how's it going?

After a while, Zhan Shen Dao asked, but when he saw Ye Jue's sullen face and said nothing, he felt a serious and solemn atmosphere, so he hurriedly shut up.


Suddenly, Ye Jue opened his eyes, and a faint gold and silver color suddenly appeared, finally allowing him to capture a scene of the future.


A scarlet aura rushed out from the ground, like a waterfall flowing backwards towards the sky, accompanied by a faint hoarse sound.

At this time, he stood in front of a huge black monument. This black monument looked like a tombstone. It was as black as ink, with many words engraved on it. It was tall enough to reach the sky.

This is the text of history, recording the truth of the broken time.

The scarlet aura condensed into a human shape, hoarse and cold, with a cold and ruthless voice.

You said the text of history, the text on the black monument records the truth about the rupture of the mythical road?

Ye Jue stood there, looking up at each other, extremely surprised.

Yes, the Mountain God Pearl suspended above your head can help you take away the text of history, but after taking it away, a great disaster will occur, and the Demon Saint will not let you go.

The scarlet humanoid spoke indifferently.

You are not who you are now. This is just a glimpse of the future. I am not who I am now. I am who I was before. What you see may not happen in the future. Whether you take it or not depends on how you resolve the Demon Saint's attack.

He said this to Ye Jue, and disappeared the next moment, as if he really came from a long time ago to have a conversation with him.


The sky is shattering and the earth is shattering, ghosts and gods are crying, and the demon saint in the sky is sending down strange and unpredictable power to prevent him from taking away the black monument. The ground of the entire continent is cracking.

He was like a small boat in the sea. Facing the demon saint's attack, he could not bear it at all. He was sealed in a place where time and space were absolutely still, unable to escape.


This is the future that Ye Jue sees, a corner of time about a black stone tablet.

As the scarlet humanoid said, it may not happen, because once it happens, it will trigger an attack by the demon saint.

The demon saint's attack can directly blow up the land, and the river of death sweeps towards him, leaving him with no time to open the space cracks and escape.

What, this is the future you see, isn't it the Great Wild Scripture?

Zhan Shen Dao said in surprise.

There is no Great Desolation Sutra here, but taking away the historical text spoken by the scarlet humanoid will inevitably trigger an attack from the Demon Saint in the sky. The entire space will be sealed, and there will be no time to even use teleportation.

Ye Jue was extremely shocked.

The demon god's blow was so brilliant that it could trigger the river of death in time and space, sealing him in absolutely still time and space. The consequences were self-evident. Death was the best relief, but it was a pity that he could not die.

What should we do then? The historical text is related to the biggest unsolved mystery in the universe. Why has history turned into a wasteland? There may be a big secret about the rupture of mythology and the fall of gods.

Zhan Shen Dao was extremely shocked.

I originally came to get the Great Wilderness Sutra, but I didn't expect to have the opportunity to get an inscription that is even rarer than the Great Wilderness Sutra.

Take it, or don't take it?

He couldn't help but ask.

The key point is not whether to take it or not, but how to use this corner of time.

Ye Jue's face changed from pale to smiling.

Uh, have you come up with a bad idea again? Are you addicted to tricking people?

When Zhan Shen Dao saw his expression, he immediately understood.

You are right. I want to use it in reverse and let the time hourglass save me in that absolutely still time and space.

Ye Jue nodded and said.

You're crazy. This is a bet. The demon saint's power is unfathomable. If the time hourglass cannot pull you into the little star's node, you will be doomed!

Zhan Shen Dao couldn't help but say, it was indeed so, just as he thought.

Didn't you say that the time hourglass can transfer me to that time node no matter when or where I am in the future?

Ye Jue asked.

This is true, and there have never been any accidents in the time hourglass. It's just that I think you are too courageous to risk your life and survive.

Zhan Shen Dao admired him very much and felt that Ye Jue had a much stronger character than his former master.

I have one more thing to ask, if I am pulled into the node before the little star by the time hourglass, will everything I have gained now be in vain?

Ye Jue asked again. After all, it was very important. He was going to die next.

No, the time hourglass only moves your current time back to the past. It does not move back everything else. Everything you obtain in the future, including the Mountain God Pearl, will follow you to the node of the little star. It is not a causal regression, so There is no time argument.”

Zhanshen Dao said.

That's alright, let's go on a journey to death!

Ye Jue smiled.

Although the Great Wilderness is not here, times have changed and there are better ways to solve the crisis on the small stars.

When the demon saint kills you, you will be able to see them. All the demons in shape will have to kneel down. But by then, have you figured out how to take advantage of the chaos and escape?

Zhanshendou nodded and asked again.

Then we have to take another look at the future.

Ye Jue closed his eyes again, looked carefully for a while, and shook his head.

It's really too far away and there's no way to observe it yet, so we'll just have to adapt accordingly when the time comes.

Then act quickly. Those carriers have arrived in the depths and are starting to search for treasures. In addition to historical texts, there should be many secret treasures.

Zhanshen Dao said quickly.


Ye Jue's head hangs on the mountain's sacred bead, and its movement turns to Hongjun, forcibly opening a route in the blood red.

There are piles of bones here, and there are stone tablets everywhere, which record a lot of content and a complete story. This is the deeds of the gods sealing the demon saint.

In the previous mythological era, the demon clan was extremely powerful, giving birth to demon gods, who led demon saints and all demons to cause chaos in various continents.

Which one is stronger, God or Holy?

Some people analyze that God is stronger, because it is said in ancient books that the Holy is the shame of Yin and Yang, and those who do nothing will become Holy, but God has no obstacles and can do whatever he wants!

This shows that the status of God is such. This statement can well explain that the status of the Holy Spirit is not as high as that of God.

Therefore, becoming a god is the ultimate goal of all life, which reflects the importance of god particles.

After all, in the past, many powerful mythological figures died, leaving only their true spirits. Legend has it that their true spirits entered a place called the God List, so the particles of gods are not common outside. Once they appear, they will cause a sensation.

This is the place where ancient gods slay demons, so these bones probably belong to the demon clan.

Ye Jue has an immortal body. Now his spirit body can turn into air currents and is transforming into a complete spirit body. He can clearly feel the resentment coming from here.

This resentment wants to bury you here forever.

Zhan Shen Dao also felt it. He was flying around Ye Jue and couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

There are treasures hundreds of feet below the ground, but there is no way to escape from this place. The soil has turned into a stone of resentment. I can only look at it and sigh.

He felt that the underground had the most hidden treasures.

There are various monster caves, which have undergone earth-shaking changes and are buried underground, as well as various rare mineral veins, elixirs, animals and plants, etc.

These resentment stones are as hard as gold steel. They are made of demon bones, demon blood, and underground rocks that have been continuously condensed by the demon saint's energy. Even mythical weapons can only break through some small gaps when they are killed.

Wouldn't the Mountain God Pearl come in handy at this moment?

Ye Jue has now practiced the earth essence of the Mountain God Pearl. With this earth essence, he can travel underground like a fish in water. It can be said that even a few tyrannosaurus-level masters cannot kill him underground.

Even facing thirty-star in vitro technology masters, as long as Ye Jue can successfully get into the ground now, he can escape.

Unless he has practiced the magical power of the shapeshifting demon that can easily break through the ground, then he will have no way to escape.


Ye Jue has now penetrated deep into the ground, and those hard stones of resentment instantly turned into soft pieces and turned into melted soil when they encountered him.

After he travels, the essence disappears and the Resentment Stone will solidify again.

It's still too little absorbed. I can actually feel it. I can suffocate to death underground. I hope there is still space below.

Ye Jue shuttled rapidly through the underground, having a great time.


A large piece of resentful stone was turned into clods. Among the clods, some resentful spirits appeared. I don't know what happened.

These are all demon spirits, but they have no consciousness and will only be in a daze. As long as the consciousness does not resist the storage objects, they can be stored in the space bracelet.

There are also many veins of crystal magic stones, also known as spiritual stones, which vaguely convey a huge aura. There are indeed rich treasures under the blood-red land.

Those aliens on the mother ship were really stupid to explore the ruins on the land. They were afraid that the ban would be triggered and the ship would be destroyed and everyone would die.

The deeper Ye Jue went underground, the more Wutu Yuanqi was stimulated by the Mountain God Pearl to help him.

There is something really magical about this mythical treasure, even though it cannot be used in combat.

Swish, swish, swish! !

Ye Jue wandered around, looking for various caves, and carrying various buried demon artifacts. Gradually, he went deep into the ground three thousand feet. There was darkness and silence all around, and it seemed to be a space.

This is another cave.

Fortunately, the Mountain God Pearl can help him breathe in the soil and resentment stones, otherwise he would have been suffocated to death and buried underground.

This cave is the largest I've ever encountered, and it's buried so deep...

Zhanshen Dao suddenly stopped and stopped talking.

Because as Ye Jue emits light, he sees the scene in front of him.

Didn't you see a mysterious scarlet humanoid in a corner of time who claimed to be from a long time ago? He erupted from the ground. Couldn't he have lived here before?

he asked, stunned.

Why else would I go deep underground just for these demon artifacts? I have no use for them.

Ye Jue nodded seriously.

The scarlet humanoid was able to talk to him across such a huge time span. Maybe he had practiced some secret secrets of the heart and could see the distant future.

He maximized the secret power of his heart to barely get a connection with this person. He had to rely on the opponent's strength, otherwise contact would be impossible.

Therefore, the secret secret of the heart weapon is very useful and very crucial. If the scarlet humanoid has such a secret, he will get it no matter what.

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