What is this demon trying to do lurking in the team?

Ye Jue was not in a hurry to take action.

Instead, I wanted to see what it was doing.

It is recorded in ancient books.

During the Cataclysm, there was a humanoid female demon crossing the river.

The appearance is undoubtedly the same as that of humans, even more beautiful.

This type of demon is very smart, has a high IQ, and belongs to a special type of demon.

They don't have a nest, they come from across the river.

Of course not a boss-level demon like the Inquisitor.

Just a minions level.

It is mentioned in ancient books that their movements are strange and they will not actively harm others.

All he wanted to do was escape from hell and escape from the clutches of the Outer Inquisitor.


This woman is a demon who sneaked out from across the river! ! !

It's so pitiful, Ye Jue, just help her.

At this time, Su Yan came over.

She had been watching.

When the middle-aged man went to kick the woman, she couldn't help but speak.


Ye Jue took out a whole pack of cigarettes from his space bracelet and threw it to the middle-aged man.

Okay, the transaction is successful, the woman is yours!

The middle-aged man was so surprised that he couldn't wait to leave with his cigarette.

He had never seen such an ugly woman.

Now finally out of it.

Are you okay? What's your name?

Su Yan then patted the woman's shoulder with relief.

I...it's okay...my name is Fei...Hong...

The woman said hesitantly.

You said your name is Crimson?

Suddenly, Ye Jue seemed to remember something!

He raised his head suddenly and stared at the woman, his eyes seemed to be piercing her!

Yes, it is……

Scarlet Hong was shocked by what he saw and said quickly.


Ye Jue's heart trembled.

Crimson! !

The only demon who formed an alliance with humans in the previous life! !

Crimson is their leader! ! !

The leader of that powerful demon army!

An important historical figure who fought with humans and demons until they were destroyed!

Why are you so excited? Do you know her?

Su Yan wrinkled her nose.

She had seen Ye Jue's expression before.

It was almost the same as when I met Li Lianxue.


She regretted it a little.

What a cheap paw I am!

It's okay to find trouble for yourself, now it's better, there is another competitor!

Su Yan didn't notice that subconsciously, she already regarded Ye Jue as an important person to her.

follow me.

Ye Jue grabbed Crimson's arm and walked to the darkness aside.


Su Yan shouted from behind, but did not follow.

She knew that Ye Jue must have something to say to that woman.

So, I was very smart and waited where I was.


Ye Jue pushed Crimson to the wall.

Stop pretending, I know you are a devil.

With just one sentence, his crimson eyes widened!

He actually knew?

Do you know I'm a devil?


I obviously hide it so well...

Human...what do you want? If we fight, I am confident that I can escape!

Scarlet raised her head, and her face had been replaced by her own.

A strange face.

It's almost the same as a Western vampire, with two short fangs.

You are too confident, but I know you escaped from crossing the river. I am not your enemy.

Ye Jue shook his head.

Not an enemy?

Crimson was stunned.

Her nose twitched and she looked at Ye Jue with disbelief.

You actually provoked the External Inquisitor? It has marked you. You, like me, can't escape!

Hong Hong stared at Ye Jue with wide eyes.

It turns out that this person's fate is the same as hers!

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