Today is your trial, let me see your current strength!

The mysterious man stopped in the field and was immediately greeted by countless cheers! !

He is handsome, tall, and wearing a silver armor. He looks like a rich man from an idol drama. He is also very powerful.

In comparison, Su Yan is much smaller.

I'm going to beat you today, holding the bird in my arms.

Su Yan turned her body slightly to the right, and mythical energy overflowed from her fists.

Learning well.

The mysterious man nodded, shouted loudly, took a few steps, and took advantage of the wind in the air. This was a mythical move that made all four elements empty.

This punch is very strong! ! !


Their arms collided!

First of all, Su Yan's internal bones exploded repeatedly, the impact was too strong!

However, the bird-grabbing pose caused her body to rotate slightly and float like catkins.

She landed firmly in the bird-grabbing position, and the floor tiles under her feet exploded with her as the center!


The mysterious man hummed, and in an instant he felt a violent surge of energy, and he exerted all his strength without thinking.

The four elements are all empty and the Eight Division Fist!

He shouted loudly and used a mythical move with a powerful momentum, making the air tremble with every blow.

You underestimate me, Master.

Unexpectedly, Su Yan laughed. She raised one hand and gently sealed it, blocking the mysterious man's mythical move that filled her whole body with energy.

How can it be?!

The mysterious man's pupils shrank suddenly.

Tai Chi Push Hands!

Su Yan pushed gently.


The mysterious man was pushed hard by Su Yan and groaned,

Immediately, a mighty aura swirled in his body. This was all the power that had been sealed in his body, and now it was all activated and used.

I never imagined that you are so talented.

He also laughed. He never expected that Su Yan would be so strong. Even the voices of his supporters in the field gradually became quieter. Even people who didn't understand could see that Su Yan's Tai Chi completely defeated the mysterious man, making him His punches were in vain.

Master, you will lose the next move.

Su Yan bent backwards. Her whole body was drawn into a bow shape from head to toe, like a strong bow and crossbow with full strings, and her right fist was an angry arrow waiting to be fired.

This move is the Tai Chi Cannon Hammer in the mythical Tai Chi!

Someone’s expression suddenly changed!

Su Yan's punch gave them a far more threatening feeling than the mysterious man.


Su Yan's body swayed, and she punched out as fast as lightning. This punch was like a roaring cannon being discharged, and it made a crackling and tearing sound out of thin air.

The moment it hit him, the mysterious man quickly raised his arms to defend himself.

However, when Su Yan punched out, the entire air formed a circle and suddenly exploded.


The mysterious man didn't even have a chance to react. He felt an incomparable force that knocked his hands away and hit him hard on the chest.

Did the pure-blood woman win?

The news spread almost throughout the continent.

Awesome, amazing talent!

I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, she would progress so quickly and even master the mythical moves.

The master brought me in, but he was beaten violently. It was so miserable.

These aliens are all talking about this battle.


On the contrary, Su Yan, who won the victory, was a little melancholy. Although she had improved her strength here and her physique had reached the early stage of fearlessness, these alien clans would not let her go easily.

You have one hundred and eight battles left. If you win them all, you can return to your planet.

The clan leaders all said with a smile.

In their eyes, this is an impossible task.


Su Yan sighed, and her beautiful figure walked down the arena, preparing for the next battle.


On this day, the people in the wasteland had a very happy time.

There was a heavy downpour at night. The reason for the hesitant shower was that although it was not too late just after ten o'clock, the surface temperature had dropped too much and it was not suitable to go out.

In a certain base, there were no pedestrians, and there were even very few snowmobiles coming and going. Except for the sound of black raindrops, the entire street seemed unusually quiet.

A Karma sounded, and under the dim street light, a figure stood in the hazy rain curtain. He quickly raised his hand and made a gesture.

Swish, swish, swish!

Behind him flew out a dozen humanoid figures with glowing bodies, all with expressionless faces and blue light flashing in their pupils.


Chen Ya, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened her eyes. She stood up quickly. There was technology unfolded on the wall, and she saw a dozen figures moving towards it.

Cyborg? How did you get in?

She was startled.

These people dressed in black were advancing silently. They had actually neutralized all the defense equipment in the base and blocked out all sounds here. They must have used powerful technology.

The only races with such advanced technology are alien races.

Chen Ya, what happened?

Xu Ziyue quickly pushed the door open and was about to ask, but before he could even figure out what was going on, he was dragged into the darkness by Chen Ya.

Is there an enemy?

Xu Ziyue exclaimed and saw Chen Ya's serious expression.

I didn't expect that the mythical base formation left by the president would be analyzed. These people are from a powerful alien race.

Chen Ya was staring closely at those cold figures at this time. She squinted her eyes through the rain curtain to see clearly what they were holding in their hands, and then her eyes suddenly condensed.

She didn't have time to explain and shouted sharply: Get down!

Although he still couldn't figure out what happened, Xu Ziyue subconsciously listened to Chen Ya's words and leaned down.

Almost at the same moment, a low buzzing sound sounded, and countless beams of light streaked through the air and rushed toward him.

It hit the wall with an irresistible momentum. The metal next to it was as fragile as paper. Boom! it shattered instantly.

If Chen Ya hadn't reminded him in time, and Xu Ziyue had subconsciously followed the command, the current scene would have been more than just a few broken walls.

Swish, swish, swish!

The shockingly penetrating beam blasted through the glass, and the huge impact force kept its momentum from losing its momentum. The metal walls in all directions began to crack. However, the shrill alarm still did not sound, and the base remained very quiet.

The super electromagnetic acceleration rail gun, otherwise it would not have such overbearing and terrifying penetrating power!

Xu Ziyue's pupils tightened and he said: Another alien race, Chen Ya, there is no end to these people.

Yes, this is the first time. Let's find a way to fight in close combat.

Chen Ya nodded.

Even she couldn't help but feel shocked at this moment.

You must know that they actually used such a powerful weapon, which is really lawless. With such a large array, the other party's intention is very clear, and it is clear that they want to kidnap people.


Chen Ya was not frivolous enough to resist the beam of the electromagnetic accelerating rail gun. She hunched over to prevent herself from being exposed to the opponent's gun.

However, once the opponent surrounds you, you will become a target, because the opponent is clearly prepared.

Moreover, the enemy is hidden and we are clear, and they have no idea how many people there are on the other side. If they delay and wait for the other side to encircle them, they will be unable to fly.

In the final analysis, she is not conducive to long-range combat, and it is impossible to ignore the deterrent power of the super electromagnetic Gauss gun.

You can only fight in close combat and kill them with mythical weapons!

Xu Ziyue quickly pulled a jade token from his neck, and a light curtain immediately protected them.


Chen Ya jumped out suddenly, and the moment she stood up, the beam of light burst out again, almost grazing their sides and hitting the wall behind them.

Come on, chase us!

Xu Ziyue couldn't help shouting.

Chen Ya, are you okay?

She looked at Chen Ya nervously. It was too dangerous just now and she was worried, but she must keep her head calm at the moment.


Chen Ya gave him an OK gesture, and the next moment, they rushed out again.

Buzz buzz!!

However, the dense beam of light suddenly sounded like a violent storm, fast and fierce, bombarding behind them without exception.

In an instant, dazzling flames soared into the sky along with violent roars.

Jie Jie! Kill me!

The aliens who were hiding in the dark and observing intently were slightly shaken, and then they rushed over with a grin and a variety of firearms in their hands.

Seeing no less than a dozen figures walking out one after another, Chen Ya was not nervous, because as long as they fought in close combat, they could easily win.

However, from tracking to setting up ambush to shooting, although the entire coordinated operation is simple, it is extremely tacit, showing the high-quality combat strength of this team.

However, they are not their opponents.

What about the girl?


Look for it! Find it for me!

The aliens roared crazily. Time was running out now. They had to catch Chen Ya as soon as possible, and then let the carrier aircraft lower the teleportation light film to pick them up and leave.

In this way, this chick can be used to threaten the Mythical Base and obtain various benefits.

But at this moment, Chen Ya, who had been waiting silently in the dark, seized the opportunity. She suddenly jumped up, like a spring curled to the extreme, releasing all her power in an instant.

Silently, his body rushed forward like a sharp arrow, his right hand clenched into a fist, and it exploded like a hammer, hitting an alien on the shoulder.


The entire shoulder of this foreign race was completely deformed. The pale bones were like broken bamboo joints, piercing the flesh and protruding out, and thick blood spurted out.

After a successful blow, Chen Ya kept moving, spinning her body, and the five fingers of her left hand suddenly froze, with a roaring wind. Like an eagle's claws, it streaked across the foreign man's arms and wrists.

With a pop, the skin, flesh, and muscles flew into the sky.

So strong?

The alien who was attacked was instantly seriously injured, and he was filled with shock and anger.

Although he was mentally tough, the severe pain was unbearable and he had to scream to express his pain.

Chen Ya, be careful!!

Xu Ziyue suddenly shouted.

Well? !

Chen Ya was startled, and immediately felt a chill running down her spine after dodging! !


A terrifying super-compressed fire beam shot out, and the death-like energy beam instantly grazed her cheek, killing the alien in front of her.

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