Don't dare.

Those people suddenly started trembling with fear.

This was a Level 5 Awakener. He was powerful and could kill them easily. What's more, he still needed his blessing to survive in the hands of those demons.

I see.

Dong Minmin also nodded quickly. She had short black hair and was wearing a dirty black coat, a shabby white short shirt underneath, and relatively clean jeans underneath. She seemed to be a student.

It didn't take long for a large table of food to be served. Everyone gathered around and their mouths were watering.

I didn’t expect to see such delicacies after the apocalypse.

Eat, take a rest after eating, then you will have enough strength to collect supplies tomorrow.

Ye Jue directly grabbed a roast chicken and started chewing it.


Seeing this, these people dared to move their chopsticks cautiously. Of course, they had been hungry for a long time, and they ate a lot. They were full of enthusiasm and their mouths were full of oil.


Ye Jue took out the beer from the refrigerator, blew on the bottle, and drank it all in one gulp. He became a level 5 awakener, and his appetite increased again.

Everyone was full, but he was the only one who kept eating.

Dong Minmin was also so tired that her hands cramped.

That's it.

Finally, Ye Jue nodded.


he said suddenly.

Ah... I should, rather it's my honor.

Dong Minmin was a little flattered and quickly lowered her head and said.

Okay, let's all go and rest for a while. No demons will attack us today.

Seeing this, Ye Jue lit a cigarette and looked at the gray sky outside through the gap between the steel plates.


Something is wrong.

He frowned, shook his head, lay down and fell asleep.

Since the demon attacked, he has established a stronghold in this city and taken in many people.

These people are responsible for going out to scavenge supplies for him, including all edible food and all kinds of useful things.

Only in this way can they receive protection. If a wave of demons attacks, this man will come forward to solve it for them.

After all, his strength is obvious to all.


Ye Jue opened his eyes and felt uncomfortable in his body, as if it was not his own.

But he had no time to care, he had to go outside to upgrade today.

He opened the door of the stronghold and carefully came outside. The green fog was dyed strange colors by the sunlight, and his vision was very blurry.

These green mist are all mutations caused by demons, but those who have been upgraded and baptized will no longer be afraid.

Before, Ye Jue observed from the window, but was always blocked by the heavy fog. Now he has been upgraded to a level 5 awakener, and his eyesight has improved a lot.

The fists were clenched, and the skin of the knuckles rubbed against each other, making a crisp clucking sound!

He could feel that his power had increased by more than four times. Secondly, his ears could pick up the faint sound of the surrounding airflow, and he could feel the breath of the demon far away.

Ye Jue didn't feel anything in the dim stronghold before. It was only when he came outside that he had this wonderful experience.

It's cool to be an awakened person, but...why does it feel like deja vu?

Although Ye Jue was extremely satisfied, he still felt like he was dreaming and had an unreal feeling.


Suddenly, there was wind behind his ears, and he subconsciously jumped to the side to avoid an attack from behind. When he saw the thing that attacked him, he was stunned and speechless.

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