Oh? You caught a devil doll, not bad.

Ye Jue nodded.

Although they can't find anything.

However, you can’t just throw some cold water on it, right?

Yes, we have been planning for many days, and now we have finally succeeded. Thank you very much!

Director Wu looked happy.


He didn't hear what Ye Jue said before.

Thank me? That's easy to say. I want something. Do you mind?

Ye Jue nodded with a smile.

Want something? What is it?

Director Wu suddenly became alert.

He suddenly realized the danger! !

They clearly saw Ye Jue's strength.

Want to kill them all...

I'm afraid it won't even take two seconds! !

Just like what happened to those demon dolls!

Suddenly, no one dared to move.

What I want is... gold.

Ye Jue said.

What!! You want to drop gold???

Director Wu yelled out loud.

It's gold falling from the outer sky.

Ye Jue made a gesture.

You actually know how to drop gold. Then you know the importance of this thing. How many grams do you want?

Director Wu said in a deep voice.

How many grams, I need about a hundred pounds!

Ye Jue thought for a while and said.


Director Wu almost broke his heart to Ye Jue.

One hundred pounds? ?

Are you kidding me? ?

When gold pendants are used for research, they are usually calculated in grams.

That's good for him.

One hundred pounds as soon as you open your mouth? ? ?

He had never been so seriously injured during the war in Syria!


This guy is definitely kidding!

This deal doesn't work!

Director Wu simply crossed his arms and shook his head.

It can be discussed. In fact, the gold we dropped is very precious, but the country can definitely come up with a hundred catties. How about we make a deal.

Ye Jue said.

What deal?

Director Wu asked.

What do you think of my strength?

Ye Jue said.

Strong, very strong, the strongest among all the new humans I have ever seen!

Director Wu told the truth.

Yes, you are still too strong.

Others nodded wildly.

But he kept a certain distance, obviously very afraid!

Then, don't you know what I can do for the country?

Ye Jue smiled slightly.

What can you do... Could it be... are you willing to perform an autopsy for us?

Director Wu was shocked.

Get out! I'm talking about thugs. Don't you want all kinds of demon experimental subjects? I can catch them for you.

Ye Jue's eyes widened.

It's a really good offer.

Director Wu's face was heavy.

The risk of catching a demon is too high!

In order to catch a spirit demon, they were almost wiped out just now.

How are they going to catch higher-level demons?

I can also provide you with some information that you don't know, such as where this place is and where it leads to.

Ye Jue stepped on the ground.

This information is indeed very tempting, but... it is difficult for me to apply for a hundred pounds of gold. You need to continue to catch demons for me and make more contributions to my research, and I will be able to obtain greater rewards. Right, it is not difficult to apply for a hundred catties of gold...

Director Wu frowned and said.

Okay, the deal is established, I believe you will not break the contract.

Ye Jue said happily.

Catching demons was extremely easy for him.


If they break the contract...

There was a hint of coldness in the slight smile.

Then can you tell us now, where is this place?

Director Wu felt the chill and couldn't help but swallowed.

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