Humans can level up by killing demons. This is the rule of the game.

Ye Jue flew towards the ancient road.

After all, killing demons is one of the ways for people on earth to continue to become stronger.

It was such a waste to kill so many demons by him alone. This was an experience for the human race, a happy upgrade journey. After all, he had his protectors from the Kingdom of Gods, so he could happily kill monsters.

As for why Ye Jue left temporarily, it was because he no longer needed to upgrade at all.

After level 50, all you gain are spirit experience points.

The journey of human beings to cultivate their spiritual bodies has just begun, starting from Jinxi level, Guanyu level, Xuantong level, Xingyue level, and Dharma phase level.

Even if he kills all the demons in the world, his star-moon level spirit body will not be upgraded because he evolves too fast and these experiences are too insignificant.

It's like a max-level boss who goes to the novice village to kill novice monsters, and the experience gained is +1+1+1+1...

The ancient starry sky road he walked on was majestic and majestic. It left the solar system and the bank system, and directly folded the tunnel, leading to the outside world beyond the World Tree.

This star map coordinate is very inconspicuous. It is located under the seabed somewhere among the stars, with a small vortex on the surface.

However, after entering, you can actually span the entire edge universe.

At first, he didn't notice anything, but after looking carefully, he felt that the road behind this small vortex was too mysterious.

Dark and mysterious text graphics intertwine to form the tunnel walls of the artifact.

These words have a writing style that captures the beauty of heaven and earth. It is a treasure to explore it with a scholar's perspective. It is a great magical power to decipher it with mythology.

The turbulence of time and space is so dangerous, but there is still such a passage. It was obviously specially built by someone and left behind for future generations to use.

Ye Jue sighed.

On the way, he also saw a corner of the land, full of strange and weird buildings, like a real dragon lying dormant, dead here, and turned into a fossil.

It's very dangerous here.

Zhan Shen Dao casually looked at the other corner, where there were caves that were bursting with fire.

Spraying continuously on this turbulent road of time and space, the flames are extremely powerful, comparable to the true fire of Samadhi.

No matter how dangerous it is, we still have to go for it, and time is tight. We must get the East China Sea Divine Furnace as soon as possible.

Ye Jue said as his great magical power flew out of his body and merged into the talisman.

Now his magical talismans have exceeded 4,000, and are still increasing, and now it has become more than 6,000.

Every moment, he is integrating.

If you want to find the East China Sea Divine Furnace, you must first find the Water Curtain Cave. Under the Water Curtain Cave is the way to the East China Sea.

Ye Jue continued flying.

Now his speed can break the sound barrier more than 30 times, all thanks to the magical talisman.

Otherwise, his strength has not improved, but his spiritual body is getting stronger.

Here we are, this is one of the locations marked on the star map. A dry planet, there is a high probability that it is the entrance to the Water Curtain Cave. This place is already beyond the starry sky and has left the edge of the universe.

Ye Jue took a casual glance and discovered a unique and terrifying terrain that could really shock the past and present.

But on this small planet, there are actually many terrifying life forms.

These life forms have powerful destructive power, making even the God-Slaying Sword take a breath of air.

He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when he saw this, he repeatedly said: The outside world is really terrible.

These twisted beings are all indescribable things. They seem to have no consciousness and are wandering on the ground of the planet.

However, he had a feeling that once he arrived, he would be attacked by a swarm of people.

This is the combat power of the outside world, and the edge universe is completely incomparable.

Ye Jue is looking for a place to land.

He guessed that these indescribable life forms were once a group of dead people, a group of formatted souls.

This planet might have been a star of civilization, but it was completely destroyed.

And he died in an instant, otherwise there would not be such a majestic and spectacular scene.


He crossed the stars, heading all the way to where the planet was finally safe.

Damn it, since there is such a powerful electromagnetic force on this planet, it is enough to prove that a powerful system once existed. It was really a civilization, and it was an advanced civilization. These indescribable things are really spiritual bodies.

Zhanshendou lowered his voice and expressed his astonishment.

However, then, his eyes went a little straight!

Because of those spiritual bodies, these vast ghosts are not wandering aimlessly, but are working in a formal manner, as if they are refining something from the inside of the planet.

what is that?

Suddenly, Ye Jue also saw a strange scene. They extracted a substance from the abyss of the planet, which was a viscous black liquid that was put into jars of containers.

This planet is not an ownerless thing, but is controlled by a powerful being. This is a mineral deposit, digging for materials we don't know about.

The most intuitive feeling about the Zhanshen Sword is that the viscous black liquid gave him a strong impact, which must be related to the external technology.

Since there is nothing we are looking for, let's go. There is no time to stay longer now.

Ye Jue took a deep look at the planet, but in the end it did not come.

The outside world, outside the World Tree, is really weird.

Fortunately, the path to the star map he obtained directly avoided the cosmic flames, otherwise it would be difficult for him to move forward.

Moreover, planets here are extremely rare. After walking so far, I only saw one like this, and it was regarded as a mineral deposit.

The entire ancient road is pitch black...

The next coordinates are there.

Lightning flew out of his eyes, and his whole person emitted a layer of brilliant light, covering himself.

In the endless dark ancient road, it is like a small sun.

The passage of time has changed. In the ten days here, only one day has passed in our world. Don't be anxious and slowly look for the entrance.

Zhan Shen Dao reminded.

I know.

Ye Jue nodded solemnly. This was not something he blurted out on impulse, but his true mood.

The earth is now guarded by the kingdom of gods, not to mention that the demons on the fourth level are not that strong.

Therefore, he believed that time would be enough for him to find what he wanted.


He crossed this ancient road across the stars again.

There is a bright light ahead, and there is another planet.

However, there are intelligent beings on this planet, wearing bright silver armor, and some mysterious women wearing black robes. They also discovered him, which was equivalent to poking a hornet's nest.

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Ye Jue couldn't understand what these foreigners said.

You must know that since the arrival of the source, it has brought a setting and gained an ability from the beginning. Those who resonate with the starry sky can know what the aliens are expressing.

However, he could not understand a single word of these strange alien races.

Isn't it a cosmic reason? After I left the World Tree and came outside the universe, the resonance effect was gone?

Ye Jue was very cautious and had a serious expression. He wanted to think about it carefully.


At this time, the aliens had become violent.

They actually started to attack. An oval-shaped spaceship that had never been seen before took off into the sky. A huge buzzing sound shook the sky. Countless mysterious women in black robes stood on it, constantly chanting complicated and incomprehensible words.

I can understand. They are saying that you are a native of the World Tree. You dare to break into the territory of the Emperor of the Starry Sky and you will be beheaded. They represent the empire and want to capture you and offer your head to the emperor.

Zhanshen Dao suddenly said.

Emperor of the Starry Sky, who dares to call himself that?

Ye Jue was startled. He was besieged. These spaceships were all astonishingly big and crashed into him like huge rocks.

He was so small, like an ant standing in front of a full-grown elephant.


However, he still took action. In one breath, Hong Jun circulated the red particles in his body to the maximum, and struck with the God-Zhantting Sword.

The sword light of the God-Slaying Sword suddenly rose sharply, it was too hot.

This knife was definitely a big earthquake, like a landslide and tsunami, directly cutting off the huge rock spaceship in front of it.

Bang bang bang...

Dazzling light exploded on the extremely dark ancient road in the starry sky.

Now that I've done it, I can't keep one of them, and I can't let the second person know that I did it.

Ye Jue was flamboyant and arrogant, and his fist was like a small sun, hitting the ground of the planet directly.

This is the reincarnation fist of six thousand great magical talismans. That planet originally had only one base, and the rest was deserted.

In an instant, the void exploded, bursting out with dazzling light. It was simply terrifying and the energy vibrated greatly.

Those spaceships, those alien races, and those buildings exploded directly in the violent blooming glow and disappeared completely. Even other surrounding strongholds were not spared and were shattered one after another. Everything magnificent was turned into powder.

All the life breath has disappeared. They are all dead. They were beaten into a ball of blood mist. They cannot withstand your attack. It seems that there is a super empire in the outer universe. It is headed by the Emperor of the Starry Sky. Even the ancient roads can intervene. It shows how powerful it is, the ore deposit we just encountered is probably the empire’s mining team.”

When Ye Jue was resurrected, the God-killing Sword said this.

Super empire, starry sky emperor...

After Ye Jue was frightened, his eyes became even more intense because he instinctively felt that the world outside the World Tree was more exciting.

They call me a native, and that says it all.

He flew up like a bolt of lightning and continued flying on the ancient road in the starry sky.

Some brilliant runes are constantly swirling around on both sides, once again intertwining to form a starry sky wall, with the words and patterns on it reappearing, another great magical power.


Ye Jue extracted it directly without saying anything.

There is no such thing as too much great supernatural power. They can all be integrated into talismans in the future, and it is expected that they will soon be integrated into 10,000. When the time comes, they will surely bloom like thunder from the sky, and no one will dare to mess with him.

Here we go again, many imperial aircraft flying from the depths of the ancient starry sky road. It seems that the explosion just now alerted them.

Zhanshen Dao said quickly.

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