Mythical moves involve some taboos. Great powers have hinted at them many times, but they cannot reveal them all.

Ye Jue felt lonely in his heart.

In fact, Luobao is a small mythical weapon in modern times, but it is too close to modern civilization and is a bit technological.

Not to mention the equipment at the beginning of the wasteland, it was simply a product of technology.

Therefore, the weapons of post-modern civilization are almost to some extent inherited from mythical equipment.

Now that he has revived the mythical equipment, he is probably the first person to succeed today!

Now that the Peak Base has mastered too many resources left over from mythology, and understands many things that ordinary civilization cannot touch, it is indeed on the road to becoming a mythical base.

It's better to continue fusion now and upgrade the fusion technique to level 4.

Ye Jue began to practice treasure in seclusion.

These days, he has stepped up his efforts to collect 'waste', and several carts of mythical objects are sent to him almost every day.

Small pots and pans, as well as incomprehensible large exotic stones and plants, are all moved out of the folding space.


Ye Jue never stopped and was merging crazily.

All the mythical objects were revived in other forms, and even the cooking stoves in the mythology were fused by him.

Not to mention that the food made with the Shinhwa stove is more delicious and makes people forget to come back.

Hey, congratulations to the host, your fusion technique has reached level 4!

Following the system prompts, Ye Jue stopped.

Now he has turned waste into treasure, and the multiple bracelets in front of him are all resurrected mythical equipment.

The lowest rating is D- and the highest rating is A.

But there are only a few mythical equipment rated A, one move and two weapons.

The A-rated mythical equipment surpasses all the top treasures, and it is inevitable to compare with the crown treasures.

This withered you want it to be fused too?

Ye Jue held this finger.

It was a crown jewel stolen from Nether King. It had a mysterious origin. It was fused with him at the time, but was cleared by an alien explosion and fell off from his hand.

The fusion probability is 0.1?

He has a headache, withered fingers and two weapons rated A, but the success rate is only 0.1%, which is too low.

Maybe upgrading the fusion technique to level 5 will increase the success rate?

System, can I fuse the energy in my body?

Ye Jue had a sudden thought. Nowadays, the silver liquid and the golden liquid are so big that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. If they can be fused, wouldn't his physique be able to jump to 600 times?

That way there is no need to let them collide like taking drugs.

The success rate is 0.01%.

The system then prompts.


Ye Jue had a headache.

It seems that the fusion technique cannot defy the heavens after all, it is just a trait extracted from the humanoid civilization spacecraft.

The gold liquid has a great origin, and the silver liquid is the power he fortunately cultivated from his Hunyuan energy + internal force. If the fusion fails, they will all disappear.

In this way, his combat power will be greatly reduced, and it is very likely that he will not be able to defeat the black-horned demon.

Anyway, let's upgrade the fusion technique to level 5 first and then see the success rate.

He began to merge again.

Of course, when he reached level 5, he decided to fuse the Extraordinary Holy Law's Suo Yuan Hand and the Blood Corpse Palm.

After all, the road to extraordinary holy magic has been cut off. The goddess has gone to the Black Realm, and there will definitely be no chance of extracting her active artifact.

Even if there is a chance, he may be beaten violently by the goddess on the spot.

For several days in a row, there was no sign of him at the Peak Base.

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