Bang bang bang!!

These laser beam cannons all fired, interweaving brilliant flames.


Laifu screamed, and a large area of ​​hair on his body was gone.

However, with fierce eyes, he dived directly towards the weakest point!

Boom boom boom! !

However, there was another heavy artillery bombardment over there, and plasma exploded.

That's enough, put me down so you can escape.

Su Yan's heart trembled slightly.

Her eyes were moist when she saw the big wolf dog working so hard.


The big wolf dog gnashed its teeth and was bombarded continuously. Blood spattered everywhere, and some of the blood fell to the ground.

There is no doubt that its body has not yet reached the Overlord level.

After being hit by so many heavy artillery rounds, he was seriously injured.


It carried Su Yan and flew to the other side.

However, a sniper cannon fired at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound, hitting it with a sonic boom that was deafening.

Ouch... Even so, it did not fall down and was wandering around looking for a way out.

In the command room.

Long Shaoqin had already closed his eyes. It was really embarrassing to kill a dog like this.

This battle is destined to break up...

Since you have chosen to break up, let's do it again.

Zhao Yin drank coffee.

Remember to collect the dog's body. I want to dissect it and study the mutated beast to see if the demon theory is true.

He turned and left.


Laifu kept coughing up entrails from his mouth.

Still not dead?

Wei Ting's face was a little gloomy.

This dog had demonstrated to him many times, and even pulled a huge lump of daddy at the door of his house.

Now it’s time to take revenge and complain.

Give me my woman back!

Black Leaf Jue leaped over, his face had lost all reason, and his animal side completely exploded.


Swinging the green long knife, he directly cut off one of the big wolf dog's hind legs. The irritation made the dog's eyes turn red, and it looked up to the sky and let out a long and shrill howl.

Run away, run away quickly...

Su Yan was already crying and felt her heart sting.


Big wolf dog!!

The town meeting beast!!!

The siege has attracted the attention of every member of the peak field.

The damn base actually surrounded and killed our vice president and the town council beast!

Some unwilling people looked up to the sky and shouted.

We are not convinced. Our peak field is fighting the devil on the front line, but the base is stabbing us in the back!

Many people yelled and ran towards that place to rescue them.

There is no justice and no conscience. You are all scum and crazy!

More and more members resonated.

One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, five hundred thousand... Anyone in the peak field is roaring.

They all agreed that those high-level officials were extremely vicious!

While they were fighting, they actually did such a thing!

When they saw the big wolf dog carrying Su Yan running around, being blocked everywhere and surrounded by dangers, they almost shed tears.

Why are you fighting demons? Go to hell with those demons. I will die with you!

Someone tied a plasma bomb and went straight to the headquarters.

However, before it even got close, it was hit by a laser cannon and turned into powder.


This scene once again aroused the anger of these people, and their eyes were split!

The people in the peak realm are all crazy, kill them all... kill them all... kill them all. As long as Heiye Jue is alone, he can repel the demons. They are no longer needed, kill them!!

Wei Ting kept roaring.

Kill them all, right? Then we'll all die together!

Cheng Xuan, who was lying on the ground bleeding, coughed twice and pressed the button in his arms hard.

Buzz! !

The vortex weapons all over the base immediately rose up and roared against the laser beam cannons.

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