Thank you for reminding!

Chen Ya gasped, these aliens were too well-equipped to fight at a distance.

Her slender body was ejected fiercely. Her speed was so fast that she formed a blurry phantom and disappeared.

Target locked!

Front troops are preparing to intercept!

Continue to neutralize the base's mythical formation and mobilize the equipment to the maximum. We must not let others discover it. Once there is support, we will fail!

These aliens clenched their weapons, accelerated their attack, and at the same time conveyed the cold order of roundup to the troops everywhere.

A dragnet gradually took shape, and even though they saw the dark muzzles facing them in front of them, their emasculation did not diminish at all.

Finally close.

Xu Ziyue clenched his hands into fists, and with a terrifying energy that ripped through the air, he aimed at the alien in front of him and smashed it.


Click! ! !

The hard fist slammed into the foreigner's chest. Now her palm force was about two tons, and the force surged out like a tsunami.

The alien battle armor was shattered, the sternum was cracked instantly, the bone stubble protruded, the heart was pierced, and scarlet blood spurted out.

After a brief stagnation, as Xu Ziyue's fists violently impacted, multiple aliens flew backwards and hit the metal wall behind them heavily.

The sound was violent, and the devastating punch gave the alien no room to react. His heart was broken, and his life was fleeting.

Determined and ruthless, although they are women, they strike without mercy and are always fatal with one blow.


This was not the first time Chen Ya killed a foreigner. She took a deep breath, her speed soared, and she appeared in front of another foreigner in a few flashes.

The target was found! The target was found! Just...

The alien was still shouting into the communicator, and with a click his neck instantly bent to one side, like a broken bamboo.

Severe pain swept through his body, and he staggered to his knees.

Chen Yan's slender palm that followed was like the sickle of death!

She grabbed the man's throat, and with a huge force, there was another click, and the man's throat bones were crushed directly.

A lot is lost when you lose your humanity.

Lose your bestiality and lose everything.

What's more, he had been possessed by a demon. Chen Ya looked at this man with cold hands, covering his bloody throat, and the gushing blood quickly drained his physical strength and vitality.


What a good guy, he's actually a fearless class?

No wonder he's a little arrogant!

The smiles on the faces of the aliens not far away faded, and their bodies shook violently.

What, are you scared?

Chen Ya snorted coldly, and a white light shot out from the space bracelet like a thunderbolt. This was another mythical weapon.

It is indeed a mythical base. A woman has such a rich heritage.

The aliens' pupils shrank, but they must catch her.


All of a sudden, the two sides collided.

Bang bang bang! !

In the blink of an eye, Chen Ya's hands were like the claws of the god of death, harvesting many lives.


The aliens who gathered around them all died tragically on the spot, losing their lives.

No. 7! Please answer No. 8!

No. 1! Is No. 1 still available?

This is No. 2...ah!!!

A scream came from the communicator.

This race is more powerful with guns, but is weak in close combat.

Xu Ziyue and Chen Ya are like wolf kings from the flock of sheep, invincible and unstoppable.

This is the terrible thing about taking the path of mythology. Once you have the foundation, you will have unparalleled power.

However, the enemy remained unabated, because this alien race sent out many people and launched a general attack.

If you want to catch us, then give it a try.

Chen Ya's hand suddenly appeared from the shadows and plunged into the heart of one of the aliens.

At the same time, he spun around, put his palms together and sprinted away towards the other person's heart.

Click! !

The frightening sound of cracking bones could be heard clearly, and most of the broken heart-protecting bones penetrated into the mechanical heart.


It detonated all of a sudden and blew up the dust.



They were ruthless and targeted two key points for attack.

The aliens died instantly without even a chance to react.

Change your strategy and kill them. Damn it, too many losses!

The aliens roared!

With the help of shadow, the mythical moves we repair have a big bonus.

The more Chen Ya and Xu Zi looked at each other, their bodies suddenly turned into shadows, but it was not a real shadow, but a move, which was difficult to see through.


A black shadow came over, Chen Ya's hand pierced the back of a foreigner's heart, and a white jade palm covered his mouth, and the sharp nails stirred in his heart.

The same killing method, another life returning to the hands of death.

I can't stop it, I just can't stop it, it's so awesome!


The aliens finally realized something was wrong.

The two pure-blooded women mastered too many mythical weapons and moves, and their backgrounds were so mysterious that they were completely overwhelmed.

Now that things have happened, do you still want to escape?

Chen Ya appeared silently behind the man, reached forward with her left hand, tore the man's hair, and scratched his throat with the nails of her right hand.


The artery in the throat ruptured, and thick blood spurted out like a spring.

The foreigner wanted to call for help, but his throat had been cut, and he could not make any sound except for the blowing of the cool breeze, and the strength in his body was rapidly drained by the splatter of blood.

After getting rid of this person, they set their sights on the black-clothed alien in front of them. This alien was the most powerful.

I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. I thought it was an easy kidnapping mission, but I didn't expect it!

The hidden light in the eyes of this strong man kept flashing, and he suddenly raised his hand and punched out, causing violent fluctuations in the air.

It was as if an invisible force mixed with the force of the wind hit their bodies.

This is a technological battle armor that analyzes the power of myth, and it is not just a boxing style.

That's it? Let you see the true power of myth, Zi Yue, show him the Yin Yang Sword Technique!

Suddenly, a small red sword floated above Chen Ya's head, which looked extremely brilliant.


Xu Ziyue nodded, and a small green sword flew out from above his head.


The combined power suddenly collided with the alien's powerful alien technology.


There was an explosion, turning into a large rain of blood, and a non-human-shaped thing fell into the distance without making any sound.

This scene naturally appeared on a carrier aircraft in the solar system.

It failed?! After using so many resources, we finally managed to analyze that mythical formation, and now we can't even catch anyone?

The master of this fleet was shaking with anger, almost going crazy.

Our mothership cannot enter the Blue Star because there is something shady preventing it. What should we do now?

Everyone else found the matter difficult to handle.

Reorganize people and don't fail next time!

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