Boom boom boom! !

All kinds of forts were exploding, creating a scene of doomsday. The workshops were all blown up and turned into powder.

There were also some fully automatic robots that were involved and completely destroyed.

Five strongholds were destroyed in a row. Long Xiaoshan's vitality was severely damaged this time, right?

Someone at the scene couldn't help but say.

Do you know what vitality is? He has not damaged Longxiaoshan's vitality at all. Once he has squandered all his energy, it is time to retreat.

At this time, Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin both appeared, standing at the seventh stronghold, waiting for Ye Jue's arrival.

When his energy is exhausted, let's meet the passing God of War Ye.

Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin's eyes flickered.

They already know that Ye Jue's energy is decreasing sharply and will be exhausted here.

When the time comes, they will fight, and maybe they can capture Ye Jue.

Then use the wormhole to transfer directly outside the divine seal and leave it to the strong to analyze it, so that you can get better technical support.


Long Xiaogu saw Ye Jue leaping over and released the Immortal Hand again. There was no suspense about the result. The fifth stronghold exploded, metal rain fell, and various weapons and facilities were directly destroyed.

Ye Jue, long time no see. Is this the third time we have met?

The figures of Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin walked out of the thick fog with a smile. They stood on the ruins, both wearing armor with extracorporeal technology, one holding a knife and the other holding a sword.

It turns out to be you.

The brilliance of the gold and silver vision gathered behind Ye Jue, and then disappeared, as if an ordinary person had met them again.

When we first met, we intended to follow you, but you told us to get lost and looked down on us.

Long Xiaogu snorted coldly.

He knew that Ye Jue had run out of energy, so the phenomenon of the flame wings on his back also disappeared.

Sure enough, now we can fight and see if we can capture him.

When we met for the second time, your expression was indifferent. You must be laughing at us brothers again, right?

Wu Jin said immediately.

At that time, the two brothers were robbing travelers and doing some disgraceful things, and they were discovered by Ye Jue.

Ye, you didn't expect it. Now we are the leaders of the base city. We hold great power and are famous in the United International.

Long Xiaogu is holding a purple long sword. This sword is an in vitro technology that has analyzed the power of myth.

You definitely didn't expect that we, who you looked down on at the beginning, are now fourth or fifth on the hero list.

Wu Jin roared, and the sword in his hand actually glowed with lavender light. Scales appeared on the spine of the sword, which were exactly the same as that sword.

Now that we have the strength to fight you, you didn't expect it, right? Hahaha, the power of the Heavenly Dragon, the Heavenly Dragon Sword, revive!

In an instant, their bodies were filled with purple flames, and they roared to kill, heading towards Ye Jue.

It can be seen that scales have appeared on their faces and their strength has greatly increased. It seems that they have obtained the benefits of joining Longxiao Mountain.


This was a huge battle, earth-shaking, destruction everywhere, city walls exploding, and the destructive power of the two men was frightening.

They frantically surrounded Ye Jue and fought him fiercely. The energy in their bodies was soaring crazily. Each sword was a killing move and they showed no mercy.

After a while, big black cracks were everywhere on the ground, and everything was devastated! !

Bang bang bang! !

The three figures shine brightly in the void, like the sun exploding. It's so powerful here.

The situation has completely collapsed. Everyone on the hero list has joined the war. How will it end?

Not only the people at the scene were nervous, but those paying attention to this place were also sweating.

The fourth and fifth ones on the Houlang Hero List took advantage of Ye Zhanshen's weak energy to fight hard and were about to capture him!

Will it succeed?

I'm on the scene. Let me tell you first. They have destroyed everything and even reached the eighth stronghold!

At this moment, all countries are shocked, and this news has caused huge waves.

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