You are not needed now.

The goddess was very indifferent, and all the restrictions were lifted with a wave of her hand.


Mr. Chang Li was the first to take action and went straight to Ye Jue, trying to grab the Vajra Secret Scroll.

Yuxu was already half dead and couldn't do much to help, he could only watch helplessly.

Don't even think about it!

The great demon Yaksha, the One-horned Immortal, and the Crane Fairy immediately intervened to stop them.

However, Mr. Chang Li and the three demons were all drained of energy, and when they faced off, they only had the most primitive beatings.

Bang bang bang!

Several big bumps and panda eyes soon appeared on Mr. Changli's head. He was beaten badly by the three monsters.

A volley of artillery fire...

He roared, and it turned out that there was a super battleship hovering in the sky, and all the gun barrels were aimed at it.

Do you want to die? Bombing this place with heavy artillery will definitely affect the goddess.

Qin Jiaxian snorted coldly.

When the time comes, the goddess will raise her hand and bury you. Let's see what you do.

she said viciously.


Mr. Changli's face twitched.

I have to admit that she is right, the goddess is casting a spell, and it seems crucial to open the black realm.

Disturbing her at this time will definitely arouse her anger, and even he and Super Battleship will not be able to avoid their demise.

However, the Vajra Secret Scroll is right in front of him, how can he let it go?

Boy, let's make a deal. You join the extraordinary organization, and I will be your recommender. From then on, you will skyrocket to the top of the stars!

Mr. Changli issued temptations and offers.

Suddenly, the three demons all looked at this pure-blood human at the same time, wondering what his attitude was.

After all, they have already stated their stance, just read the Vajra Secret Scroll a few times and learn how to practice.

The Diamond Secret Scroll still belongs to Ye Jue and can be passed down and used to improve the combat effectiveness of the entire race.

However, if it is handed over to an extraordinary organization, there is really no chance. It will be analyzed directly and turned into ashes.

Really? Unfortunately, that's not my ambition.

Ye Jue shook his head. He wanted to go back to the wasteland. There were many people there. He didn't know what was going on now.

What's more, mankind is still in crisis, and the demons will become more and more ferocious.

He had to rush back as soon as possible. When he opened the Demon God Arena for the third time, he could cultivate the body of King Kong. It would be best to get a few more artifacts...

But this is a bit of a dream. Every artifact is a clan artifact and cannot be obtained so easily.

But it is possible to successfully cultivate the Vajra Body.

Since there are mythological relics in the wasteland, he believes that there must be a Rudraksha tree.

The system could not identify the small bell that I accidentally bought before, but it was actually a Bodhi seed.

The appearance of Bodhisattva is enough to explain everything.

You want to leave? Wherever you go, the extraordinary organization will follow you until you hand over the Vajra Secret Scroll!

Mr. Chang Li said coldly.

He could imagine that wherever this kid went, the organization would definitely kill him to a point of madness and bloodshed.

Come if you feel like it.

Ye Jue snorted coldly.

Humanity has the devil as its formidable enemy, and it doesn’t mind having one more enemy.

Moreover, he hopes that the war will escalate again, the more chaotic the better, so that humans can have the possibility of continuing their race.


Mr. Chang Li helped Yuxu up, and was enveloped by a light curtain on the super battleship, leading him to fly up.

The three demons immediately took action, but they were unable to open the light curtain and could only watch Mr. Chang Li and the others leave.

Obviously, they really want to keep these two people and the super battleship to avoid future revenge and attacks.

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