Boom boom!

This slap fell on the Black Lion King's chest!

Suddenly, its fur was crushed into pieces!

The criss-crossing scars were like spider webs! !

One blow, just one blow, and the Black Lion King was dead.

The fearless body was actually killed instantly! !

This punch flew sand and rocks, the sonic boom was terrifying, and the surrounding area was surrounded by golden light. I didn't know what kind of energy it was.

In short, it was so shocking. A monster that was one level higher than him was killed by him directly.

As for the Wolf King, he stood there confused and at a loss.

It looked at Ye Jue with horror on its expression: Pure-blood human, you are actually a pure-blood human?

Whatever is pure or not, come here to me.

Ye Jue stared at the Wolf King in the distance and shouted.

Trembling, unstoppable trembling!

The Wolf King was almost scared to death!

It killed the Lion King with one punch, so who knows how fast it was!

Can you escape the clutches of this pure-blooded human? !

Do you want to bet?

Risking your life?

The Golden Wolf King steps forward gently!

Finally, he came to this pure-blooded human with a look of fear on his face.

It turns out that a pure-blooded human race has arrived. That...this...spare your life!

Seeing how nervous it was, Ye Jue became a little curious.

You didn't offend me. Why should I kill you? What is a pure-blooded human race?

he asked.

Pure-blooded humans... are a legend... I don't know very well.

The Golden Wolf King's face was suddenly filled with surprise and he said:

Thank you for not killing me. I'll run away first.

Just as it was about to take a step away, it felt its body sink, and Ye Jue was riding underneath it.



A series of emotions exploded instantly!


The person on his back is a pure-blood human!

Thinking of this, the Wolf King could only endure the humiliation and let Ye Jue sit on him.

It was extremely fast, like an electric light piercing the sky!


A huge figure, covered with thick black hair, was beating his chest, with fire beating in his eyes.

Golden Wolf King, what is that on your back?

This is a fearless monster called the Demon-Eyed Ape.

When he beat his chest, he made a thunderous sound, and he rushed towards him and looked into his eyes.

Devil-eyed ape, this is a pure-blooded human race. If you know what's going on, leave quickly and don't block the way!

The Wolf King stopped running and stared at the Demon-Eyed Ape with a gloomy expression.

Pure-blooded humans, isn't that a legend?!

The Demon-Eyed Ape snorted coldly, and two gray breaths rushed out from his nose.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew at the scene.

The next moment, two rough heat visions appeared in its eyes.

Aiming at Ye Jue's position, he wanted to melt the Wolf King as well.

In its lifetime, it has killed countless human beings!

A big win every time!

Those who call themselves humans, as well as the humanoids who use external technology, are too weak in front of it, like straw.

Anyone who stands in my way will die.

Ye Jue shouted low and was stopped again. Now he was very angry: Give you a chance, get out, otherwise you will be greeted by death!

He sat firmly on the Wolf King's back, and his voice contained invisible and powerful oppression.

The Golden Wolf King's heart almost suffocated.


The magic-eyed ape ignored Ye Jue at all, with a heavy sneer and mockery on his face.

It raised its hand and grabbed it. There was no energy explosion, only super strange strength! ! !

Just listening to the roar in the air, it is difficult to describe what kind of power this is!

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