Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin joined forces to attack, and substantial energy visible to the naked eye suddenly overflowed, with flames everywhere.

Bang! Bang! boom! boom!

All obstacles exploded and turned into thick lumps of powder.

Even so, Ye Jue fought back calmly, his long hair disheveled, and his body seemed to be made of immortal divine gold, flowing with treasure.

So strong. What kind of mythical treasure are those swords and swords?

The people at the scene barely resisted the impact of this terrifying weapon.

However, they only felt that their heads were buzzing, as if they were about to explode at any time!

Strong, too strong!

The characters on the hero list are indeed a disaster if they take action.

The power of the Heavenly Dragon is restored by 30%.

Long Xiaogu's eyes were frivolous and his face was gloomy.

He stared straight at Ye Jue, his eyes filled with layers of intense killing intent!

Originally using the power of Tianlong, he thought that this was a battle without any suspense and would definitely be one-sided, because Ye Jue, who did not have much energy, would lose easily. This was not a duel, but a one-sided capture.

But they obviously didn't expect that Ye Jue's body was so powerful that he easily withstood their combined attacks.

The knives and swords struck his body, leaving only white marks, which was incredible.

Is this the power of a humanoid dragon? No, even a humanoid dragon shouldn't be this strong.

Wu Jin looked solemn and his eyes twitched.

This feeling only appeared when he was suppressed by Ye Jue's life force when he was an awakened person.

He hasn't experienced this in a long time!


How can this be! ! !

Is the gap really that big?

The gap shouldn't be so big. Even if you have just reached the human form of Chulong, you shouldn't be our opponent with the power of the Heavenly Dragon.

He couldn't believe it was true at all, it was a bit unbelievable.

The power of the Heavenly Dragon is restored by 50%.

Long Xiaogu's cold murderous voice roared from his mouth, and the unicorn armor on his body had covered his neck, which looked very shocking.


The invisible huge sound wave, accompanied by the overwhelming violent pressure, suddenly burst out, smashing all the ruins wherever it passed.

Before Tianlong's power was fully revealed, there was such a terrifying scene.

Is Hou Lang only capable of this?

Ye Jue said calmly.

You still look down on us?

Long Xiaogu roared, the external technology in his hand emitted blazing flames, and the ground began to crack into small winding cracks.

This shows how overbearing the power of this long sword is, and it is indeed an analysis of the power of myth.

This sword is called the Amber Sword. All blood, souls, and bodies drank by it will completely surrender. Ye Jue, Ye War God, and so will you!!

Long Xiaogu roared, they fought fiercely, and only the killing move could end the battle.

Moreover, Ye Jue cannot be given time to recover his energy, so he must fight quickly.

This sword is called Slaughter. It is forged from the red scales of the Heavenly Dragon. The compatibility with me reaches 80%. It can kill even the Demon Baron level easily.

Wu Jin stared at him, the knife in his hand also had the power of Fulong, emitting bursts of blazing light mist.

They emitted increasingly terrifying energy fluctuations and began to use forbidden methods.

After betraying the United Nations, they have been neutral and moved their base to the wasteland. They accidentally saw the power of Ye Jue's clone and chose to follow him.

Attacking Ye Jue's body at this time means starting a war. Now they are enemies!

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