Without the interstellar network, the situation of the entire demon star would be impossible to observe.

However, the successive explosions on land showed that the pursuit was still going on.


Ye Jue roared, his body had just been torn apart by a mysterious power, and golden streaks erupted all over his body.

He couldn't even name the magical powers used by the giant monster in disguise, and he didn't even know what they were.

But immediately his body was connected together, and the cracks on his body were disappearing.

What race are you from, and why is the regeneration ability of the origin of life so powerful?

The transformed bull demon frowned.

His magical power hit Ye Jue, who exploded with a bang, devastated in the spiral, and was forced out of control.

If this continues, there will be no end.

Shen Tai Juan!

He finally sacrificed a mythical magic weapon. This was a real magic weapon, surpassing mythical weapons, because a broken picture scroll appeared behind him, mysterious and mysterious.

This broken picture is not perfect, but it has a magical power that will make the soul of the person hit instantly leave the body and be forcibly dragged into other dimensional worlds.

That dimensional world is a parallel world where you can experience another life.

If you don't notice it and don't want to come back, your soul will most likely be lost in that illusory and real spiritual world forever.


Ye Jue dodged frantically, but was still hit by the scroll.

Oops, this is a mythical treasure that attacks the soul.

His head sank, and he felt his soul take off. There was a huge blue hole in the sky, swallowing his soul.

In just one second, Ye Jue entered a long parallel spiritual dimension.

Come here and sort out these messes!

And you, go and make your own beds!

Also, you can find another layer of steel plate to reinforce this place later!

He immediately ordered everyone to get busy and strengthen this stronghold.

It's just that these people are used to being pampered, so how can they withstand his torment like this.

After a while, they all became exhausted and even had blisters on their hands.

After a few hours, everyone was exhausted and sweating profusely, and finally got everything in order.

Ye Jue stared at the darkening sky outside, nodded slightly, and said, Okay, I'm done with my work, get ready to eat!

Have a meal?

This made the eyes of people who had been busy for nearly a long time shine!

Actually have food to eat?

They had already accepted their fate!

No matter what kind of torture, they were prepared to endure it... Who knew that this man would actually give them food?

Is this the Virgin?

Which of you can cook?

Ye Jue asked.

I can!

At this moment, a short-haired beauty who was eighteen or nineteen years old stood up immediately with her hands raised.

She is now very grateful that her hobby before the end of the world was cooking, and she has been involved in all cuisines.

Immediately, several people looked at him with envious looks, wishing they could travel back in time and learn to cook.

what's your name?

Ye Jue asked.

I have lost my memory. I don't have a name. I only remember my last name is Dong.

The short-haired beauty was stunned for a moment.


Ye Jue thought for a moment, picked one out for her at random, and said, It's more convenient. From now on, you can call her Minmin.

Dong Minmin, okay.

The short-haired beauty nodded immediately.

You can use the ingredients as you like. Make enough for 30 people first. The kitchen and stove are over there. You and I, all of you, go and help her. No stealing is allowed. Once I find out, I will chop it off.

Ye Jue said in a tone full of hostility.

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