
The super battleship made a terrifying explosion, exploding like thunder in the sky.

Where it passed, thorns were broken, ancient trees were broken, and all kinds of rocks were cracked.

The roar of the huge engine was deafening.

Nowadays, the organizations that can have super battleships are not humans, but humanoids from nearby star fields.

The super battleship that was chasing Ye Jue had a skull logo printed on it. It was an all-powerful giant ship and had a massive shield generator.

Humanity's current attack power is difficult to destroy the super battleship's shield.

But the technology is already being researched, and soon there will be jammers that can directly eliminate the core shield, and then the main body of the battle aircraft will be able to be attacked.

Swish, swish, swish!

Humanoids kept jumping off the automatic catapult on the battle aircraft, blocking Ye Jue's progress.

Whoever stops me will die!

Ye Jue's fist was howling in the wind, flying sand and rocks, and the scene was terrifying.

All humanoids hit by him will have their bones broken and die immediately.

His punches were so fast, every time he struck out it was like lightning, so fast and violent that no human could dodge it.

It's so fierce. This is the first time I've seen a humanoid suffer a big loss!

People watching were shocked.

The physique of that conceited young man facing a super battleship alone is too overbearing.


Thousands of pounds of boulders were easily split by him and exploded on the ground.


A deuterium bomb came, he grabbed it with one hand and crushed it directly.

boom! !

The shock wave spread to all directions, blowing people's hair back.

Pinch a deuterium bomb with one hand, am I right?

Anyone who saw this scene felt that their views had been subverted.

Under that pinch, a thunderous roar erupted, which was extremely terrifying.

The latter turned out to be safe and sound. Although there was blood spurting out from his body, he was not seriously injured.

Shall we go help?

Some people could no longer hold back, because the super battleship bullied others too much. They chased the young man and attacked fiercely, and the battle became more and more intense.

It's useless. At least we have to go to the base to take action and drop super bombs to force Zhanhang to retreat.

But in the eyes of many people this is not worldly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

However, one figure after another rushed forward!

Those people were all wearing pale armor, and everyone's eyes were very red.

Is he from the Canghun Battle Group?!

Is this big group also going to take a hand?

No, they are fighting humanoids, not grabbing valuable treasures!

Some people were extremely surprised.

The Canghun Battle Group is the super combat force of Tomorrow Base. There are too many people, probably hundreds of thousands.

All of a sudden, it seemed that everyone was out in force, breaking the tranquility of this area, causing bloodshed and making the humanoids restless!


Finally, he shouted to kill Zhentian and fell into a terrible melee.

I can't even stand the sight of the Canghun Battle Group, which is hunting humanoids, and we still sit back and do nothing?

Those people looked at each other and couldn't help but say that the smell of blood stimulated everyone's nerves.

Kill, this is our planet, there is no room for humans to run wild!

Many pure-blooded humans participated, rushing forward and completely suppressing the humanoids on the automatic catapult.

This is a battle between a super battleship and a pure-blooded human race. Within a radius of a hundred meters, humanoid corpses are constantly lying on the ground.


Suddenly, a gap opened under the super battleship, and five people with shining bodies landed.

These five people were covered in armor, like human-shaped cannonballs, pouring out terrifying firepower. In just a moment, there were many casualties on the pure-blood human side.

Those are the ancients of the Heroic Spirit Project. Our ancestors were used to transform them. It's so abominable!

Some people were covered in blood, and they felt disgusted, so they could only retreat quickly.

They are no match!

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