The Yaksha clan should have been completely destroyed by Tianlong. This may be a remnant of the stars.

The armored man said.

The Yaksha tribe is naturally aggressive, so fights are probably unavoidable.

Mr. Changli said quietly and walked forward.

Three great demons, the three of us are not here to provoke a fight.

He said loudly that he wanted to talk to the three demons.

Then what are you here for?

The one-horned fairy stared at the man with his eyes closed and asked.

Because someone in this wasteland destroyed our laboratory and wiped out one of our mission teams.

The man with his eyes closed answered immediately.

Oh? Who is so brave? I really want to meet him.

The crane couldn't help but smile.

There are not many people who can defeat extraordinary organizations.

That person is our mission target. After killing him, we will evacuate, okay?

Mr. Changli said.

I'm afraid it's not that simple, right?

The great demon Yaksha uses his spiritual sense to listen to his heart. This is his special power.

Oh? Are you here to seize something that is very important to you?

It immediately started questioning with interest.


Mr. Chang Li, the man with his eyes closed, the armored man immediately lowered his face and stared at the three demons.

Despite their efforts to contain what was going on in their minds, things came out.

The great demon Yaksha cannot explore the deepest things in their hearts.

It turns out he's here to seize the treasure. That man must have a treasure on him. Maybe it's a legacy from a myth.

The crane's eyes flashed.

The legacy of myths is the most mysterious existence. The artifacts are incredible, and you can make a fortune if you get them.

Is the myth left behind? Yes, there is a restricted area of ​​life formed on these ruins. Maybe it is true.

The horned fairy nodded.

Then we can't let outsiders get it. After all, this is our planet, your wasteland. The owner of this place has changed.

The great demon Yaksha sneered.


Mr. Changli, the man with closed eyes, the armored man's face is getting darker and darker.

It seems that this battle is unavoidable and must be resolved as soon as possible.

If the target uses the divine seal, the divine seal can fold space and be transferred to the outside of the stars in an instant.

That's really like finding a needle in a haystack.

Starry sky bombardment!!

Mr. Chang Li struck very hard and anxiously, directly using all the heavy artillery of the Super Battleship to target the three monsters.

Boom boom boom!!!

In an instant, the duel completely began.


The one-horned fairy directly turned his back to those heavy cannons and took them down forcefully. He was too powerful.

It seems that he is impatient. Now that he has taken action, let's start a full-scale war!

The crane pointed to the sky, intending to catch all the super battleships of the extraordinary organization and make them regret it.

Let's go!!

Mr. Changli suddenly shouted.


Unexpectedly, the three people suddenly turned into streams of light and leaped away in different directions.

I'm going after the blind guy. I have a big grudge against him.

The unicorn flapped its wings and sped up to catch up.

Then I'll go meet the armored man for a while.

The crane also flapped its wings, causing a storm and rushing directly to the other side.

You have lived too long, evolved too fast, and are too shrewd.

The great demon Yaksha looked helpless.

Among the three, Mr. Changli was obviously the most powerful, and he was deliberately left to it.


Like a green snake, it turned into a stream of light and chased after it.

My heart is touched, there are several dangers coming at the same time!

Ye Juefeng galloped forward, looking for fearless monsters to break through his own level.

Suddenly, he stopped and felt a sudden change.

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