Only some greedy guys can't help but take action.

But after testing, they quickly gave up.

Although the sacred tree may be a valuable treasure, this person is so brave that he is most likely a hero ranked high on the hero list.

There are clear regulations for all pure-blooded human races. They cannot rob the treasures of heroic figures. Once discovered, they will join forces to kill them!

Stop it, that's a pure-blooded human race, one of ours!

Someone hurriedly shouted stop.

This young man who resisted the tree penetrated the darkness and crossed the wasteland, obviously wanting to leave.


Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a super bomb fell from the sky.

boom! ! !

This bomb was too powerful. It was thrown by a powerful organization, and it was bound to stop him.


Ye Jue let out a dull roar.

Even a fearless person almost fainted after being directly hit by a bomb.

The void around him was roaring, all kinds of lightning and thunder, the strong wind roared, and all kinds of molten slag kept blowing on his body.

But even so, the Bodhi tree is still safe and sound.

If you let me know which bastard is bombing me, I will definitely come to deal with you in the future!

Ye Jue roared, his body glowed, and every inch of his skin healed brightly.

This is a kind of flamboyant demeanor, and it is also a kind of domineering self-confidence.

So strong!!

Those watching felt their scalps tingle.

Even super bombs can't kill him, his physique is too abnormal!

Moreover, they were even more convinced that the glowing tree was a valuable treasure and had not changed even in the explosion.

Stop, who is attacking our compatriots regardless of justice?

A strong man shouted, extremely angry.

So what about the heavy treasure, it’s just a power-up item!

It's so abominable, which organization did it?!

Many people are complaining.

It wasn't humans who did it, it was those humanoids. Look at the sky, there is a super battleship coming!

Some people saw the corner of a super battleship poking out from the dark clouds, and were so surprised that their jaws dropped to the ground.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the super battleship started shelling directly, and the sky was filled with energy beams, as if the sky was about to collapse.


Ye Jue yelled, what is there to be afraid of in Super Battleship? !

He rushed to the ground boldly and punched out, like a sun exploding, all the extracted buffs melted into one, and his body's potential was fully unleashed.

This punch was born from the collider in the body, and there were two kinds of dazzling flames that were almost breaking the void.

boom! !

When the two collided, the super battleship became unstable, flipped to one side, and was violently knocked over.

Oh my god, is it too strong?

Some people were so dumbfounded that their scalp almost split open.

Did that person really make Super Battleship roll over with one punch? !

Who is it?

No one on the current hero list can do it!

Could it be that...he is the God of War Ye?

Someone screamed, feeling incredible.

Only Ye Zhanshen is so powerful and can defeat the super battleship with one punch!


Ye Jue's fist was still aching, and his entire body was like a small boat in the vast sea, being shot forward at extremely high speeds by the energy cannon.

That super battleship was so tough, no wonder even Xu Moyi couldn't do anything about it at that time.

There are also countless energy cannons blooming with blazing thunder nets, which are really difficult to kill.

He raised his hand and found that it had healed, and the benefits of a strong body were reflected.

If you want to chase me, then go ahead, as long as you are not afraid of what is chasing me behind you.

Ye Jue had a sneer on his face.

He felt that the humanoid early dragon spirit body coming from the restricted area of ​​​​life was about to kill him.

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