In the sky, a 3,000-kilometer-long super battleship slowly descended.

The moment they landed, all the humanoids here saw some fonts.

This is a universal interstellar text, and above it is the official text of the extraordinary organization.

It turns out to be Zhanhang of a supernatural organization?

Whether it's monsters, humans, or various fugitives stationed here, etc...

Everyone's blood surged and they were trembling for a moment. Everyone was stunned.

The combat power brought by this super battleship is immeasurable.

In one breath, all the monster beasts' lairs here were boiling.

Several big demons also showed their bodies, each one was very huge, but they were still not as high as this super battleship.

What does the Extraordinary Organization mean? When Zhanhang arrives, is he going to start a war?

A crane faces evil.

When it saw the super battleship hovering in mid-air, it felt very depressed and wanted to blow it away.

If we really want to go to war, we won't be afraid of them.

Another one-horned fairy stood up and stood up, surrounded by an overwhelming roar.

The great demon, the great demon has appeared!

This scene naturally caused all the little monsters to exclaim.

The great demon is the absolute symbol of power of their clan and represents the highest glory.

Is it possible that there is anything else in this wasteland that extraordinary organizations should care about?

While he was talking, a monster with two wings and a human body and an animal head flew over.

Green flames erupted from this monster's hair, several feet high, burning fiercely.

Its shape is so terrifying, dragging a long snake tail, which makes people tremble with fear after seeing it.

Great Yasha!

Some people are horrified.

Three demons gathered together in a ruins, which was a rare thing to happen.

Every monster and humanoid has ups and downs in their heart, unable to calm down.

Look, the powerful men of the extraordinary organization have launched a battle, there are also three of them!

Others had trembling voices.

Is this to kill all the enemies our clan faces?

Oh my god, what happened?

Different races, different people with different thoughts, no matter what, there will be a big storm here.

Report, there is a big demon blocking the road ahead, looking evil.

The Chaofan organization is fully staffed and reporting work has begun.

Does the great demon also know that the Secret Diamond Scroll has been released?

The person speaking is a superman with a high status in the extraordinary organization. He has external technology and a powerful aura.

Mr. Chang Li, it seems that this is a life-and-death battle between chance and fate, but avoid it if you can.

The second humanoid to speak closed his eyes and spoke calmly.

You two, the fluctuations of the Vajra Secret Scroll come from the restricted area of ​​​​life. I feel that this is a complete secret scroll.

The appearance of the third person who spoke could not be determined to be humanoid. He was wearing tight-fitting armor that covered his whole body.

If we can obtain the complete Vajra Secret Scroll, through continuous research, we will definitely be able to make up for the shortcomings of our in vitro technology.

Mr. Changli's eyes flashed and he left his seat.

Let's go down and fight the three demons.

What is your extraordinary organization doing in this wasteland? Is there anything you care about in this wasteland?

The great demon Yaksha spoke calmly and indifferently, his voice was not loud, but it shocked people's hearts.

It was not afraid of the super battleship. It took out a long fork flowing with mysterious flames in its hand and pointed it at the battleship, ready to throw it at any time.

I didn't expect it to be a Yaksha. Is there still a member of this race alive?

The humanoid closed his eyes and frowned.

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