The entrance to hell is right here.

Ye Jue said.

What do you mean, hell? The entrance?

Director Wu and the others were completely confused.

You only know that demons crawl from the underground to the surface, but you don't know that more powerful demons have not yet appeared.

Ye Jue smiled.

A more powerful demon?

Director Wu immediately looked at Ye Jue with shocked and searching eyes.

Needless to say, little devils can be found everywhere.

A little stronger than the little devils are the devil elites, who have a chance of breaking out good things.

More powerful than the demon elites are the demon bosses.

The demon leader is now the most difficult guy in the army.

One is because their IQ is comparable to that of adults.

Second, it is so powerful that guns and artillery shells have no effect.

It must be solved by new humans.

A demon leader appeared in the xx direction.

More than a hundred new humans retreated to protect a certain high-level executive...

In the end, they died together.

You know, those new humans all have skills and equipment.

Even so, the losses were heavy.

As for the mutated demon.

Demons at each level may mutate.

The mutated demon leader is even stronger than the big demon!

The mutated big demon leader has never been seen by anyone yet.

People like Director Wu.

I haven't even seen the big devil.

So, where is the more powerful demon?

Director Wu asked quickly.

The one who guards the crossing of the river in the corridor of hell is the great devil.

Ye Jue smiled mysteriously.

Aisle? Crossing the river? Big devil?

The group of people looked confused again.

I'll give you some popular science, so that you won't waste time on further research.

Ye Jue smiled as he listened to everyone's discussion.

The three gates of hell are the entrance, the passage, and the crossing.

The entrance is where we are now, it's relatively safe.

The flesh and spirit nests grow in the corridors...

As long as the nest is destroyed, the hell corridor here will collapse, and the demons in the river will not be able to get up.

He slowly explained to these researchers the three gates of hell.

It should be of great help to them.

Is that so?

Director Wu and others looked surprised and excited.

What Ye Jue said is undoubtedly the most advanced information! ! !

This means that they have more advanced knowledge than foreign countries!


How did he know?

Director Wu looked at Ye Jue with even more complicated eyes!

This person's behavior is completely incomprehensible...


His intuition told him that it was worth believing!

So, is the powerful demon you are talking about the same demon who crossed the river?

The faces of a group of people turned even pale.

The same goes for the group of warriors who protect them.

Who would have thought that such a perverted devil could be divided into three levels.

If the demon in the river really climbs up, humans will be nothing more than lambs to be slaughtered! !

No, no, no, you misunderstood. The demon in the river crossing is indeed powerful, but I can already kill it.

Ye Jue shook his head.

What, have you been able to kill the demon in the river?

Everyone was shocked.

They have obviously never seen the big devil.

This mysterious man…

Have you taken the lead in killing the demon crossing the river?

What does the devil in the river look like?

So, where is the powerful demon you talk about?

Director Wu had a bad feeling in his heart.

Door? ?

The gates of hell! !

The door is just the entrance!

What's behind the door? ? ?

Suddenly, he felt the hairs on his body stand on end.

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