What's going on? ¥% # ?

I don’t know how long it took before Xu Wei woke up.

He found that all his injuries were healed.


This is a miracle!

He must have awakened some ability inadvertently.

Self-healing ability? ?

The self-healing ability is definitely gone!

He was so pleasantly surprised!


Reality gave him a hard blow!

A fist as big as a sandbag fell on his face again.


Xu Wei let out a scream!

He was beaten into a pig head again and passed out.

I just punch him twice when I have nothing to do. It's so cool.

Ye Jue said with a smile.


Everyone around was dumbfounded.

Is this a case of beating after treatment?

It's simply a devil! ! !


Dark Ages.

Incredible things are happening around every corner and every minute.

These are none of their business.


This time there was no one to speak for Xu Wei.

Even Chen Ya was like this, just watching silently.

Deserve it!

Su Yan snorted coldly.

At night, the armored cars stopped.

After they got out of the car, they realized they were going to camp.

The number of people in this team is over forty.

Start making porridge over a fire.

After a while, the aroma hit my nostrils.

Everyone swallowed.

Since the catastrophe, these people have never had a warm meal.

Naturally, it aroused everyone's stomach.

There is no need to worry about the demon group here, because we have already reached the development area of ​​the city.

Each person can only receive one copy!

With a shout.

Everyone began to line up consciously.

Ye Jue jumped out of the car and sensed the devil's lair.

There is no nest nearby.


The weird atmosphere made him narrow his eyes slightly.

His sixth sense is very strong.

His intuition told him that this development zone was extraordinary.

There must be a powerful demon nearby.

However, this demon is very good at hiding and disguising.

If the breath hadn't been caught by Ye Jue, no one would have discovered it.

A devil in disguise, you're in trouble.

Ye Jue looked at the crowd, lit a cigarette, and slowly smoked it, his thoughts drifting further and further away...

Brother, can you give me a cigarette?

At this time, a thin middle-aged man walked over with a smile on his face.

Ye Jue only wanted to deal with demons and had no interest in these people, so he waved his hand.

Brother, just wait, I'll get you something to change!

The middle-aged man was dumbfounded and slapped his head.

After saying that, he ignored Ye Jue's reaction and ran to the other side.

Ye Jue didn't pay much attention.


When the middle-aged man appears again, he will lift a person in front of him.

Brother, I picked this woman up on the road. Make sure it's clean. I didn't touch her.

As promised, I want the whole pack of cigarettes!!

After saying that, he pushed the woman in front of him.

The woman's hair was a mess.

My face is very dirty and it must have not been touched for a long time.


Ye Jue looked at the woman with her head lowered.

Trading women is very common in the wasteland.

Because men tend to have stronger desires.

After gaining strength, he will dominate those who are weaker than himself.

Ye Jue sighed and was about to refuse.

Fuck, you actually have a chocolate hidden, damn, bring it over!

Who would have known that this middle-aged man kicked the woman hard.

Then, snatched the Dove chocolate.

The woman suffered and begged for mercy.

However, Ye Jue's expression changed slightly.

In an instant, this woman burst out with a ghastly force.

Then quickly retract it, the process takes less than a second!

Good guy, this thing is not human at all! !

It turned out to be the devil lurking in the team! !

What does it want to do?

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