
Within the envelope, double pressure suddenly fell on Black Ye Jue's shoulders.

Ka Sassafra~Ka Sassafra~

Sparks kept coming out of Black Leaf Jue's body, and the ground beneath his feet cracked and turned into a deep pit.

But he himself still downplayed it, staring directly at the people in the scene!

His sharp eyes like a falcon finally landed on the young man's body.

With all due respect, garbage!

Black Ye Jue was clearly being bombarded, but he was able to speak calmly.

Moreover, he said such words with great disdain.

Everyone was shocked and very angry.

However, when they saw that Kuroye Zetsu could only open his mouth to speak, they all sneered.

Let's see how long you can hold on!

The young man stared at Kuroye Jue gloomily.

However, Kuroye Jue ignored him at all, his face full of evil was very plain.

There was a fierce light in his eyes, staring at the young man, as if he was going to tear him alive.

That's it?

This short sentence contained the endless murderous intention of Heiye Jue.


The young man shook his head: Our base city has mastered elite-level ruins. I advise you to retreat.

Hearing these words, Kuroye Jue raised his eyebrows slightly, and his sharp eyes, like a sharp sword unsheathed, coldly glanced at everyone present.

Then, his eyes fell on the young man and he said ruthlessly:

Now, I will give you a chance. You can kill yourself. I can leave you with a complete body. If not, then there will be no bones left.

Weak humans and small base cities are not worthy of living in the wasteland with me.

When he said this, the scene exploded instantly!

Because he was so frivolous that he said this.

The whole place was instantly turbulent, causing uproar at all levels.

Yes, humans managed to hold on to the wave of demons, and this person immediately started fighting among themselves?

Is there any human glory left to talk about?

Shame on humanity!

The strong men following the young man became furious.

Almost everyone present, without exception, was outraged by Heiye Jue's arrogant words.

What did you say?

Hearing these words, the young man was extremely angry and his teeth clenched.

On behalf of mankind, I want to eradicate you, the culprit of civil strife!

he yelled angrily.

Do you have this ability?

Under the gaze of everyone in the audience, Kuroye Jue raised his arms and laughed wildly.

It was such a simple action like Bang Ran, without any bells and whistles, but it almost scared everyone to paralysis.

It was like a bomb, causing the entire scene to explode!

Under the bombardment of energy cannons, he could actually raise his arms? !

What kind of strange power is this? ! !

Who is this person?

Why is his name not on the hero list?


The angry young man's face suddenly changed with shock, and he felt that his mind was being pressured.

He took a closer look and saw that it was actually the eyes of Heiye Jue. Those pupils were as black as ink, like black holes, as if they were going to suck him away!

A spiritual body has actually been cultivated. Is there anyone so strong in the world?

The young man was shocked and couldn't believe this fact.

You know, the wasteland is in chaos now, and too many people on the hero list have died in battle.

The immortal phoenix Fen Tian also died, and the invincible Ye War God was also killed in the Antarctic together with Adam, who defeated the ancient demon.

On the hero list, Laifu's name has also disappeared, and he is probably dead.

All the strong men died.

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