Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 417 The newly promoted strong man on the hero list

Even Ye Zhanshen didn't cultivate a spirit body at the beginning.

Although Fentian cultivated a spiritual body, he died together with the second demon.

There should be no one else in the world besides him.

However, the evil young man in front of him actually had control over the spiritual body and was able to attack him mentally.

If he hadn't just resisted, he would have died suddenly.

Kill...kill him!

The young man was frightened and angry, and stronger spiritual power burst out from his body, shrouding Black Ye Jue.

At the same time, the strong men standing behind him immediately took out high-tech firearms.

Bang bang bang!

These bullets have distinct grains and penetrate the bones!

Each bullet of a different type was fired at Black Leaf Jue's fatal spot!

However, there was another series of bangs and bangs!

Black Leaf Jue still stood on the spot, with sparks flying from his body and countless bullets flying away.

Heavy artillery, kill him with heavy artillery!

The young man saw Kuroye Jue walking over step by step amid the hail of bullets.

He is like a god of death. If he is approached, the consequences will be disastrous!

Blast him to death!

Zhu Qiang immediately roared out, and on the huge high wall, more than a dozen heavy cannons began to gather energy at Black Ye Jue.

The next second!

The roaring sound of explosions shattered the entire sky.

Is this the power of your technology?

Kuroye Jue smiled coldly, raised his eyelids and stared at them.

puff! !

Hearing these words, the young man's angry face became distorted!

Tell me how you want to die. My time is limited.

Kuroye Jue looked at the time and it was almost time to go back and take a look at Su Yan.

You can't even think of defeating us. We are determined to defend human dignity to the death.

All the strong men in Shenyou Base exude a majestic aura.

And the same goes for the young man leading them in front of them.

How about it? Xiahou, the fifth one on the new hero list, is he capable of defeating him?

The young men couldn't help it anymore and hurriedly asked someone who was their hope.

I have been observing him for a long time. Don't worry, I will do my best.

The person who spoke had a sharp chin, a skinny figure, and a gleam of sparkle in his eyes.

Ten thousand magic cores, if you defeat him, they will all be yours.

The young man said in a deep voice.

Not for the magic core, but for our base.

Xia Hou told him solemnly.

I was rude.

The young man nodded.

Have you finished your performance?

Black Ye Jue let out an earth-shattering low drink, which was deafening. It was like countless thunder explosions.

The explosion made many people dizzy, even their ears hurt, and blood flowed out.

Is the show over?


The sound is like thunder, this is simply not something that the awakened person can do.

Suddenly, Xiahou and the young man were also shaken back two steps.

You are strong, but...

Xiahou is a newly promoted hero on the hero list. His strength is unknown and he has mysterious abilities.

Suddenly, an earth-shaking roar sounded, as if it was invincible and wanted to destroy everything. In a burst of indescribable roar...

Give me the power of the stars!!!

It turned out to be Xia Hou who was activating the mysterious formation, causing the entire area to become strange and abnormal.

Buzz! !

The sky above the entire base was filled with thunderous flames, and streams of sharp energy continued to rise from the ground.

Puff puff puff puff puff!

Countless rays of light are suspended in the void!

Buzz buzz buzz!

At this moment, Xiahou flew up and shouted loudly, like a bolt from the blue:

The stars are shining brightly, suppress our enemies! See how you defy the sky!?

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