If you get hit, it's definitely like being hit by a train.

At this time, the Golden Wolf King backed away with his tail between his legs, unable to conceal his fear.

This magic-eyed ape is so powerful. It strikes with one blow and the waves make the ground shake. It’s so terrifying!

Escape from what?

Ye Jue shouted, and at the same time, he struck forward with a palm!

Domineering and strong, it may seem like an understatement, but it is actually extremely violent! ! !

It was like a mountain had crashed into it, and the Demon-Eyed Ape's palm was more like a mantis' arm blocking a car, giving it an unshakable sense of panic.


After the confrontation of pure power, the huge body of the Demon-Eyed Ape was immediately knocked away!

He flew away in the air, coughing up blood, shaking violently, and his eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

how come?!

If it hadn't withdrawn its palm at the critical moment and blocked it with flesh and bone, its arm would have definitely been broken.

The palm power of this pure-blood human race is so terrifying, indestructible, and terrifyingly powerful.

The Golden Wolf King was also startled. He saw the Demon-Eyed Ape fly upside down and hit a boulder before stopping his castration.


The Demon-Eyed Ape's mouth was bleeding, and the boulder behind him quickly cracked and then exploded.

This result made his heart tremble, it was too strong and domineering.

I don't accept it!

The magic-eyed ape felt that he had made a mistake and did not use the most powerful killing move!

Anyone who stands in my way will die!

Ye Jue drinks low.

Riding the Golden Wolf King, he rushed forward, and a series of air bursts exploded.


Just a moment of contact...

Ye Jue landed another punch on the huge body of the Demon-Eyed Ape with the force of thunder.


The magic-eyed ape suddenly howled miserably.

Its abdomen was penetrated, and blood overflowed crazily, staining the sky with blood.

Fearless Demon Pill?

Ye Jue looked down.

System appraisal completed: [Fearless Demon Core]

Since the system has been upgraded, it can be directly extracted as buff.

Extract one [Fearless Demonic Core], the buff will be 1 layer, and stack it up.

Each time you add one layer, you can directly gain 2 times the body's gain.

The fearless demon core gain was extracted successfully, and you obtained a 2x gain.

[Fearless demon core buff: 2 times] [The gain can be superimposed] [Up to 50 layers]

You want to run away now?

Ye Jue noticed that the Demon-Eyed Ape was covering its abdomen and wanted to escape, and immediately struck the Demon-Eyed Ape's leg with a palm.

Then he kicked out, like a pillar supporting the sky, pressing down and hitting the magic-eyed ape!

Let it clearly hear the clicking sound coming from the body,


The Demon-Eyed Ape's body was cracked and it flew out. It was covered in blood and could no longer get up.

Thank you for your selfless service.

Ye Jue came to the Demon Eyed Ape like a ghost.

Although he did nothing now and said something extremely simple to the Demon-Eyed Ape.

But with such simple words, the Demon Eyed Ape could no longer resist the pressure coming from Ye Jue.

Finally, it knelt down with a 'pop' sound.

I was wrong...I was wrong. I was blind and I shouldn't have offended you!

I beg you, sir, to have a lot of money and let me live. I promise... I promise that from now on, I will work hard for you and obey your orders!

I don't want the demon pill anymore, I really give it to you.

The magic-eyed ape no longer had the majesty it had just now, and said with a trembling voice.

Are all monsters so weak without fear?

Ye Jue frowned.

I feel that Wuwei is really too weak. No wonder Qin Jiaxian said that Wuwei is just a knocking stone on the old road.

You'd better die.

Ye Jue used the power of golden liquid again.

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