These carriers and fleets are really crazy. The tunnels in the space-time cave are full of top-notch destructive substances. If they are not noticed for a moment, they are likely to explode into powder and then be annihilated.

Zhan Shen Dao shook his head repeatedly.

With the intensity of their external technology, they would definitely not be able to withstand those top-level destructive storms. They were in a desperate situation, and only Ye Jue, a genius on the mythical path, could get out of it.

The more people, the better. Those time and space holes are all connected to the place of death, and there are only eight gates of life. Let them open the way for me.

Ye Jue straightened his body on the land, flew with both wings, and went straight to a super battleship silently.

This super battleship has just taken off on land and is about to enter the space hole. The protective shield has not been deployed yet.

Because the space-time hole of Angel Key is not opened on land, it needs to reach the outer universe first.

He is still growing and cannot physically cross the universe yet, so he needs the help of external forces.


Ye Jue directly opened a hatch and ducked into it without anyone noticing.

Buzz! !

Soon, the super battleship began to take off, carrying a huge buzzing sound, and broke into the time and space hole.

At this moment, the time hole has been open for ten minutes, and many foreign fleets have gathered.

Be careful, this is a top-level space-time turbulence storm!

Someone spoke at the front of the fleet, and the voice spread throughout every battle fleet.

Let the carrier be in front. The carrier's defensive shield can break in like a spear and lead us forward!

This is inside the time and space cave. It's so spectacular. Look at those small time and space caves. They are all connected to unknown mysteries. I don't know where they lead.

Come on, victory is ahead!

The aliens started a heated discussion, and they were all shocked by the sight before them.

The breakthrough is successful, the next step is to see who can find the biggest treasure in the time and space cave according to their abilities!

The fleet was very excited and chose the time hole to enter.

Bang bang bang!

All of a sudden, more than a dozen super battleships exploded on the spot, erupting into brilliant fireworks in the universe. The explosion was sucked into those dead spots, leaving not even the dregs left.

It's terrible. This is just a gamble. Fortunately, it's a drone that explores the path for us.

The aliens turned pale.

The remaining time and space holes are easy to judge. If there are treasures, just use the spacecraft system to identify the power of life.

At this moment.

Swish, swish, swish!

The super battleship that Ye Jue rides has to choose a death door, which is a desperate situation without any life.

At this time, he couldn't sit still, but it was time to take action.

Boom boom boom!

Who is it? Someone broke into our battleship!

Ah, this is it!!


These aliens howled miserably, but they were no match for them. They were beaten with punches and kicks until they lay on the ground wailing.

Buzz! Buzz!

Please be careful, there is an unknown life form breaking in!

Please note that there is...

A red alert suddenly sounded in the super battleship.

Bang bang bang!

I saw constant explosions inside the super battleship, a figure that was unstoppable, and everything in its path was a mess.

Who is this person and why is he so powerful?

The leader of Super Battleship was stunned.

This man came straight to the bow of the ship, as if he knew where he was and wanted to kidnap him.

Damn it, stop him!

He couldn't help but roar wildly.

We can't stop it. We can't stop it at all. Our armor will be blown up with one punch, and we will be paralyzed if we hit him. The impact is stronger than that of a meteorite.

These aliens were all going crazy and couldn't believe this fact.

It is simply unheard of for a single individual to hijack a super battleship, and he must not be allowed to succeed.

Anyone who stands in my way will die.

Ye Jue ran rampant, and the metal doors were smashed to pieces as soon as they encountered him. The aliens behind the doors screamed and flew out.

He felt that the target had been locked in his mind, and he would eventually get there, it was just a matter of time.

This... strong man, if you have something to say, please speak it carefully. If there is any negligence, we can make up for it.

The captain's voice came from all directions, and there was a trace of panic in his tone that could not be concealed.

Change my course and head towards the largest space-time hole here!

Ye Jue said in a special tone.

What, how is this possible? The largest space-time cave is probably ten thousand years old. Many dangerous ancient ruins are buried in it. The danger is too great. Only the mothership can go there. No, absolutely not!

The captain was startled, shook his head quickly, and sternly refused.

Really? Then just wait until the ship sinks.

Ye Jue was not polite at this time and directly used the magical power he had just learned.

Kill ten thousand with one sword!

It was the first time he used his magical power. His whole body was covered with terrifying symbols, and a ball of dazzling sword light rose up, destroying everything in front of him with fierce power.


A red light burst out from the hull, causing parts of the hull to shatter and the fragments to fly, affecting many functions.

Didi, the battleship hull is damaged, the estimated degree is 30%, please carry out nano repair immediately, repair it immediately!

The system on the spacecraft immediately sounded an alarm.

The magical power is so terrifying, much more powerful than the mythical moves. If used at full strength, the sword light spit out can be vast and boundless, destroying the entire battleship.

Moreover, this is just a low-level magical power. If it were a high-level magical power, would it be repaid?

Turn, divert immediately, divert immediately!

The captain was about to cry. This was like a murderous god coming in. He would destroy the entire battleship if he didn't agree.

Moreover, the energy just used was the power of myth. It should be that a certain big demon left his nest again and lurked in their war voyage early.


The crew members in the super battleship command room were all shocked.

Do we really want to enter the largest space hole?

Do you want to die here? If you enter it, you might still have a chance!

The captain roared.


Suddenly the super battleship began to turn under the starry sky, blue light ejected from the rear, and headed towards the most terrifying space-time hole.

Seeing all this, Ye Jue became honest and came to the command room to see these terrified aliens.

They all had thick fur on their faces, with different colors, much like raccoons. They were all covered in cold sweat and trembling uncontrollably.

This is an existence that can destroy their battle. Now standing in front of them, who is not afraid?

This strong man...

The captain suppressed his fear and stepped forward.

We'll go our separate ways when we enter the Time Cave, and I won't make things difficult for you.

Ye Jue waved his hand to tell him to shut up, because he was currently observing the scene of the super battleship entering the time hole.

Several carrier aircraft have already entered this most terrifying space-time hole. Inside is a vast and icy continent, with destructive whirlpools all over the ground. Once caught, the ship will be destroyed and everyone will die.

That is……

Someone trembled and pointed at a dazzling fire ahead.

No way.

These alien raccoons were startled and couldn't help but want to run away immediately.

Because a carrier aircraft actually crashed in front, many red mushroom clouds kept rising, and then formed one energy vortex after another, and all kinds of debris were flying. It was obvious that it had just entered, but it was already destroyed? !

What kind of scene is this? Many people collapsed on the ground on the spot, unable to bear the shock!

Oh my god, what is that?

Someone's voice trembled.

Their eyes were all looking at the same position, and they almost collapsed on the ground, their bodies like sieves.

The sky is extremely red, because there is no sun, nor any stars or moon, only the red light of the sea of ​​blood, covering the sky and the continent, with strong evil aura and murderous intent.

What frightened them was that there was a living eye moving in the red. Along with the meteorite, it was annihilated silently, exploded in an instant, and swept to all directions. Everyone could see it. The scene was extremely horrifying!

I know where this place is. Oh my god, this is the Demon Sealing Ridge. I found out about it accidentally in an abandoned place. This is an ancient demon. It is very likely to be a demon saint!!

One person's teeth were grinding, and he felt extremely hopeless and fearful.

If this scene spreads, it will definitely shake the starry sky.

One eye of this demon saint covers the sky, it’s so crazy!

Hold still, it's a magical power of the advanced magical powers in the path of mythology, it's called Dharma, Heaven and Earth.

The captain swallowed his saliva and said.

He stared at the blood-colored sky and was in a trance for a while. He felt that the road ahead was difficult. The various creatures that Feng Yao Ridge had to face were unimaginable. Can he really escape?

Demon Saint, this may really be a part of its body.

Shocked more than anyone else, Ye Jue was stunned.

He had seen the shape-shifting demon use the law of heaven and earth. The incarnation would never flood the sky. But one eye of this ancient demon made the sky red and enveloped the continent. It was really unbelievable!

This strong man, we sent you in, it's time to go our separate ways, and it's time for us to go out.

When the captain heard this, he trembled and said.

Having said that, can you go out?

Ye Jue shook his head.

Captain, it's not good, the hole was closed when we came here, we need to find another way out.

His subordinates pointed to the back in shock. They didn't know when the way in had been closed.

It's over.

The captain was startled, and his heart felt cold.

If you want to survive, find a way out in the Demon Sealing Ridge.

Ye Jue gave them advice.

At this moment, he flew out of the super battleship and was immediately enveloped by a burst of flames from the outside world. The flames were like magma, surging into the sky.

Boom boom boom!!

However, Ye Jue could still resist. Using the power of Qi Zhuan Hongjun, all the red flames sprayed out from the ground turned upside down around him, isolating him.

How is it, Ye Jue, do you feel anything?

Zhan Shen Dao said this.

At this time, he was also shocked. He didn't know where this place was. Who could create such a terrifying place? !

I need some quiet.

Ye Jue closed his eyes tightly.

The secrets of his heart are opened to the maximum, and his mind is constantly looking for pictures of the future, but this place is so weird, what he sees is blood red? !

With the Zhanshen Sword protecting him, he didn't worry about the dangers around him. He took a deep breath and continued to look for the future scene, trying to find it in this blood-red place.

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