Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 446 She is going to open the door to the dark realm!

Isn’t the hometown of pure-blood humans a wasteland of humanity?

Ye Jue was extremely surprised. Sure enough, the direction was pointing to the wasteland.

He believed that there must be myths left in the wasteland, and there were quite a few of them!

The gatekeeper also kept his promise and gave him an important piece of information.

When he returned to the wasteland, he went to Tushita Palace to get the artifact in the main hall.

However, now the problem arises again.

The goddess said that gold liquid is the substance closest to the world of mortals. What does this mean?

Ye Jue believes that we need to pay careful attention to whether Hongchentian is a person's name, a star field, or something else, and we need to find the answer.

Can't this body hold on?

At this moment, the goddess frowned, her body was collapsing, it was really unbelievable!

Have you lived for too long, your body has been corroded, is it going to disintegrate now?

The great demon Yaksha was extremely surprised.

She just had a comeback, and now she's going to die?

The horned fairy said in a low voice, still angry about what had just been burned.

No, this is a living mythical person, and he is going to disappear like this?

Qin Fake Immortal was moved.

Maybe the goddess is the only living remnant of myth among the stars.

Such a rare and powerful person cannot withstand the corrosion of time?

No, this is just her spiritual body, which lacks energy to maintain. I don't know where the real body is.

Ye Jue was shocked.

He remembered that the black-feathered boy and the demon god were also a spiritual body, and their true form existed in the black realm.

Now maybe the spirit body has merged with the main body and become a more powerful existence.

Sure enough, he was right.

The goddess raised her hand, hoisted them high into the sky, and started to draw demons one by one.


Mr. Chang Li was the first to be drained of energy. His energy furnace vibrated wildly, and a large amount of energy poured out towards the goddess's body.

Then came the great demon Yaksha, who was also treated in the same way, and his face turned livid.

Not satisfied yet, she continued to absorb the energy of the Unicorn Fairy and the Crane Fairy.

Suddenly, the two big demons' faces became sluggish, and only one percent of their energy was left to barely keep their bodies running.

But surprisingly, she didn't use Qin Jiaxian's energy, nor did she touch Ye Jue.

It seemed that he wanted to let them both go.


She took off instantly, taking everyone up and leaving the restricted area of ​​life.

The forbidden area of ​​​​life is very large. In addition to the ruins of Tushita Palace, there are many other strange places, all with unknown secrets and dangers.


Without any hesitation, the goddess flew out of the forbidden area of ​​​​life, her eyes were blue and she could see everything.

She forcefully logged into the Monster Star Wasteland. Countless energy turned into a long stream and entered her body in the places she passed.

This was a spectacle, a terrifying sight that shocked all demons and made them feel extremely frightened.

Ouch! !

Several apes below were also drained, and they fainted on the spot.

An old ape persisted hard. It had extraordinary means, but it could not block the goddess's air suction, and not a drop of it was left.

It's so strong. I've never seen anyone so strong.

Ye Jue immediately sighed.

The goddess didn't need to do anything, as long as she passed by, she would 'eat' everything.

Even the original energy under the earth was drained, and the flowers and plants withered and turned yellow, and died of old age in an instant.

Now it can be clearly seen that the goddess's spiritual body that just collapsed has been restored to its original state, even stronger than before.

That's it, we can open the door to the Black Realm.

She stopped suddenly and muttered to herself.

Black territory?

Ye Jue was shocked.

The goddess also wants to go to the Black Realm. Why is this? Is her body also in the Black Realm?

Why, these powerful men are all in the Black Domain. What are the benefits of the Black Domain?

He can't understand it now and feels that the black realm is full of mystery.

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