about that black substance.

Super weapons such as Titan Soldiers and Devourers must require more destructive materials than imagined.

In his universe, the 1-star super weapons of the great powers, such as thunder particles, super jets, and Judgment Day, also contain a lot of destructive substances.

Before this, he had also felt the existence of destructive matter in the time and space cave.

In the beginning, destroying matter bit by bit was almost fatal.

There are so many planets that have been refined along this ancient road. How many there are there is probably an unimaginable number.


His spirit left his body, left his physical body, and truly floated above the spaceship in his spiritual body.

This spirit body is in the shape of a huge crow, but it is just a coat.

As expected, it's such a strong power of resentment!

Ye Jue has a special feeling. He can absorb and accommodate these powers of resentment, because the ancient Crow God is the representative of gloom and resentment. He has an instinct to absorb them. The Crow is like a huge mother's nest. I want these resentments to return.

Then come on!

He opened his arms to embrace the power of resentment.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Suddenly, a scarlet aura filled the sky, and Ye Jue seemed to see a scene stained with blood. The Gulu universe was originally beautiful, but it immediately became ruined. All living planets were stained with blood. This seemed to be the fate of every planet. dusk.

The cause of the destruction was the arrival of a powerful clan, which absorbed the destructive material of the star core, causing the star core to become internally unbalanced, rapidly collapse and explode, and become dust on the ancient road.

Countless lives were screaming, unwilling to give up, and turned into angry flames, like a long river, flowing endlessly into the ancient Crow.

A mysterious shrill cry came from the mouth of the ancient dark crow, and its scarlet eyes shone to the extreme.


It expanded to the extreme and started to expand again!

So powerful!

Ye Jue thought he would only absorb a little bit, but he didn't expect that all the resentment and anger on the ancient road would be aroused, and they would surge in crazily.

Boom boom boom! ! !

This ancient crow spirit expanded infinitely, and in an instant it became the same size as the giant divine soldier.


When the God-Zhanping Sword discovered the strange phenomenon, he was dumbfounded.

He knew that Ye Jue had particles of an ancient crow spirit in his body, but it never showed its power and was only used as a protective armor.

I didn't expect that it would turn into such a terrifying thing in a blink of an eye, suspended in the starry sky, with no end in sight!

Moreover, it was right above their heads, no more than tens of meters away!

It seems to have no weight, which is completely against the law!

Of course, the God-Zhanbing Sword has experienced various things and has seen too many things that violate the rules, so it has become somewhat immune.

What he wants to know now is how powerful Ye Jue is now, and whether he can steal the East China Sea Divine Furnace and return to Earth.

This power of resentment can only be used here. God is helping me. A 2-star civilization can even fight!

Ye Jue's pupils shrank, feeling the power of his previous actions.

The power of the ancient Crow God has reappeared, with sharp claws holding a long snake tail. The jet-black feathers on his body are shiny and reflective, and green will-o'-the-wisps are dancing in his eyes.

It is now so huge that it easily exceeds 10,000 kilometers, and it is still growing by absorbing the resentment of the ancient road.

The diameter of the moon is only 3,000 kilometers, and the alien super mothership is only 8,000 kilometers. His incarnation now surpasses everything.

If we don't start killing now, how long will we wait?

Ye Jue took action directly and flew towards the end of the ancient road. Those mechanical sounds were already close at hand, and various huge mechanical facilities appeared in his eyes with blue light.

These mechanical facilities were placed here by powerful clans. In order to analyze the Water Curtain Cave, it is thousands of kilometers in diameter and height. It is so huge that it makes the void roar slightly. At the same time, there are many clan members in the facility, making reports. , do research materials, etc.

But now, he can be destroyed easily without using the Great Divine Power Talisman.

Go to hell, you bunch of moths!

He let out a low roar, and stretched out his sharp claws, which seemed to be able to break open the entire ancient road.

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