Congratulations, host, you have obtained the Fenfeng Fire Lotus.

Former master: Fire Cloud Sect.

Rating: B.

This fused Fenfeng Fire Lotus is a mythical weapon with a weird shape. It is somewhat similar to the treasure on land.

It looks like a golden costume intertwined with orange and red, and the whole thing exudes strong fire energy.

I don't know who is more pure than the armor.

Ye Jue touched his chin.

He integrated all the mythical objects here and perfectly revived all the unusable mythical relics.

Although I failed more than a dozen times, I was lucky and the number of successes outnumbered the failures.

And these failed products directly turned into fly ash, disappearing in the true sense.

Hey! Congratulations to the host, your fusion technique has been upgraded to level 2, and you can fuse complete mythical objects.

Tip: There will be a small chance of failure during fusion.

The formula can be substituted: 1+1+1.

Reference method 1: Qiu Sheng Dao + Longevity Lock + Sparse Star Sword = Ringing of Dao Bells·Sealing the Light with One Dao.

Then continue to merge.

Ye Bu couldn't help but be delighted.

These mythical objects include not only moves, weapons, and armors, but each one has magical power.

The mythical resurrection thing is several times more powerful than the current armor that can be inserted into the treasure!

After all, Ye Jue could feel clear energy from it.

Hey, the fusion was successful!

Hey, the fusion was successful!

Hey, the fusion failed, and all three items disappeared.

There are more than a thousand mythical equipment revived in front of me.

Calculated based on the current probability of failure, if they are all integrated, you can get about a hundred.

In this way, Ye Jue stayed here for a whole day without moving. During this period, Shen Rou also sent a space bracelet, which contained the waste just received.

Hey! Congratulations to the host, your fusion technique has successfully reached level 3!

Tip: Now the host can fuse all the gains in the buff column.

Note: The higher the rating, the higher the chance of fusion failure, which will be displayed below.

Can it finally be integrated?

Ye Jue hurriedly clicked on his own buff bar to check, but most of them were buffs that enhanced physical fitness, and the system marked below that fusion could not be performed.

So it is already a dead buff, just leave it there and never need to move it.

The remaining ones include Boundless Blow, Ups and Downs in Ten Directions, Yuan Locking Hand, Blood Corpse Palm, Divine Seal Teleportation...

Among them, these four moves are his favorite buffs. They include not only range AOE, but also single-target attacks.

Moreover, Boundless Strike, Ups and Downs in All Directions has a B- rating.

The Suo Yuan Hand and the Blood Corpse Palm are actually A+. Sure enough, the extraordinary holy method is very powerful.

However, after a series of battles, Ye Jue found that the effect of Cang Mang's blow was a bit stretched.

Now it's time to fuse them.

System, Boundless Strike + Ups and Downs + Ringing Sound Lock Consciousness, fuse.

Ye Jue said immediately.

Hey, the fusion is successful, you have obtained the first form of the Dark Tribulation, the Heavenly Brilliance Qianchen Lie.

Fusion successful?

His buff instantly turned into a fiery red icon with the name Tiancan Qianchenlie, and the evaluation was B+.


Ye Jue raised his hand, feeling that if he used it now, it would blast open the ceiling of the warehouse and cause strange phenomena to appear in the sky.

Now he is truly on the road to mythology. He has practiced the moves in mythology. Although they are extracted into buffs, he does not need to spend any time practicing them.

But in this post-civilization era, in the relatively long years, mysterious changes are already taking place.

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